El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill
September 28, 2011
10:00 AM
- Meeting Call to Order
Richard Krek, El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.
- Roll Call
Present were: Chrystie Davis, Pat Dwyer, Richard Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths, Ken Hasse, Lloyd Heller, Steve Hupne, Julie Jawks, Pat Johnson, Bill Smith,
Jim Stewart, Mike Powell, Gail Wilczynski, Executive Coordinator Cari DeWolf
- Public Comment
No public comments.
- Approval of Minutes
Motion was made and seconded that the August 24, 2011 Minutes be approved. Unanimous vote approved agenda.
- Approval of Agenda
Motion was made and seconded that the September 28, 2011 Agenda be approved. Unanimous vote approved agenda.
- Correspondence or Communications
Chairperson read correspondence from FairGlade Fire Safe Council thanking Cari DeWolf for attending public outreach and establishing a fire safe council in their area.
- Treasurer's Report
Treasurer presented current bank balance to the Board of Directors. All except one of our grants has been paid up, which involves the 2011 chipping program. Title III
has $98,000 in pertinent accounts. Invoice from Auburn Lakes Trail was discussed. Money still remains in the CWPP. Discussion and approval ensued regarding funding
of $5,000 to Volcanoville to complete its CWPP.
Active projects include 2011 chipping program. Payments have not yet begun. Grizzly Flats' budget was addressed. Senior Assistance Program had monies remaining in
its budget. If not applied, monies need to be returned. Average Senior Assistance Program amount is $700.
Approval of our annual financial report from accountant was reviewed and discussed. The disclaimer language included in the accountant's report was examined. An
independent audit was analyzed. Statement figures were analyzed and discussed. Reconciliation of the accounts was addressed.
Record retention policy and tax reports were discussed. A vote will be taken regarding EDCFSC's retention policy. This will become an appendix to the Bylaws.
Board Action: It was moved and seconded by the Board that the financial records prior to FY 2009/2010 be closed. As of July 1, 2009 moving forward, new accounts have
been established. A majority vote was taken by Board to close the financial record prior to FY 2009/2010 with Ken Hasse abstaining.
Information Item: Insurance coverage was reviewed and discussed for volunteers. (No Workman's Compensation.). EDCFSC's insurance has been recently renewed for the coming year.
- Committee Reports
- Finance - Bill Brandt, Chrystie Davis. No official meetings. Numerous phone calls regarding functions. There have been discussions
with HartSong Ranch for function.
- Green Waste Vouchers - There will be a meeting with El Dorado Disposal on October 19th. Received a thank you letter from a resident who
participated in the voucher program.
- Public Outreach - Jim Stewart, Ray Griffiths: Farmers Insurance and California Fire Safe Council on October 6th.
- Governance - Priority is "definition of satellite." Present to Board for ratification the record-retention policy, which will be appended
to the Bylaws. Bylaws should include RFP, RFQ and revised accordingly.
- New Business
- Cease and Desist Order (action item): Did not address. If someone does cause difficulty, we can advise individual that we will ignore their disrupting comments.
- Motion was made and seconded to notify Postmaster General of new post office number and closing previous post office number. Mail will
be served standard mail and return/receipt requested. Dave Eggerton will compose letter, which will be signed by Richard Krek.
- Press Release: A press release is needed introducing Executive Coordinator Cari DeWolf and EDCFSC's new address, and senior assistance and chipping
programs. It should appear in the Mountain Democrat, Sacramento Bee, El Dorado Hills Telegraph, and Georgetown papers. Radio announcements were discussed. Facebook
and Twitter were discussed. Copy of the article should be on the website.
- Barry Callenbeger (action item): Legal has reviewed this contract. Jim Stewart moved and Bill Smith seconded that contract be accepted. Pat Johnson
amended original motion to conclude said contract on December 31, 2011. Bill Smith seconded the amended motion. A unanimous vote was taken by the Board.
- Rich Englefield made a motion that RFPs be requested for all future work. The motion was tabled for discussion. Rich Englefield will review Nevada
Fire Safe Council's procedure for RFPs.
- Old Business
- Modify Affiliate Agreement (pending Governance Committee Report).
- Require annual Financial Statements. There are two fire safe council satellites that have bank accounts. Monies in individual satellite accounts
are considered EDCFSC monies. Financial statements will be required from all satellites for auditing purposes.
- List Board Members: As it pertains to satellite Board members and who wants what printed on their behalf.
- Report from the Executive Coordinator - Cari DeWolf
Cari DeWolf, Executive Coordinator, reported on her extensive September activities. Fairglade and Fort Jim representatives will take tour of new
project at Grizzly Flats. Tour details were discussed and how it should be organized and coordinated. It will involve four-wheel drive vehicles for
access to project site. A copy of Executive Coordinator's activity report is attached.
- Directors Report - Any item requiring Board action or innput
Georgetown - Ray Griffiths: Two videos to present -- "Sparking a Change" which addresses funding for fire departments. The second film is time-lapsed photography
depicting a canopy fire.
Chrome Ridge - Bill Smith: Fire mitigation measures in his area were presented through reduction of valley oaks.
Grizzly Flats - Rich Englefield: Rich is now a member-at-large due to his resignation from the Grizzly Flats Fire Safe Council.
Cari DeWolf discussed obtaining grant funding. The current critical element of funding involves addressing environmental issues (i.e., CEQA). Fire hydrants were addressed.
- Good of the Order
Ms. DeWolf is becoming a member (at her own expense) to the California Urban Development Conservation Council to promote EDCFSC's fire mitigation interests. Ray Griffiths
moved to have Cari represent EDCFSC at the California Urban Development Conservation Council. Rich Englefield seconded. Chrystie Davis opposed. Ken Hasse has abstained.
- Adjourned
Rich Englefield moved for adjournment at 12:10 p.m. and Richard Krek seconded the motion. Unanimous consent from the Board was given.
Dated: October 12, 2011 By: Patricia A. Johnson, Board Secretary
