El Dorado County Fire Safe Council

The mission of EI Dorado County Fire Safe Council is to protect the people of EI Dorado County and their property from the effects of catastrophic wildfire through education, cooperation, innovation and action.

Logtown Fire Safe Council


[updated 2/11/2024]



Be Part of the Team

About Logtown

Meetings & Events


Logtown Map

Be Prepared

Firewise Certificate

Fuel Reduction Projects

Meeting Agendas & Minutes [under construction]

Chair – Pat Dwyer
Vice Chair – Ken Rogers
Secretary – Michael Davis
Treasurer – Stan Hill
Newsletter Editor – Mary Gudeman

Member – Rod Repschlaeger
Member – Chris Olson Member

Contact: FSCLogtown@gmail.com

Help keep our community fire safe – make an impact in a fun and rewarding way.  Council members are committed to providing volunteers with the benefit of mentorship throughout our team projects year-round.  We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions:

  • Chair:  Sets agenda and conducts the monthly meetings
  • Vice Chair:  Schedules speakers and assists with events
  • Secretary:  Maintains the records
  • Treasurer:  Maintain financial records and bank information
  • Insurance Committee Chair:  Track and provide new information on homeowner insurance issues
  • Communications Committee Chair:  Maintain email addresses, web page, and social media expert
  • Newsletter Editor:  Once per year mailing – create format and content
  • Community Clean-up Day Chair:  Organize once a year event (May)
  • Hot Dog Social Chair: Organize once a year event (October)
  • Grants and Projects Chair:  Assist with submission of state/federal grants for fuel reduction projects
  • Firewise Coordinator:  Submits yearly data to maintain Firewise certification
  • Defensible Space Assessor: Help our community maintain its Firewise certification performing home assessments – training provided


Crystal RangeThe Logtown Fire Safe Council area includes a diverse community of more than 600 parcels ranging from two-acre subdivision lots to 10+ acreage and large ranches.  We have dirt roads, graveled roads, and paved roads. There are private roads, county roads, roads maintained by a Community Service District (Golden West CSD.) and a State highway running through the middle of it. The terrain consists of open ridge tops with views of the Sierra Nevada Range to the east to secluded, timbered canyons.

Our location in the beautiful Sierra Nevada foothills and the diverse terrain and roadways present us with challenges when it comes to fire safety. The wildland fire hazard ratings for the Logtown area range from moderate to very high. You are living in what is known as a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) area.

Ore FireThe Logtown Fire Safe Council was born in July 2006 after a wildfire started by an accident on Highway 49 destroyed two houses and threatened many more. Since that time we have improved our community’s resistance to wildfire through education, creation of defensible space, and cooperation with local fire and road agencies. We offer free chipping services and green waste dumpsters through the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council, and have completed a major grant funded, fuel reduction project around the perimeter of the community and along an evacuation route.

Local phone trees originally organized to give people a “heads up” when there is a fire in our area or when the fire danger is high have been replace by the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services Alert and Warning System.

One of our first orders of business was to develop the Logtown Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). This plan describes and prioritizes the fuel reduction projects in and around Logtown designed to improve our resistance to wildfire intrusion and spread into the community. Click Logtown CWPP to download a copy of this plan.

More information on the history of Logtown can be found in Logtown The Legacy of Ordinary Places

The Logtown Fire Safe Council operates as a satellite of the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council, a non-profit public benefit corporation.



Logtown is a member in good standing of with Firewise USA.  This certification may help with reducing homeowners’ insurance.  Download a copy of the current 2024-2025

  • Resident Firewise Investment Sheet – The Firewise program empowers residents with a wildfire risk to work collaboratively with neighbors to take important proactive steps to protect their homes against the threat of wildfire.  All efforts are recorded whether work was done by the homeowner or paid assistance.  Each investment sheet turned in helps meets our goal for the next Firewise certification.  There are various Activities that count toward investment totals. Turn in your monthly investment sheets at one of our meetings or email them to Pat Dwyer.
  • NEW REQUIREMENT:  For Logtown to maintain in good standing for a Firewise Certification, a trained Fire Safe Council representative(s) shall perform 10 home assessments each month. Participating in an assessment is an opportunity for residents to contribute to Logtown’s certification status and benefit from the expertise of a trained evaluator. There is no fee for the assessment. Documentation will be provided to the resident as suggestions and recommendations to gain compliance with County Codes.  Are you interested in getting certified to perform assessments? Defensible Space Assessor training is planned for either April 5-6 or April 19-20, 2024.  To request a defensible space/wildfire readiness assessment or information on training to become an assessor for the Logtown FSC, send your request to FSCLogtown@gmail.com.



Meetings held 9:00 a.m. the 2nd Saturday of every month.
Location:  Fire Station 44, 6109 Quartz Drive, El Dorado, CA

January 13Monthly Meeting – Heidi Mayerhofer, Field Rep., CA Senate Dist. 4, Office of Senator Alvarado-Gil
February 10Monthly Meeting – Insurance Commissioner Representative
March 9Monthly Meeting – Capt. Shepard, EDC / Fire Proposed Ordinance 5186, Hazardous Vegetation
April 13Monthly Meeting – Cal Fire
May 49:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Spring Green Waste Day, Logtown Market parking lot
May 11Monthly Meeting – Neighborhood Radio Watch
June 8Monthly Meeting – Office of Emergency Services & Annual Election
July 13Monthly Meeting – EDC Fire Simulation Table
August 10 Monthly Meeting – EDC Animal Services
September 14Monthly Meeting – American River Conservancy lands in the Logtown area
October 12Hot Dog Social & Wildfire Education
November 9Monthly Meeting – Holiday Safety
DecemberNo Meeting
*Dates subject to change
