El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill
July 27, 2011
10:00 AM
- Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 10:08 a.m. by Chairperson Richard Krek.
- Roll Call - Directors present were: Bill Brandt, Leo Chaloux, Rich Englefield, Ray Griffiths, Ken Hasse, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart,
Pat Dwyer, Michael Powell, Dave Eggerton and Executive Coordinator Cari DeWolf.
- Public Comment - None
- Approval of Minutes - From the June 22, 2011 meeting. Mary Cornelison's name was removed from the list of attendees. She was not at the
meeting. Ken moved to approve the amended minutes, the motion was seconded. All approved.
- Approval of Agenda - The following items were added to the agenda:
- Insurance SPIP policy
- Senior Assistance funding
- Darlene Woods contract renewal
- Title III MOU for inspections
- Directors Reports
(See amended agenda)
Bill Brandt moved to approve the agenda as amended, Ken H. seconded; all approved.
- Correspondence or Communications - None
- Treasurer's Report - Reports were emailed prior to meeting. P&L for YTD showed net loss because no payments were received this month.
Checking account has $430,473.14. The grand balance due is $349,932. The total money available for projects is $299,180.92. All of the 2009 CWPP funding has been
spent and we are now working on 2010 TIII CWPP funds. The 2009 Operations budget was depleted but now contains about $483 because of an insurance refund. Total
Title III money available is $106,308.57. Ken reviewed the 2011/2012 budget proposal and requested formal approval. Rich E. moved to approve, Jim Stewart seconded.
All approved. A discussion of how to deal with admin and expenses for grants followed. The approved budget was balanced by assuming that 5.6% of the grant requests
would be used for overhead expenses. The consensus was that all such items should be detailed in the grant application. Dave E. asked if this might influence grant
awards. Some grantors limit such expenses to 10%. Ken reiterated the need for unrestricted funding to cover expense items that are not easily attributable to a
specific project. Ken reported that we received an invoice from Alliant for $638 for renewal of the SPIP policy which we thought covered the vehicle and had been
canceled. Rich moved that we cancel the policy pending the outcome of a conversation with Alliant account manager Sheryl Fitzgerald. The motion was seconded and
all approved. Rich E. requested that a report by Barry Callenberger on the status of projects that he is working on be added to next months agenda.
- Executive Coordinator's Report - Executive Coordinator Cari DeWolf handed out an outline of her activities for the current month. Scheduled
meeting are August 13th; Logtown SFSC meeting, August 16th, Green Waste Voucher meeting with El Dorado Disposal, and Happy Valley SFSC Sept 8th. Presentation are
scheduled for Aug 22nd at Fort Jim and Fairglade potential SFSCs, Nation night out Aug 2nd, Aug 30th Pollock Pines Rotary. She has also been working with Phyllis
Jordan on Larkin Mine Rd. We will participate in the Diamond Springs Bazaar on Memorial Day. She also summarized the active programs and grants and grant applications
that were submitted and activities in satellite FSCs. She reported that Jill Kunder was concerned about the status of environmental documentation for the Happy Valley
Project. Barry Callenberger is pursuing this. Patrick McDaniel has replace Jan Bray as the Cal Fire contact on the project. Rich added that there was no update from
the RAC because they would not meet until September. Green waste voucher program is on hold but Waste Connections will accept vouchers that have already been issued.
Cari discussed plans for a public outreach program involving students in a program similar to the calendar project from 2005/06. There was a suggestion that chipping
requests through the website receive some kind of confirmation that request were received. An auto response was suggested. There was some concern about how the
chipping requests were scheduled. All scheduling is done by the contractor for efficiency purposes. Dave E. suggested that more information could be included on the
website to head off some of the concern. Cari presented a letter containing talking points for presentations to potential new SFSCs.
- Committee Reports
- Finance - Rich E. observed that other websites contained advertising and suggested that we should investigate the possibility of selling
space. Dave E. suggested that we look at corporate sponsors first. Pat D. offered that insurance companies could be prime targets. Cari will coordinate the effort.
- Outreach - No report.
- Grant Management Policy - Senior disabled policy (verification) - Senior Disabled will be agendized for next time.
- New Business
- Green Waste Vouchers - EDD has been paying for green waste disposal for areas outside of their service areas with the existing program.
The suggestion was made that other disposal companies be involved in the program. There are seven in county. EDD can't grind or chip at their facility and must
haul offsite. At Rich E.'s suggestion EDD is investigating the use of the tub grinder at Taeger's Firewood. EDD plans to do a press release on EDD, FSC cooperation.
- Clearinghouse Grants 2012-2013 - Rich K. needs a summary of grants submitted and request amounts. Two applications were submitted by
Pollock Pines using EDC FPD as a fiscal sponsor. One of the projects (Sierra Ridge School) will be done by Cal Fire with no need for a grant. Questions were raised
about whether the 49/50 Corridor CWPP was used and whether such use would be legitimate.
- WUI Grants - There was a motion (KRH) and second that Cari prepare an application for funding for the calendar project described under the
Executive Coordinators report. Cari will add "legislation" as an item in future EC reports.
- Affiliation Agreements - Annual renewal of affiliations agreements was recommended. KRH made a motion that annual renewals be required,
Jim Stewart seconded. The process will begin in March. (There was no vote) Several people who are not affiliated with SFCs will not be
signing. In cases where there is more than one person on Board from a SFC, all should sign. The secretary will maintain the records. There was some discussion on
definition of Satellite FSC and requirements. Affiliate Agreements should be signed now. New members should sign Board Member Agreements. Cari volunteered to
organize the old secretary's binder containing all of the above mentioned documents.
A New bylaws/affiliation committee was formed following a motion by Ken and second by Rich E. All approved. Target for completion of affiliate agreements is
March. Dave E. volunteered for the new committee and suggested that it be called a Governance Committee and its scope expanded. Rich E. and KRH volunteered to
serve on committee. Cari will be ex-officio on the committee.
- Public Outreach - Cari presented an outline of proposed public outreach activities. There was additional discussion on putting advertising
on website.
- Senior/Disabled Assistance - If the remainder of the funding for the Gold Hill project is not going to be used we will begin the process of
transferring it to the Senior/Disabled program.
- Title III - The updated MOU for PRC 4291 inspections in Cameron Park, Georgetown and ALT is ready to be sent out for signature. The cap for
this year is $8500. Rich K. said that Cameron Park will not be able to participate this year because of inadequate staff level. Rich E. recommended that a copy of
the MOU be sent to Chief Gill of Pioneer FPD.
- Old Business
- 2011/2012 Budget - Approved in previous action (item 7. above)
- 501 (c) 3 - The renewal was completed and there will be a "reminder" in the Quickbooks accounting system when it is due again.
The same applies to the business license renewal.
- Restrictions on Federal Grant Spending - Covered in June meeting.
- Volcanoville CWPP - Action will be postponed until Mary Cornelison is in attendance.
- RAC - next meeting in September
- Darlene Woods Contract - Ken asked for approval to renew the contract for another six months. There was a motion and
second; all approved.
- Good of the Order
- Fire Chiefs Meeting - Rich K. and Cari attended the Chiefs meeting and Rich introduced himself as the new EDCFSC Chair and Cari
DeWolf as the new Executive Coordinator. The discussion centered on the new ABX1-29 the $150 fire prevention fee.
- FPOs Meeting - Dimmer switches, CO detectors, sprinkler systems and resizing of water line requirements were topics of discussion.
- Directors Reports
- Ray Griffiths discussed status of Georgetown CWPP which is about 60% complete. Funding could be available from existing funds.
We should consider incorporating it with the proposed Volcanoville CWPP.
- Leo - A 40 acre VMP burn has been postponed.
- Bill Smith - Three dumpsters were used for the Chrome Ridge cleanup. Fuel reduction project areas need maintenance.
- Ken - Dumpsters and chipping services are more available because they are not being used in Forest.
- Rich E - Reminded all of annual GF BBQ. There are new board members in GF. Cari asked whether some GF Board Members could
make presentations to potential SFCs.
- Rich K. - We need to make next months agenda shorter.
- Motion to adjourn and second.
Adjourned at 12:55 P.M.

