Agenda June 16, 2022 6:30
Camino Community Church, 4205 Carson Road, Camino, CA
MISSION STATEMENT: The Camino Fire Safe Council’s mission is to harden the greater Camino area landscape against wildfire. Our goal is to create community preparedness and resiliency for the people and property of the Camino area through assistance and education resulting in preparing and protecting our community.
- Meeting Call to Order
- Roll Call: This meeting it’s the sign-in page
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Old Business
- Bank account established at Umpqua Bank- Dorothy/Scott
- Defensible Space Evaluators Volunteers needed – Dorothy
- Media update- Darrin
- California Firefighters Foundation Grant Status- Heather or Randy
- Title III– Audubon CSD interest in grant monies-Dorothy
- CFSC Name change & Logo –
- Dorothy will discuss rational to keep the name as Camino Fire Safe Council
- Mark to discuss LOGOs sent out with May minutes for prior viewing
- CWPP Camino Area Map – Mark
- King Fire dozer line walk Heather/Ben – status
- Community Outreach–
- Welcome Letter- Dorothy/Heather/Darrin
- Brochures obtained from California Fire Safe Council- Dorothy
- New Home Owners Education- Title Companies/Realtors: Ben/Robin
6 New Business
- Establishment of Committees:
- Fund Raising: Ben Sher, Scott Edwards, Dick Morris
- Projects:
- Grants: Chuck Schnell, Mark Stanley, Ben Sher,
- Areas to focus on from CWPP- Cal Fire
- Trainings/Education:
- Camino’s National Night Out- August 2nd– chairperson needed
- Training On: Home Hardening, Defensible Space, Emergency Evacuation, Amber Awareness, Landscaping
- 7 Good of the Order
- 8 Future meeting dates with meetings starting at 6:30, Camino Community Church upstairs
- July 21st
- August 18th
- September 22
- October 20th
- November 17th
- No December meeting.
Meetings Minutes and Agendas
Defensible Space
Ready For Wildfire