Emergency Alert Notification System
Emergency Alert Notification System
Summer is on it’s way and with it comes the risk of wildland fires. Already throughout the State many lives and homes have been in danger due to wildland fires. If your home, or the home of someone you care for is at risk, will you be notified? Have you registered for emergency notifications through the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office (EDSO), Office of Emergency Services (OES), Emergency Notification System? If not, now is the time to do so. The system sends out individual alerts about public health and public safety emergencies affecting specific geographical areas. Such emergencies could include but are not limited to:
– Evacuations
– Threatening floods or fires
– Hazardous material spills
– Terrorist threats and other urgent law enforcement operations
Public health and safety related messages may be sent during or after an emergency event to keep you informed. The El Dorado County Emergency Notification System enables officials to distribute essential information quickly when there is a threat to the health or safety of property and residents in a specific geographical area of the county.
The Alert Notification System uses the 9-1-1 database to call and deliver a recorded message to all landline phone numbers in the specific geographical area that is affected by the emergency event. However, if you are not at home or are not monitoring the landline of the home you are concerned with, you will not receive the notification and may not be aware of the emergency.
Fortunately the El DOrado County Alert Notification System has a solution. If you register your chosen contact information through the systems Self Registration Portal, you may also be notified on your cellular telephone via phone call or text, Voice over IP (VolP) phone, or at your email address. It’s up to you. To register your emergency contact information or just to find out more information about the system, go to: http://ready.edso.org/ You can also contact Sheriff’s OES Deputy Jordan Thomson for information regarding the Emergency Notification System at (530) 621-7660 or thomsonj@edso.org
It is important not to rely on any one method of staying informed and receiving emergency information. In any emergency situation, reacting quickly and calmly is of the utmost importance. Learn more about prepared for disasters and emergencies at: