Fire Safe Council
EDCFSC 4th Annual Gathering of the Councils
January 27, 2010 1:00pm - 4:00 pm
2502 Country Club Drive, Cameron Park CA 95682
- Ken Hasse made some opening comments and introduced the Board.
- Vicki provided an overview of the accomplishments for 2009 and the goals for 2010. We have 3/4 of a million dollars in new grants.
- EDCFSC Programs:
- Senior Assistance - $160,000 available. Make as cost effective as possible by using
referral program. You may leave a message at the Camino office phone 647-1700.
- Chipper - $66,000 for 2009/2010. This will be a huge year for clean-up due to the winter storms.
- Green Waste Vouchers - Per El Dorado Disposal, 2800 Vouchers were redeemed last year.
Project is on-going. We will probably need to print more vouchers soon. Outingdale and Grizzly Flat communities now
using El Dorado Disposal services.
- Green Waste Dumpsters - Had a successful year. Program will continue in 2010.
- Clearing House Grants - Call for grants issued. Proposals due February 26th. Workshop being held
at Diamond Springs Station 49 on February 5th. Please let Vicki know if you put any requests in.
- Firewise Recognition for Logtown: Phyllis Banducci is now working at the State level for Cal Fire in
Sacramento. Cal Fire is hoping to give Firewise to the State Fire Safe Council to administer in the near future.
- Phyllis Banducci presented Logtown a plaque for being recognized as a USA Firewise Community. They
are the 38th Firewise Community in California and the 5th Firewise Community in El Dorado County. She praised the collaboration
of the Logtown FSC, Brian Estes from Cal Fire, the Sierra Forest Legacy and Diamond Springs-El Dorado Fire Protection in
support of this project.
- Barry Callenberger & Bernie Bahro gave a presentation on the status of the CWPP/Evacuation Plan for Placerville,
Diamond. They have made a lot of progress and are doing great work. The presentation focuses on the importance of community
and educating the communities and individuals that they will need to take the lead in providing their own protection. This
presentation is close to what will be presented at the Community Meetings that will be scheduled in the near future. They are
hoping to have the plan finalized by June.
- Agency Reports:
- Forest Service: Barbara Rebiskie
They have 10 engines available for fire suppression. About 4500 acres have been burned with another 400 planned
for spring. The projects are slowing down due to state budget cuts. Jennifer Boyd is retiring. She reported that the RCD is
putting together a grant to fund the Baltic Look-Out Tower as part of a Grant Request that includes Gold Hill Park.
- Cal Fire: Jan Bray
Doug Ferrell is the new GIS Specialist for Cal Fire. The Prop 40 grants are wrapping up. Logtown's should be complete
by June. She extended her help to the Satellite FSC's on the Clearing House Grant Call.
- SNAP: Kim Ingram
February 17th is the Fire Challenge - Vicki has information.
- El Dorado County Fire:
No lay-offs expected. Engine Companies will do the 4291 inspections this spring. Working with developers to
provide Fire Safe Plans and deal with water storage issues on new projects.
- State Farm Insurance - Fred Ott
Insurance must be in place before risks in wildfire have been realized. Currently 1 of 3 requests are being turned
down. They will not underwrite a property if there is more than 1,000 feet to access it. They are requiring 500 ft of clearance.
They are also requiring a secondary access, access to a hydrant or FD Connection within 5 or 10 miles.
- Satellite Fire Safe Council Reports:
- Cameron Park FSC
Working on getting new Weed Abatement Ordinance passed by the board. It will require vacant parcels 2 acres or less
to be clear-cut and vacant parcels larger than 2 acres to provide a 30" perimeter clearance. Satellite Fire Safe Council Reports: Linda Colombo handed out the mini calendars to any Satellite FSC that wanted them.
- Pollock Pines FSC - Barbara Calvo
Home Inspections and Dumpsters were big this year. They are working with Barry to get their CWPP done.
- Grizzly Flats FSC - Mark Almer
Mark recognized Vicki & Barry for their support with the CWPP/Evacuation Plan. They installed two Smokey the
Bear signs and purchased 3 banners. They earned $6,000 at their Annual Fundraiser/Firewise Day. It will be used for
Public Education. Fuel Reduction Project 4 & 5 are on-going. CEQUA for Phase 6 & 7 already complete. The result will be
a fuel break around the perimeter of Grizzly Flats. Steve Huffner created a WUI brochure that was mailed to the entire
community. They received their Firewise Renewal in August. They have held 2 successful Clean-Up Days. Judy Irwin, their
Defensible Space Advisor has been going door to door performing Defensible Space Inspections.
- Auburn Lake Trails - Bill Brandt
Bill congratulated Ken Hasse for Log Towns Firewise Recognition. ALT has been a Firewise Community for 5 years.
The FSC with its 501C status and elected Board continues to benefit the community. They are finishing up their Prop
40 & CFIP projects. Their Neighbor to Neighbor Curbside Chipper Program funded with a Clearing House Grant for the
past few years has been a great success. ALT will be submitting 3 proposals to the Clearing House this year. They are
also working on a webpage.
- Logtown FSC - Ken Hasse
Received Firewise Recognition. Prop 40 fuel reduction to be done this week. Started work on the rest of the fuel
reduction work. West & East also being worked on hoping to be done by fire season. They will be doing a newsletter in
March and Spring Clean-up in May. They earned $1300 on the Hot Dog Social which will be used to mail the newsletter.
- Outingdale - Ed Pomato
Working on inspections and need to get their CWPP started. They will have a Homeowner's Meeting in May.
- Georgetown - Ray Griffiths
The funding for their CWPP vanished so they are looking for a way to get that done. It is about 60% complete. Vicki
said she may have some resources.
- Volcanoville - Bob
The Ralston Fire stirred up some renewed interest in fire safety out there. The inspections were completed by about
15 volunteers. Absentee Landowners are a problem. The phone tree has been helpful and they have been able to use
hand held radios. They are working on establishing a heliport in the future.
- Chrome Ridge - Jim
Renter who don't care about clearance have become a new problem. Two evacuation gates have been installed. The fuel
break is holding up well.
- Nashville/Sandridge - Linda Colombo
They received their first Clearinghouse Grant which include signage for all parcels. The newsletter has been revised.
They will be putting in another Clearing House Project t include East Sandridge to Bucks Bar.
- The Meeting was adjourned at 3:40 pm.
Next Meeting: February 24th at 11:00 a.m. at Gold Hill
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC