El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill
October 26, 2011
10:00 AM
- Meeting Call to Order - Richard Krek, El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:05am.
- Roll Call - Present: Bill Brandt, Mary Cornelison, Pat Dwyer, Richard Englefield, Ray Griffiths, Ken Hasse, Richard Krek, Chrystie Davis,
Mike Powell, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart, Ripley Howe, Linda Columbo, Sandi Bush, Cari DeWolf, Executive, Coordinator (EC)
- Public Comment - No public comments.
- Approval of Minutes - Pat Dwyer motion and Bill Brandt seconded that the 9/28/11 Minutes be approved. Unanimous vote as approved.
- Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Ken Hasse that the 10/26/11 Agenda be approved and seconded by Chrsytie Davis. Agenda was approved. Item added on the open EDCFSC Secretary position was
placed under Correspondence or Communications Item 1. Emergency action item added to obtain Board resolution to include in CAL FIRE grant proposal package under Item 8.
Committee Reports Section 1.1.4.
- Correspondence or Communications
Pat Johnson submitted notice of withdrawal as Secretary due to changes in work status at ElD.
Chairperson opened position to Council to fill position. Discussion ensued that the EC can't be the secretary
because it is an executive position and may be construed as a conflict of interest. Suggestion on EC acting as
a temporary transcriber with compensation or hiring an outside secretary until the position is filled.
Noted that Board needs to have a Secretary when filing 501(c)(3) in April 2012. Recommendation to
continue and EC fills in temporarily. Ken Hasse made a motion to modify EC contract to transcribe
recorded minutes until replaced by a full-time secretary, motion seconded by Rich Englefield with the
stipulation that timesheet includes line item noting transcription duties. Suggestions made to investigate
hiring a professional Board secretary with associated costs and possibly purchasing a device that can
record and transcribe verbatim. Parliamentarian noted concern of EC taking on other duties and does
not want to repeat the past and reluctantly volunteered. Treasurer and Chairperson can't hold two
positions. Linda Columbo offered her service for a salary. Parliamentarian advised this needs to be
handled internally by the Board and then goes outside as an RFP. Additional discussion ensued on
money is available which was not allocated in the budget. Treasurer advised only a small portion of Title
III monies remaining that are being drawn down. Duties of the secretary included in the Bylaws are to
keep a book of all meeting minutes of the Board and its committees, original or a copy of the Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws as amended to date, and the Seal of incorporation in safe custody and other
powers and duties as described by the Board including the agenda. Pat Dwyer volunteered to become
Secretary with an initial motion and a second withdrawn and a new motion by Ray Griffiths to appoint
Pat Dwyer as interim Secretary, with another motion to place item on next month's BOD agenda for
vote. Not contested so secret ballot does not apply. EC will transcribe the October 2011 minutes.
Seconded and approved. Treasurer noted that EDCFSC received a notice of delinquency from the State
Board of Equalization that was routed through Pollock Pines. The notice was for filing sales tax (not
applicable) which is required annually. Recommendation to place in financial binder and have
accountant handle at the same time the taxes are prepared.
- Treasurer's Report
Financial statements sent out with P&L YTD $288,732 from grants and $670 in donations. Spent more
with a negative net income of $401,993. All grants are paid except for 2011 chipping with nothing
spent. Active projects are 2010 chipping with $21l< in bank with an extension to December 2011. GF
6/7 has $89,878 in the bank to spend with extension, change of scope or report progress. Title III is
drawn down to $88,299. Bank account $411,450.95
Purchase Order Process (action): Treasurer recommends the implementation of a purchase order
policy. Bylaws currently state that any expenditure over S400 requires Board approval. Suggestion to
reduce amount to $100 with purchase orders for supply, publication and material orders, etc. with a
numbering system assigned to with two people assigned to issue P0 numbers with two executive board
members signing off. Can be obtained through Quickbooks or bookkeeper and needs to be a written
policy with requirements for upper and lower levels. Under $100 treated similarly as petty cash, no limit
on grant contractor payments using assigned grant number. Action items for the Governance committee
will develop purchasing policy and POs to be placed in the Bylaws, and the Board to develop guidelines,
such as anything over $100 to $500 requires a PO and over $500 requires Board approval. Some
discussion on RFPs and the level to go out for bid set at $25,000. Suggested keep separate. Ken Hasse
moved to proceed as an action item to develop a document and policy for issuing purchase orders
through the Governance Committee. Motion seconded and carried unanimously.
Volunteer Insurance (action): Chartis Policy clarification that there is no accident or injury coverage for
volunteers at this time. Current coverage is for liability only and covers satellite fire safe council board
members and possibly neighborhood coordinators up to 150 people. $4,000 budgeted.
Recommendation made to cover volunteers. Linda Columbo suggested Atwood Insurance as an
alternative due to Search & Rescue receiving good rates. Current coverage expires in September 2012.
Grizzly Flats' 25 council members are not covered under the liability policy. Suggestion made to obtain
one day insurance that covers everyone for large events. Recommendation to obtain insurance
information through presentations during a meeting scheduled after the first of the year. In the interim
obtain daily writers or add mid»range accident and injury coverage now for Board members, volunteers
and activities which are a benefit to signing annual affiliation agreement and being an affiliate, Pat
Dwyer made a motion to obtain midrange accident insurance coverage while researching better rates
with motion seconded. Pat Dwyer amended motion to action item to collect information and research
options, invite interested insurance companies/agents to present at the lanuary meeting, and proceed
with the mid-level accident insurance purchase in the interim ASAP. Motion seconded bylim Stewart
and carried unanimously.
University of Nevada Next Step Booklets: Dialog on whether to purchase, modify and print copies for use
at upcoming public outreach events, etc. Current bid for 1,000 is $4,000. Linda Columbo received a
quote for $3,200 with postage for the Nashville/Sandridge project's 880 parcels and is offering 110 to
EDCFSC. N/S will be changing the pictures and logos with Diamond Fire reviewing for plant species and
has approval by UNCE and will be providing this to Ken Hasse.
- Committee Reports
- Finance:
- Grants
- EC reported received a Clearinghouse award for $112,000 for the Residential Chipping/
Dumpster Program.
- Project status on the CAL FIRE Prop 40 LT-1O East Side Fuel Break, received 1/3 of the
original request for $285,000 or $95,000 and currently working with CAL FIRE on the formal
agreement. Request a Board resolution be issued in support of this project to include in the
grants package which requires a motion.
- Submitted three proposals 10/21/11 to the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, $190,000 for the
other 2/3's of the LT-1O East Side Fuel Break; $10,000 for environmental pre-work for the LT
Oakridge North; and $301,000 DS-1 Martinez Creek.
- RCD-Mark Egbert is preparing the negative declaration to present to the RCD Board on
11/7/11 on the LT-10 project with a $50 cost to EDCFSC and good to go on the south-end of
the project. Ken motioned the board to support the project, seconded and passed.
- Green Waste Voucher Program Update
EDCFSC met with Waste Connections (Sue Farris, Debbie and Albert) and Waste Connections
promoted that they administer the program as they have been funding the program, and have
resources and ability to manage and track the program which wasn't done for years. They
propose as of January 1, 2012 they will begin a pilot program by sending out a mailer with
EDCFSC co-branding to their customers, and the offer to develop the marketing materials and
promote other EDCFSC programs through their customer service department. Vouchers will be
issued solely through them. They will only honor vouchers from their customers and not other
areas. Sue Farris is planning to meet with other waste management companies to promote their
pilot and EDCFSC will continue working with ESWAC to promote green waste disposal programs.
There are two firms (EI Dorado Disposal/Waste Connections and Sierra) covering seven different
service areas within the County with renewable contracts administered through the County of El
- Public Outreach
Georgetown Founders Day good; El Dorado County Home and Garden Show booth reserved for
April 2012; Attendees at Grizzly Flats monthly meeting and GF8 Tour very impressed; Logtown's
Annual Hot Dog Social was a big success; Attended Omo Ranch meetings to discuss satellite FSC
for that area; Ripley Howe from East Sandridge FSC attended both Omo Ranch meetings on
behalf of Pioneer Fire. Discussion on Outingdale ensued with the pros and cons of being
associated with East Sandridge or Grey's Corner area with more dialog to follow.
- Governance
Governance Committee has approved a records retention policy and schedule that needs to be
added to the bylaws as an appendix. This is an action item needing to go before the entire BOD
for review and approval at the next Board meeting and must be treated the same as the bylaws
with a month's notice. Subject to approval and will be implemented in a month. Review of the
format of adding new bylaws as appendices and voting annually to incorporate into the actual
set of bylaws. Drug free workplace policy is required in most contracts and Grants Clearinghouse
is now requiring this in the grants application package. Ken has presented a sample to the
committee and this will be put into final format for review and presented as an action item at
the next board meeting for approval. GF inquired about a discrimination policy and the status of
EDCF5C's and advised this is included in the list of items to review. GF is free to specify in their
affiliation agreement that they agree with the EDCFSC Bylaws and if needing a more stringent
policy can add that language into their policy. Per Ken, the EDCFSC version may or may not fit
current insurance requirements.
- New Business
Strategic planning preparation discussed and EC explained the project status forms and the importance
of updating these sheets in order to move forward with potential grant funding and to update each of
the CWPPs for the County and the Satellites; Discussed committees and temporary subcommittees;
Suggestion to develop program FAQ sheets for the website, members and satellites containing universal
messaging; Confirmed a meeting with Nashville/Sandridge in Shingle Springs; Sierra Nevada Alliance has
contacted EDCFSC to conduct a presentation on Scotch Broome with a suggestion to schedule next year.
- Old Business
Cease and Desist Order pulled; Barry Callenberger has reviewed his contract and will be signing soon;
Modification of Affiliation Agreement being moved to Old Business; Treasurer advised not old business,
but tax wise must be done. There are at least two satellites with their own bank accounts under
fictitious business names /dba 'doing business as'. Because EDCFSC must include in tax reporting,
satellites must provide annual financial statements to the EDCFSC that will be passed to the Accountant,
This item will become a part of the satellite agreement. Discussed fundraising and establishing individual
bank accounts and the impacts to the satellites and EDCFSC as the 501(c)(3). Action item that the
Governance Committee will be developing another policy and procedure to address and incorporate
into the affiliation agreement. The list of Board Members and alternates must be updated, The CABY -
Consumnes, American, Bear and Yuba River Watershed Group/Karen Quidachay would like to make a
presentation and a suggestion was made to schedule this to January or later.
- Report from the Executive Coordinator - Covered
- Directors Report
Georgetown described a high fire potential project that has become an issue due to 115 acres of BLM
land and trying to incorporate five private acres by BLM that may be eligible for treatment. ln lieu of this
Ray is trying to coordinate a 10 acre burn on his property. Chrystie described a burn permit issuance
issue and not being able to obtain permits due to unmanned stations and trying to adhere to the fire
station schedule. Suggestion to have STAR volunteers assist, work towards having the Diamond Springs
Fire Station issue permits which they haven't done for several years. No information to share on the RAC
until February 2012. Volcanoville inquired about billing for Growlersburg crews and how to compensate
with a suggestion to contact Mike Caslin camp superintendent. Cameron Park was informed at the
Chief's meeting that the Nevada FSC was audited and lost their funding. Mark Egbert called CP CSD to
set-up a workshop in January or February or sometime in the Spring of 2012.
- Motion for Adjournment - Moved
Dated: 11/14, 2011 By: Cari DeWolf, Executive Coordinator
