El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill
March 23, 2011
10:00 AM
- The meeting was called to order at about 10:10 am. Board members and visitors introduced
Present were: Board Members Bill Brandt, Leo Chaloux, Richard Englefield, Ken Hasse,
Richard Krek, and Bill Smith.
Also present were visitors Pat & Linda Dwyer, Chrystie Davis, Steve Hupner and Kathy
- There was a motion and second to approve the Agenda as written. All approved.
- There was a motion and a second to approve the February 23, 2011 minutes as written. All approved.
- 2010 Title III Budget - Ken asked for approval to assign $60,000 of the $80,000 Title III
money to Firewise Activities including the Executive Coordinator position and the remaining
$20,000 to CWPP related activities. Discussion providing clarification followed. There was
a motion and second to approve the Title III budget. All approved.
- RAC Update - Rich E. reported that the Happy Valley project survived the final cut but the
Kyburz homeowners' project did not.
Rich also reported on a meeting at Diamond Springs Station 49 with Barry Callenberger,
Diamond springs staff and Cal Fire personnel on the Hwy 50/49 CWPP. After some
discussion on the value of the CWPP and the Online Map a vote to discontinue work on the
Online Map was called for. Rich E. moved to suspend work and Bill Brandt seconded. All
present approved. Work on the CWPP may continue pending the results of an upcoming
meeting with County Fire and Cal Fire.
- Treasurer's Report - P&L and 2009 Title III reports were emailed to all Board members.
Ken added that all of the current quarter's grant payments, the $80,000 2010 Title III, and the
Volcanoville payment are in the bank. In addition Liron Galliano has requested payments for
next quarter. New CAFSC clearinghouse requirements including $200,000 cap and 25%
minimum match were mentioned.
Rich E. also mentioned the Mountain Democrat article on the EDCFSC and the following
Tom Schultz letter to the editor. The Audit documents will be posted on the EDCFSC
- Directors Reports - Ken suggested that EDCFSC pay for the cost of printing and mailing
newsletters for existing Firewise communities and for other Satellite FSCs working towards a
Firewise designation. He also requested that EDCFSC pay $706.32 for the cost of the
Logtown Spring Newsletter. Rich E. moved to do so; Leo seconded. Five Board members
approved; one abstained. The motion passed.
- Committee Reports:
- Finance - Bill Brandt brought up the "Million Who Dare to Care" program from a couple
of years back and suggested that something like that might be a possibility for raising
funds for overhead expenses. Flyers might be included with EID mailings. Bill will
check with Brenda Rightmeyer to find out how the campaign did.
- Outreach - Leo has inventoried materials available for handouts at the Home and Garden
Show. Chipper flyers will be ordered (KRH). Pop-ups and tables are available. Leo will
email Board and Satellite members to put together a schedule.
- Grant Management/RFP - Grant Management/RFP - Rich K. will include the Grant Management Policy in the
Bylaws and has reformatted it accordingly. More work is needed.
The RFP for Executive Coordinator was discussed extensively.
- The max funds available, hourly rate and contract term need clarification.
- The RFP should specify that Firewise component it is a part time position but that
additional hours may be available for administrative work provided that it is properly
budgeted and accounted for.
- Time records must be kept/reported.
- Emphasize cost/time accounting responsibility in skills and evaluation criterion.
- Must attend all Board meetings
- The timeline should specify a July 1, 2011 start date and recommend that EC attend June
Board meeting.
- Public Comment: Kathy Lewin commented on the RAC evaluation of the project for Kyburz cabin owners.
She was concerned that without that funding she would not be able to proceed with the
community cleanup requiring Green Waste Dumpsters and Chipping services. The Board
recommended requesting GW Dumpsters and Chipping through the established EDCFSC
processes. Funding is good for the remainder of this year at least. This might not provide all
of the resources that were included in the RAC request, but she could also apply for a
CAFSC grant. It was also recommended that she form a Satellite FSC and consider
becoming a Firewise Community.
- The Board adjourned to Closed Session to discuss possible litigation.
- The meeting was adjourned at about 12:30 P.M.

