Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
July 26, 2006
Proposed BOD Agenda
- Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes/meeting notes of June 21, 2006 BOD meeting
- Treasurer's Report
- Review of Financial Statements - Preparation for year end close out, reconciliation of projects to accounting system
- Update on Website, Update on CDF Camera at Mt. Danaher
and interface with EDCFSC website
- Approval of BOD Policies and Procedures Manual - BOD vote required
- Executive Coordinator's Report
- IRS Letter of Determination, Supporting Schedule being prepared by
Smith Maloney, approval to go forward with 2005/2006 taxes after reconciliation - 2006/2007 Strategic Planning Meeting in August, request sent to
satellite FSCs for current projects' status and proposed projects for out-year funding - Update website with Coordinator's Yearly report and updated
financial/project information. - 2007 Calendar Update - Newsletter distribution, target communities - Report on Logtown FSC meeting, highway 49 fires, El Dorado Hills/Latrobe
meeting 7/26, Sly Park FSC and Texas Hill fire safe committee forming
- Other Old Business
- New Business
- Adjourn, No BOD meeting in August, Strategic Planning
Workshop 10 to 2?, August 23, 2006 at Gold Hill Fire Station