El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
General Meeting
Gold Hill
August 24, 2011
11:00 AM
- Welcome and Introductions - The meeting was called to order at approximately 11:00 a.m. Introductions by Board members and the public were made.
In attendance were: Bill Brandt, Barry Callenberger, Carol Clark, Linda Columbo, Mary Cornelison, Christie Davis, Cari DeWolf, Pat Dwyer, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths, Ken Hasse, Pat Johnson,
Richard Krek, George Normington, Joan Normington, Ann Oliver, Mike Powell, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart.
Welcome was given to new satellite FSC members - Fort Jim/South Fort Weber FSC-Chairperson Lynne Bridges and Parliamentarian Lloyd Heller
- Reports from Board of Directors and Fire Safe Districts - Reports were presented by their Board of Directors and others as to their respective fire districts.
- Volcanoville: The Growlersberg crew has been working on fire mitigation in Volcanoville and EID. Discussion ensued stating that only CalFire is qualified to
perform inspections. Fire Safe Councils can only perform evaluations. Credit is given to Fire Safe Councils for submission of evaluations. Evaluation forms were requested and will
be posted on the EDCFSC website. AB 29 was discussed; the conclusion is that it will be litigated.
- Auburn Lake Trails: Upon becoming a Firewise Community, they focused on evaluations/inspections. Community service individuals perform the evaluations.
Title III monies help to cover expenses. Evaluation forms have been effectively revised for their Board to endorse.
- Cameron Park: Inspections of 433 vacant parcels are being performed. Clean-up day in Cameron Park is scheduled for September 24th. People are encouraged
to bring whatever they want to dispose. Chippers and dumpsters will be provided. Hospice will pick up anything useable. These are provided by Cameron Park Community Service
District ("CSD"). They have also implemented a weed abatement program. CSD pays for all of this from their own funds. It was noted that weed abatement ordinances can be
only established by municipal, county, or community service districts.
- Chrome Ridge: Affiliation with the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council needs to be established before Chrome Ridge moves forward as a "satellite."
- Log Town: They are in the planning stages for FireWise celebration and recognition scheduled for October 8, 2011. Supervisor Ray Nutting will be working
an auction at this event, which finances Log Town's activities for the year. Log Town has created a fire safe landscape model. It is not only fire safe but deer resistant.
Vegetation of this landscape includes California Fuchsia, Manzanita Emerald Carpet, etc. Front Yard Nursery assisted with consultation and plants. Rock mulch was procured from Sierra Landscape.
- Sandridge: They are in the process of wrapping up their 508 grant. A tour will be scheduled regarding fuel reduction sites and evacuation routes. Log
Town was thanked for their assistance with regards to fire safe information (i.e., phone tree, fire alerts, etc.). Discussion ensued regarding sharing this pertinent
information with all Fire Safe Councils via the computer/website.
- Governance - No public comments.
- Affiliation agreements were addressed and multi-purpose forms are being developed regarding such agreements. Ultimately, these forms will be placed into the EDCFSC database.
- Bylaws will require revisions. This issue needs to be addressed soon.
- Public Outreach
- EDCFSC will be putting on an annual event mid-next year. It should take about six months to get it on track. The goals will include fund raising
and public outreach and education. The Finance Committee will be responsible for seeking out funds for our projects. Food, entertainment, raffle, silent auction - all
will need to be discussed and decided. Input and participation from all satellite fire safe councils are encouraged. A potential venue is Shadow Ridge Ranch as it is
a recreational facility. Grizzly Flats will be consulted as to their successful fundraisers and how they orchestrate them. The goal is to make this a really fun event.
- Executive Coordinator represented the EDCFSC at National Night Out and educated attendees as to fire wise issues.
- Fairglade area has a public outreach event on September 14.
- Consideration of involving Eagle Scouts in public outreach activities ensued. They exercise management skills while providing EDCFSC with needed exposure via signage, etc.
- Diamond Springs' annual bizarre is on Labor Day. EDCFSC will be represented.
- Executive Coordinator Report
- Executive Coordinator has been actively involved with representing EDCFSC at recently-held events: National Night Out, Fort Jim, and National Association of Federal Retired Employees.
- Fair Play has expressed interest in fire safety, programs and grants.
- PG&E gave EDCFSC $500 (wherein they want us to recognize the parent PG&E company).
- Senior disabled program extended to March 31, 2012, Ken Hasse is managing this program.
- Chipping program - 65 jobs have been completed.
- Green waste dumpsters - statistics will be arriving shortly.
- Evacuation Project: Barry: Nashville, Sandridge, and CWPP: Has been completed for central EDC.
- Resource Conversation District are putting on three workshops. They are giving an overview of a CWPP and the process to become one. Workshops will be held in
Pollock Pines and Cameron Park. They give instruction as to vegetation treatments, etc. and developing a project.
- Volcanoville has been completed. Gold Hill has been completed. Nashville/Sandridge-Freshwater, Vintage Trail, Zephyr.30 feet on each side of these roads.
Still in process is Grizzly Flats-working on GF8-CWPP-Community Action Plan. $950 acre free work for fuel mitigation. 160 acres of 6 and 7 and started on GF8. CWPP covers part of the two new areas.
- Two proposals on the table: Logtown and East Side Fuel Break. $600,000 worth of projects.
- Dumpster program forms can be obtained from Executive Coordinator Cari DeWolf. Need three or more property owners to qualify for a dumpster.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn at approximately 12:45 pm.
Dated: August 29, 2011 By: Patricia A. Johnson, Board Secretary
