El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
USFS Headquarters, 100 Forni Road, Placerville
March 28th, 2012
10:00 AM
- Meeting Call to Order
Richard Krek, EDCFSC Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
- Roll Call
Board Members Present: Richard Krek, Chairperson, Rich Englefield, Ken Hasse, Treasurer, Pat Dwyer , Secretary, Chrystie Mort-Davis, Parliamentarian, Cari
DeWolf, Executive Coordinator (EC), Bill Brandt, Ray Griffiths, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart, Michael Powell
Satellite Council Members and Guests present: Suz Walker & Linda Columbo NSFSC, Lloyd Heller & G. Wilczynski Fort Jim, Linda McDonald EDCFSC Support, Gary
Miller, CECSD, Jill Knuder, Happy Valley, Sandi Bush, Grizzley Flat, Charley Savnik & Vicki Yorty, Pollock Pines, Rich Englefield, Amanda Platt, CARCD.
- Approval of Agenda. Pat Dwyer moved that the agenda be approved with the addition of an action item (a1) to ratify the email vote that
was taken to approve Resolution 2012-03-1 (Authorize the Council to enter into contracts with the County of El Dorado). Jim Stewart seconded. The motion passed
by a majority vote.
- Consent Agenda: Minutes of the February 22, 2012 Meeting. There were corrections to the draft Minutes. Cathy Lewin's name was
misspelled (Lavin) ant there was a clarification to the treasurer's report concerning GF 6/7 & 8 Projects and two typographical errors, (Senior assistance Program
and under outreach committee report, nothing to report. Ken Hasse moved to approve the minutes as corrected and Ray Griffiths seconded the motion. The motion
passed by a majority vote.
- Public Comment
Chairman, Richard Krek, apologized to Linda Columbo and Suz Walker for not having responded to their written questions. He pledged to respond prior to our next meeting.
- Information Items:
- Correspondence and Communications
- Letter of resignation from Rich Englefield
- Treasurer's Report
Ken Hasse reported that our bank balance was $252,206 and the profit and loss statement reflected a negative $261,238. He reported Title III funds
balances of $20,268 for 2009 and $50,185 for 2010. These funds are committed. The "close out" actions on Grizzly Flat 6/7and 8 resulted in $15,000 being
returned to the State Council. Ken reported that the Council had received about $20,000 in donations.
- Committee Reports
- Finance: Nothing to report.
- Outreach: Cari reported that the Council would have a booth at the Home and Garden Show. She currently has 11 volunteers but
needs many more to staff 2 hour shifts. Please email her and volunteer. The show is on the 27th, 28th and 29th of April.
- Governance:
- Ken Hasse reported the process of revising the By-Laws is under way and the committee was looking at restructuring
By-Laws and policy and procedures.
- The State Council recommended a slight modification to the Fiscal Sponsor Letter. Mike Powell made a motion to approve the
revised letter and Chrystie Mort-Davis seconded the motion. The motion passed by a majority vote. Board Action Item.
- Nominating Committee: The resignation of Rich Englefield left the Vice Chair position vacant. Bill Smith volunteered to fill the position
until the next election. Bill Brandt moved that Bill Smith be appointed to the Vice Chair position until the next election. Jim Stewart seconded the motion.
The motion passed by a majority vote. Board Action Item.
- Projects Committee: Cari DeWolf reported that the projects committee working group was searching for two large venues (50 people +) to
hold informational meetings and solicit ideas and input for projects and block grants.
- 6. CWPP: Richard Krek reported that the Cal Fire Had signed the HW 50 CWPP with some minor changes. DSED Fire Protection District
was reviewing the HW 49 CWPP.
- Executive Coordinator Report: Cari DeWolf reported that there is a grant request for $206,000 to the AQMD for dumpsters and
chipping in remote/forest areas. Award is anticipated on May 22nd. She is making a "master list" of projects for a historical activity report. She is also
requesting satellites to submit "wish lists" of proposed projects to see if they can be bundled to make them more marketable. She referred members to her written
report for more details.
- Directors Reports: Richard Krek; Burn permit program is going on line.
Jim Stewart; EDH and Latrobe have entered into a contract which should be beneficial for both organizations. Major disaster training is scheduled.
Bill Brandt; ALT CSD is hosting a workshop that includes defensible space requirements.
Richard Krek; Cameron Park clean up day is scheduled for April 21. Cal Fire Amador El Dorado has a new web page.
- Action Items:
- Resolution 2012-03-01. Resolution to Authorize Signature to Enter into Contracts with El Dorado County was previously passed by
email vote due to a time sensitive requirement. Christy Mort-Davis moved to ratify the Resolution and email vote. Ray Griffiths seconded the motion. The
motion passed by a majority vote.
- Approve satellite agreements. Pat Dwyer made a motion to approve new satellite applications from Cameron Estates, Volcanoville, Pollock
Pines, Fairglade and South Fork and Weber Creek through June 30, 2013. He also moved to reapprove all existing active satellite agreements from Auburn Lake
Trails, Mosquito, Grizzly Flat, Georgetown Divide RCD, Logtown and Cameron Park through June 30, 2013. Ken Hasse Seconded the motion. The motion passed by
a majority vote.
- Good of the Order
Pat Dwyer recognized Rich Englefield for his dedication and service to the board. He received a round of applause.
Cal Fire requested Board Contact information for liaison purposes. It will be provided.
Motion for Adjournment Jim Stewart moved for adjournment, Bill Smith second. The meeting was adjourned at 11:13 am. The next meeting will be on Wednesday April 25th at 10:00 am.
The agendas will be provided at least one week in advance of the meeting.
Dated: ??? |
By: ___________________________________________
Pat Dwyer, Secretary |
Date: ___________________________ |
Signed: _______________________________________
Richard Krek, Chairperson |
