El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
USFS Headquarters, 100 Forni Road, Placerville
February 22, 2012
10:00 AM
Special note: All future minutes will be in accordance with ARARA Operating Manual and Roberts Rules of Order.
See attachment. Future meetings will not be recorded.
- Meeting Call to Order
Richard Krek, EDCFSC Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
- Roll Call
Board Members Present: Richard Krek, Chairperson, Rich Englefield, Vice Chairperson, Ken Hasse, Treasurer, Pat Dwyer , Secretary, Chrystie Mort-Davis, Parliamentarian,
Cari DeWolf, Executive Coordinator (EC), Bill Brandt, Mary Cornellison, Dave Eggerton, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart.
Satellite Council Members and Guests present: Suz Walker NSFSC, Lloyd Heller, Fort Jim, Linda McDonald EDCFSC Support, Gary Miller, CECSD, Joan Normingtn, Fairglade,
George Normingtn, Fairglade, Linda Columbo NSFSC, Sandi Bush, GFFSC, Kathy Lavin, Tom Schulz., PPFSC, Steve Hupner GFFSC. Al Orozco, California Conservation Corps.
- Approval of Agenda. Mary Cornellison moved the agenda be approved as submitted. Dave Eggerton seconded the motion. The motion passed by a majority vote.
- Consent Agenda: Minutes of the November16th 2011 Meeting (corrected) and the January 25th 2012 meetings were on the consent agenda. Ken Hasse
moved that the consent agenda be approved and Chrystie Mort-Davis seconded the motion. The motion passed by majority vote with two members abstaining.
- Public Comment
Tom Shulz (PPFSC) made a public comment concerning the minutes of previous meetings. He stated that. He was disappointed that the Board had approved the minutes
for Nov 2011 and Jan 2012 EDCFSC meetings without allowing full consideration by the whole Board and of his written requests to correct the record regarding public
comments at those meetings. He said that by not having a process of allowing those who make public comment the courtesy to correct the record of their comments, the
Board was disrespectful and not in accord with what he thought was a previous commitment by the Board to conduct its business in an open and transparent manner. He
then went on to say he wanted to thank Richard Krek and Cari for their responsiveness in providing the information that he had requested. He noted that providing
PPFSC with the CWPP HW49/50 report that was extensively discussed at the January EDCFSC meeting but the uncorrected minutes of that meeting that the Board had
just approved makes no mention of it. He also noted that he had provided the Board with a copy of our PPFSC Community Survey and Satellite FSC application.
Al Orozco (CCC) stated that the CCC has a cadre of young people 16-25 years old that are available as a ready labor source. They can do community projects
along with fuel load reduction work. They are available on an hourly basis or on a performance contract. He encouraged the council to consider the CCC when
contracting for work.
Linda Columbo requested a copy of the election procedures. She also ask for a list of the existing councils and their representatives.
- Information Items:
- Correspondence and Communications
Satellite Fire Safe Council (SFSC) Affiliation Agreements were received from the Volcanoville Firewise/Fire safe Council, The Cameron Estates Community
Services District and the Pollock Pines Fire Safe Council. The PPFSC Application had an attachment. These agreements will be considered for approval at
the March 2012 board meeting.
A survey from Pollock Pines residents was provided to the chairman.
- Treasurer's Report
Ken Hasse reported that the profit and loss statement reflected a negative $220,946. Title III funds in the amount of approximately $20,000 for 2009
and $56,000 for 2010 were available. These funds are committed to the Executive Coordinator salary and CWPP development. There are no more Title III funds.
The active projects balances are: 2011 chipping, 2010 chipping has been closed out and there are no funds remaining. There is a remaining balance of
$15,000 for Grizzly Flat and a request for a change in scope is being processed to fund the CWPP update. Senior assistance has $16488 remaining and a change in
scope from the Gold Hill project could add $22,000. Suz Walker submitted a close out report for Nashville/Sand Ridge and $2,052 will be returned to the
Clearing House on that project.
- Committee Reports
- Finance: Nothing to report.
- Outreach: Nothing to.
- Governance: The committee will begin the process of revising the By-Laws
- Projects Committee: Dave Eggerton volunteered to take the lead in forming a charter and concept of operations for the projects
committee. He solicited volunteers from the board and community to assist in this effort.
- CWPP: Richard Krek reported that the County had signed the CWPP and it was going to Cal-Fire for signature.
- Executive Coordinator Report: Cari DeWolf reported on ongoing projects and formation of new Satellite councils. (Fort Jim and
Fairglade) She referred members to her written report for details.
- Directors Reports: Ray Griffiths commented on the meeting location he suggested rotating the location to reduce the driving
time from the more distant councils. Pat Dwyer reported on the planned community clean up day for Logtown on April 14th he also mentioned the Dedication
of the fire wise and water wise landscape project at station 44. Dave Eggerton suggested that we discontinue recording the meetings.. Bill Smith said
Chrome Ridge will start home inspections on March 30th. Bill Brandt said that ALT was trying to acquire Title 14 funds and were exploring community funds
for the dedicated chipper. ALT is also revising driveway clearance requirements. Mary Corneillson reported that Volcanoville fire safety day was being
planned. Richard Krek requested information on any projects from the last ten years. He will provide the information to Cal-Fire for their new mapping
program. Richard reported that the Nevada State fire safe council had folded. A major cause was the miss-management of funds. He stressed the importance
of policies and procedures and commended the Governance committee for their work in this area. He also said he was working on an on line system for burn
permits. Target completion is May 1st.
- Action Items:
- Barry Callenberger's contract. Ken moved that the board approve the contract pending the determination of the rate,
Bill Smith seconded the motion. It passed by a majority vote.
- Grievance / Complaint policy. Action was delayed while additional copies were made for the public. Ken Hasse moved that the board
accept the grievance and complaint policy as written and Dave Eggerton seconded the motion. Public comment was favorable. The motion passed by a
majority vote. (Policy Attached)
- Resolution 2011-10-1 Cal Fire Logtown CAG agreement. Ken Hasse stated that this item was on the agenda for the October meeting but
there was no record of a motion or vote. The agreement has been signed and sent to Cal Fire. Ken Hasse made the motion that the board approve resolution
2011-10-1. Chrystie Mort-Davis seconded. The motion passed by a majority vote.
- Joan Jennings emeritus nomination. Resolution 2012-02-22. Pat Dwyer moved that the resolution bb approved as submitted. Ray Griffiths
seconded the motion. Public comment reinforced her nomination by identifying numerous achievements in fire prevention and safety. The motion passed by
a unanimous vote.
- Good of the Order
Mary Corneillson commented that there is public confusion about permitted burn days. The air quality management district is saying it is a
burn day on the recording, but according to Cal-Fire it is not safe to burn. This issue needs to be resolved.
Motion for Adjournment - .The meeting was adjourned at 11:14 am. The next meeting will be on Wednesday March 28th 10:00 am. The agendas
will be provided at least one week in advance of the meeting.
Dated: 01/07/12 |
By: ___________________________________________
Pat Dwyer, Secretary |
Date: ___________________________ |
Signed: _______________________________________
Richard Krek, Chairperson |
