El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill
May 25, 2011
10:00 AM
- Welcome & Introduction - The meeting was called to order at about 10:10 AM.
Introductions were deferred until the General Meeting.
Board members present were Leo Chaloux, Mary Cornellison, Richard Englefield, Janet
Gastaldi, Ken Hasse, Richard Krek, and Jim Stewart.
Visitors were: Chrystie Mort Davis, Pat and Linda Dwyer, Sandi Bush, Dan Carolan, Mike
Powell, Ann Oliver, Suan Walker, Jill Kunder, Bruce Kunder and Doris Miller.
- Public Comment - None
- Approval of Agenda - Rich E. asked to add Item 8a, contact with Forest Service
regarding office space after treasurer's report. Rich K. moved to approve the agenda as
amended. All approved.
- Approval of Minutes - Janet asked for a correction on the spelling of her name. Rich K.
moved to approve as amended, Rich E. seconded. Four approved, two abstained.
- Directors Slate/Election - Rich E. presented the slate of new nominees: Chrystie Mort-
Davis (Logtown), Pat Dwyer (Logtown), Michael Powell (N. Placerville), Pat Johnson
(former board member) and Dave Eggerton.
Rich Englefield, Ray Griffiths, Ken Hasse and Richard Krek, were the four board
members who are up for re-election. Mary asked whether there was anything in the
Bylaws that would preclude several people from the same community being on the
Board. Ken responded that the Bylaws did not address that issue but he would encourage
anyone who is willing to step up and take responsibility to do so, wherever they are from.
The vote for Directors was postponed in hopes that more Board members would arrive.
Rich E. responded that the maximum number of Board Members allowed by the Bylaws
was 25 in response to a question from the floor. [A post meeting review of the Bylaws
showed the number to be 21, not 25.] Grizzly Flats FSC allows for a 25 member BOD.
- Intellectual Property - Rich E. reported that the 50/49 corridor CWPP will be split into
two parts; Hwy 50 and Hwy 49 and that both parts will be copyrighted. The CWPPs will
be completed in a few weeks and be submitted to the BOD for approval. All pages will
have watermarks indicating that the document is copyrighted. The EDCfiresafe.org
website will also be copyrighted.
Earlier CWPPs that were not copyrighted are probably public domain hence the need to
copyright new CWPPs.
Ken asked for approval of Resolution 2011-05-1 requiring approval of presentations
before they can be made. A motion for approval was made by Jim Stewart and Seconded
by Rich Krek . It was approved by all present. (6 approved, 4 absent).
- RAC Report - Ramiro Villalvazo the Forest Supervisor is moving on. About $90k was
left over from first round of funding. Project that were not funded in first round will be
reviewed again and possibly receive funding. As fiscal sponsor for the Happy Valley
grant, EDCFSC must receive payments up front.
- Treasurer's Report - Balance sheets were emailed to all before meeting. Ken added that
our grant manager reported that clearinghouse payments totaling $139,750 will be made
on May 26th. ($74K for 2011 chipping, $27.5K for 2010 chipping, $33k for Gold hill,
and $5290 for Nashville/Sandridge). GF 6/7 has $198,800 in the bank and will not
receive a payment this month. There is a possibility that a scope change may allow
unspent money from GF 6/7 to be transferred to another GF project. Ken also mentioned
that there is a cap of $200k on grant proposals submitted by EDCFSC and another $200k
cap on total projects fiscally sponsored by EDCFSC.
Mary asked about availability of funds to update of the Volcanoville CAP to a CWPP.
There is some money available. It was recommended that a cost estimate be obtained and
brought to the BOD.
- Rich E. reported on contact with Frank Mossbacher regarding the use of available
office space at the Placerville USFS Headquarters for the FSC. A response is expected.
- Vote on Directors - Leo Chaloux joined the meeting. Jim moved to approve a white ballot:
seconded by Rich E., all approved. See attached ballot sheet. The new board members were
- Committee Reports
- Finance - No report.
- Outreach H&G show - Leo thanked board member for their participation.
Overall attendance was low, but the FSC booth did well on Saturday and Sunday.
- Executive Coordinator RFP - The first review meeting will be at Diamond
Springs on June 1. The candidates are: Cari DeWolf, Chrystie Davis, Dan
Carolan, Karina Silvas - Bellanca, and Patrick Murphy. Proposals will be sent to
board members in advance of the meeting.
- Questions were asked about our liability insurance and whether it would be available next
year. We have money for insurance for next year. Discussion on source of funding
- Rich E moved to adjourn, second by Rich K.; all approved. The meeting was adjourned at
11:15 am.

