El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
USFS Headquarters, 100 Forni Road, Placerville
May 23, 2012
10:00 AM
Draft Minutes
- Meeting Call to Order
Richard Krek, EDCFSC Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
- Roll Call
Board Members Present: Richard Krek, Chairperson, Bill Smith, Vice Chairperson, Ken Hasse, Treasurer, Pat Dwyer , Secretary, Chrystie
Mort-Davis, Parliamentarian, Cari DeWolf, Executive Coordinator (EC), Ray Griffiths, Michael Powell, Janet Gastaldi, Dave Eggerton.
Satellite Council Members and Guests present: Linda Columbo NSFSC, Lloyd Heller SFWSFC, Gary Miller, CECSD, Jill Knuder, Happy Valley,
Sandi Bush, GFSFC, Rich Englefield, James Bridges, Bill Bergen, Chrome Ridge, Amanda Platt CACRD, Ed & Audrey Pomato Outingdale.
- Approval of Agenda: The agenda was amended to add item f (1) Southfork/Webber CWPP update. Dave Eggerton moved
that the agenda be approved as amended, Chrystie Mort-Davis seconded. The motion passed.
- Consent Agenda: Minutes of the April 25th, 2012 Meeting. Ken Hasse moved that the minutes be approved
as submitted, Chrystie Mort-Davis seconded. The motion passed.
- Public Comment: No public comment.
- Information Items:
- Correspondence and Communications:
- A notification from the State Board of Equalization that cancelled the EDCFSC seller's permit was received.
- A renewal for "parcel quest" was received from the county. Discussion determed that EDCFSC should order two copies.
- A couple of businesses (unidentified) requested to be placed on the bidder's list for the EDCFSC.
- Green Waste Vouchers: The voucher agreement is through the legal review and is at El Dorado Disposal
for signatures. Procedures for implementation are being finalized.
- Burn Permits: Richard Krek said the on line burn permit program was still being tested. Cal-Fire had
requested that the permits be completely filled out prior to being able to print. It is estimated that burning would be suspended in about two weeks.
- Treasurer's Report: The treasurer, Ken Hasse, reported that the last payment on the 2011 chipping program had
been made. The ending bank balance was approximately $277,000. The senior assistance program is winding down. The EDCFSC will not receive
any funds from the air quality grant. The supervisors voted to deny the $100,000 requested. We received notice from the Grants Clearing House
that July 31st was the deadline for grant applications for chipping, dumpsters, senior assistance and outreach. Indications are that the
maximum available for the EDCFSC is $200,000.
- Committee Reports
- Finance: Nothing to report.
- Outreach:
- Our booth at the home and garden show was a success. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped staff the booth.
- "Go Day" at Jackson Elementary School was a success and the students and staff were very interested in wildfire prevention and evacuation.
- We received 15 copies of Cal-Fire's DVD titled "Take Responsibility". They were distributed to satellites.
- The Jim Clark memorial in Volcanoville was a success.
- Governance:
- Had a meeting on 7 May and started the mark up of the By-Laws. Plan to present the revised By-Laws at the next board meeting.
- Committee is working on non discrimination sexual harassment policies to satisfy clearing house requirements.
- Nominating Committee: Chrystie Mort-Davis distributed a slate of candidates for directors. Nominations were opened to the
floor, no additional candidates were nominated. Nominations were closed at 10:40am. The election for Board Positions and Executive Officers
will be at the June board meeting in accordance with By-Laws.
- Projects Committee: Nothing to report.
- CWPP: Richard Krek reported that the HW 50 CWPP is signed and complete.. DSED Fire Protection District was reviewing the HW
49 CWPP. There is a meeting scheduled for May 29th to discuss the Volcanoville CWPP. The SF/Webber CWPP proposal is in progress. Looking for a
funding source. The RCD is the fiscal sponsor.
- Executive Coordinator Report: Cari DeWolf reported she referred members to her written report for more details.
- Director's Reports
- Home inspections are in progress
- Action Items: None.
- Good of the Order: There was a discussion concerning meeting location and format. Options were
presented for rotating the meeting location to outlying communities and the use of electronic teleconferencing.
- Ray Griffiths made a motion for adjournment and Mike Powell seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 11:09. The next meeting is scheduled for June 27th, 2012 at 10:00am.
Dated: ??? |
By: ___________________________________________
Pat Dwyer, Secretary |
Date: ___________________________ |
Signed: _______________________________________
Richard Krek, Chairperson |
