El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
The EDCFSC has received grant funds to provide chipping services for neighborhoods and individual homeowners on the Western Slope of El Dorado County who are willing to work to make their property fire safe. Please read the instructions below before submitting your “Request for Chipping.”
You must click on and read both sections below before continuing to the application:
Please read the following and have all requirements completed and piles ready to be chipped BEFORE submitting a request. Valuable chipping time and grant money is wasted responding to requests when the material is not ready. If your piles are not ready to be chipped when the chipper arrives it may be some time before the Contractor can return and the chipping time will be reduced to five hours.
Your piles should look like the one in the picture below. Improperly stacked or located piles may not be chipped. Improperly stacked piles will result in application denial and loss of chipping time. Contractors will not return until piles have been corrected and your application has been resubmitted.