The mission of EI Dorado County Fire Safe Council is
to protect the people of EI Dorado County and their
property from the effects of catastrophic wildfire
through education, cooperation, innovation and action.
Connect with us:
Fort Jim Fire Safe Council-Under Construction New Website Coming Soon!
Contact Information:
Courtney Jackson – (530) 295-7165 Mailing Address: Fort Jim FSC C/O Courtney Jackson 4165 Fort Jim Road, Placerville Email:
Get your FREE Home Hardening and Defensible Space Assessment NOW!
Learn what steps to take in order to reduce your risk. Some of these tips are very easy to implement and are very beneficial. The assessment covers * defensible space requirements, * creating a Zone Zero perimeter PLUS * Home Hardening AND Defensible Space techniques.
Living With Fire in the Lake Tahoe Basin While this has a lot of very good information, the new regulations state that wire mesh should now be 1/8th of an inch not 1/4 of an inch.
Contact Us: Courtney Jackson, President Fort Jim Fire Safe Council Cell: (530) 295-7165