El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
USFS Headquarters, 100 Forni Road, Placerville
June 27, 2012
10:00 AM
Draft Minutes
- Meeting Call to Order
Richard Krek, EDCFSC Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.
- Closed Session
- Roll Call
Board Members Present: Richard Krek, Chairperson, Bill Smith, Vice Chairperson, Ken Hasse, Treasurer, Pat Dwyer, Secretary,
Cari DeWolf, Executive Coordinator (EC), Ray Griffiths, Michael Powell, Mary Cornelison, Dave Eggerton, Jim Stewart.
Satellite Council Members and Guests present: Lynne Bridges & Lloyd Heller, South Fork/Webber, Sandi Bush, Grizzly Flat,
Gary Miller, Cameron Estates, Linda McDonald EDCFSC, Barry Callenberger, contractor.
- Approval of Agenda: The agenda was amended to add preliminary budget review under the treasures report
and Bari's contract under action items 8(e). Jim Stewart moved to adopt the revised agenda and Ken Hasse seconded the motion.
The motion passed.
- Consent Agenda: Minutes of the May 25, 2012 Meeting. Ken Hasse identified a correction. Jill Kunder's
name was misspelled. He then moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, Bill Smith seconded. The motion passed. Mary
Cornelison and Jim Stewart abstained.
- Public Comment: No public comment.
- Information Items:
- Correspondence and Communications:
- A thank you card was received recognizing Linda McDonald for her assistance to a resident.
- A $50 donation was received from a resident in appreciation for the chipping program.
- Green Waste Vouchers: Cari reported that the green waste pilot program was up and running.
Six hundred and fifty vouchers were provided to 13 distribution points throughout the county. Information sheets with procedures
and frequently ask questions were distributed.
- Burn Permits: Richard Krek said the on line burn permit program was still modified to meet
added Cal-Fire requirements.
- Treasurer's Report: The treasurer, Ken Hasse, reported that $334k in grants were received. The bank balance
is $241k. Ken anticipated applying for $25k to $30k in senior assistance. Indications are that the maximum available for the EDCFSC
is $200,000. He anticipated Title III funding to be around $55k. See the treasurer's report for details.
Budget: Ken went on to present
a proposed budget for the 2012/2013 year. He anticipated ending the year with a small positive balance that is insufficient to
continue current operations into the next year. Discussion of alternative funding sources including donations, private funds, fee
for service and like contributions from beneficiaries of grant requests.
Satellite Bank Accounts: Ken requested profit and loss statements
along with copies of beginning and ending bank statements from satellite councils that operate under the EDCFSC nonprofit umbrella.
Richard Krek said he would sign a letter to the satellites reminding them of the requirement and requesting the data.
- Committee Reports
- Finance: Nothing to report.
- Outreach: Nothing to report.
- Governance: Nothing to report.
- Nominating Committee: Bill Smith distributed a slate of candidates for directors.
- Projects Committee: Had a meeting to discuss financial issues. The objective is to get work on the ground.
Focus will be on fund development.
- CWPP: Richard Krek reported that the HW 50 CWPP is signed and complete. The HW 49 CWPP has been revised and
will go back out for signature next week. The Volcanoville CWPP first draft is complete and out for review. The final draft
should be available next Friday. The Grizzly Flat 5 year update is out for signature.
- Executive Coordinator Report: Cari DeWolf referred members to her written report for details of her recent activities.
- Director's Reports
- Mary; Approximately 65 people attended a community meeting at Volcanoville. They reviewed and commented on the CWPP.
- Jim; Said he was proud of the new Lake Hills FSC and reported that the people were enthusiastic and energetic.
- Action Items:
- Executive Coordinator contract: The contract extension was presented to the executive committee
and approved for a board vote. Jim Stewart moved to wave the contract review by the full board and Ray Griffiths seconded. The motion
passed. Ken Hasse moved to approve the Executive Director's contract extension and Jim Stewart seconded. The motion passed.
- Approval of Lake Hills Satellite Council: Jim Stewart moved that the Lake Hills Fire Safe Council
be approved as a satellite council. Dave Eggerton seconded. The motion passed. NOTE: The extension of existing satellites through June
2013 was approved at the March 28th, 2012 board meeting.
- Election of Board Members: Ballots were distributed, marked and tallied. There were six incumbent
board members whose two year term had expired. Three members volunteered to continue to serve on the board. Bill Brandt, Auburn Lake
Trails, Mary Cornelison, Volcanoville and Jim Stewart, El Dorado Hills. In addition, Sandi Bush, Grizzly Flat, Lloyd Heller, Fort Jim,
Gary Miller, Cameron Estates CSD and Suz Walker, Nashville/Sand Ridge were new candidates for the board. All were elected by a unanimous
vote of the board members present (9).
- Election of Executive Officers: After the new board members were seated there was an election of
officers. Richard Krek, Chairperson, Dave Eggerton Vice Chairperson, Suz Walker, Secretary and Ken Hasse, Treasurer were all uncontested
and were elected by a unanimous vote (12) except for Dave Eggerton who received 11 votes and one abstention. The office of Parliamentarian
Had two candidates: Chrystie Davis (Incumbent) and Gary Miller. Chrystie was elected by a majority vote (10) and Gary Miller received
two votes.
- Bari Callenberger's contract (added): Mary Cornelison moved that Bari's contract be extended for six
months from 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012. Jim Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed.
- Good of the Order:
- The departing board members: Bill Smith, Leo Chaloux and Janet Gastaldi were recognized for their service
to the EDCFSC and the community. Certificates of appreciation will be presented at a future date.
- There was a suggestion to rotate the location of the meeting to locations where there are satellite councils.
- Committee assignments were discussed. It was decided to send a synopsis of each committee's responsibilities
to the board members and solicit volunteers for committee membership.
- Jim Stewart made a motion for adjournment and Ken Hasse seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 12:29.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 25, 2012 at 10:00am.
Dated: |
By: ___________________________________________
Pat Dwyer, Secretary |
Date: ___________________________ |
Signed: _______________________________________
Richard Krek, Chairperson |
