CDF News Release – Fire Kills 3925!
Fire Kills 3925! Camino – Fire killed 3925 people in 2003, more than all natural disasters combined. Fire caused over 12 billion dollars in property damage in 2003, again more than all natural disasters combined. Tragically most people underestimate the danger of fires in and around their homes. In a survey conducted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 96% of residents have smoke alarms in their home which is a new all time high for the United States. Unfortunately 20% of these alarms do not work. Of the 80% that do work, only 8% of residents reacted to the smoke alarm sounding by exiting their home immediately. In a house fire seconds count and literally may be the difference between life and death. The United States looses an average of one child under the age of five every day of the year to fire. One of the biggest challenges facing fire departments today is getting people to react to a smoke alarm. Preplanning is critical, especially for families. In the NFPA study only 25% of residents have an exit drill in place and practice it regularly. As your smoke alarms are screeching at three in the morning, your home is filling with deadly smoke, how would you get out? The Amador-El Dorado Unit of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has a few questions you should really think about:
Make sure you and every family member knows and practices two ways out of every room in your home. Have a meeting place and make sure everyone knows where it is, including visiting friends and family. For more information contact your local fire station. Don’t put this on the back burner and forget about it. Your life and the lives of those you love may depend on it. |