El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill
August 24, 2011
10:00 AM
- Call to Order - Richard Krek, El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Chairperson, called the meeting to order.
- Roll Call - Sign-in sheet was passed to attendees.
- Public Comment - No public comments.
- Approval of Minutes - Minutes of July 27, 2011 meeting were approved and seconded. Three abstained.
- Approval of Agenda - Agenda approved and seconded with corrections.
Discussion about a cease and desist order ensued. Decided this issue will be discussed at later date. Non-discrimination clause will be added to the Bylaws and the
Governance Committee will address. It was confirmed that Bylaw's require an annual accounting report. Modification of the affiliate agreement was addressed with Governance
Committee to handle. These items to be on next month's agenda.
- Correspondence or Communications
- Close out letter from the Forest Service for the Volcanoville Project.
- Discussion ensued regarding PG&E letter and recognition of grant. This was result of the February meeting and request of funds from PG&E.
- Tax report was provided to Chairperson.
- Reservation information was given to Executive Coordinator regarding Home & Garden Show to be held April 27-29, 2012.
- Agreement for continuation of services from EDCFSC accountant was discussed.
- A two-year business license with changes was received from Rich Englefield.
- Two $50 donations were received and recognized.
- Web mailboxes have been established for email communications. There are three contacts through the website. Executive Coordinator is
organizing emails into folders for access by others. Discussion ensued regarding emails received and responses.
- Treasurer's Report
- Grant balances: The Clearinghouse still owes EDCFSC $349,933.00. A payment has not been received for this quarter. Our current bank balance
is $314,062.96; received $500 donation from PG&E. We have spent $199,274.55; part of the monies are carryover from Title III.
- Active Projects
- Volcanoville project was completed; came in $15,000 under budget. A close-out agreement was executed with the Forest Service.
- Completed Gold Hill Estates, which culminated with $17,375 left over. In addition there is a $5,500 payment due. There is over $22,000 available.
- We have executed an agreement with Clearinghouse to use this $22875 to extend the Senior Assistance Program through the end of March 2012.
Clearinghouse wants these funds designated under the existing grant identification number. After this month, we will start using these funds.
- Total monies available and already committed are $188,951.
- Satellite Approvals - Motion was made and seconded to approve Fairglade Area and Fort Jim/South Fork Weber as satellites. Discussion ensued
as to details of satellites and their status.
- Introductions
- Bill Brandt, Barry Callenberger, Carol Clark, Linda Columbo, Mary Cornelison, Christie Davis, Cari DeWolf, Pat Dwyer, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths,
Ken Hasse, Pat Johnson, Richard Krek, George Normington, Joan Normington, Ann Oliver, Mike Powell, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart.
- Welcome was given to new satellite FSC members - Fort Jim/South Fort Weber FSC-Chairperson Lynne Bridges and Parliamentarian Lloyd Heller
- Committee Reports
- Finance - Should Finance Committee, which was created in March, be included with Governance? Discussion ensued. Annual
fundraiser was addressed. A subcommittee was proposed. Discussion ensued.
- Green Waste Vouchers - Met with Waste Connections El Dorado Disposal. They are enthused about continuing program but presently the
program is suspended. They have internal items they want to address (i.e., ID'ng Green Waste customers, etc.). Guidelines were discussed, which were proposed
by Waste Connections. Next meeting scheduled for October.
- Public Outreach - Diamond Springs' Bazaar- September 5 - need volunteers for shift work in two or more hour increments [7:00
am until 3:00 pm]. A time schedule will be created for individuals wanting to volunteer.
Home & Garden Show was discussed for next year.
Grizzly Flats annual barbeque was attended by Executive Coordinator. Over 200 individuals were in attendance at barbeque. It was indicated that it was an extremely well-run event.
CWPP Workshop was presented by Barry Callenberger last Saturday, August 20, 2011. Some satellites were in attendance.
Happy Valley Fire Safe Council is having their quarterly meeting at 5:00 pm on September 8th.
The recently held National Night Out in Mosquito was attended by Executive Coordinator. She also attended a recent meeting of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees.
Attendance at Camino Rotary meeting scheduled for August 30, 2011 at Camino.
- Governance - The Board is working on developing this committee, Joan Jennings may be available to provide help or possibly as an advisor. First
order of business is to prioritize what is needed. Bylaws will be reviewed.
- New Business
- RCD letter for office space was delivered to Danny Marquis at the RCD and dialog is in process.
- Two CFIP/CAG WUI grant proposals were submitted. Martinez fuel reduction for $286,000; Logtown East-Side Fuel Break $301,000.
(Prop 40). These proposals were submitted directly to CalFire.
- Affiliation Agreements - Affiliate agreements were extended to Fairglade Area and Fort Jim/So. Fork Weber. On an annual basis,
EDCFSC will review affiliate agreements for each satellite. Discussion ensued regarding the affiliate agreements and councils.
Business cards were addressed.
- Volcanoville CWPP - Presently, converting Volcanoville Communication Action Plan (CAP) to CWPP; $5,000 is estimated cost.
In 2002 they completed their Volcanoville Firesafe Fuel Reduction Plan, which does not have the CWPP title to it.
Motion made and seconded to fund the conversion of the Volcanoville Communication Action Plan to CWPP.
- Report from the Executive Coordinator - Moved to General Meeting.
- Directors Report - Moved to General Meeting.
- Good of the Order - Postponed until next meeting.
- Adjourned - Adjournment was at approximately 11:00 am.
Dated: August 29, 2011 By: Patricia A. Johnson, Board Secretary
