El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
10 AM
Diamond Springs Fire Station
The meeting was called to order at 10:08 AM. Present were: Barbara Calvo; Rich Englefield; Ken Hasse; Joan Jennings; Jim Stewart and Vicki Yorty.
- Air Quality Grant - Explanation for delayed invoice
- Vicki states she submitted 2 invoices. Check will be issued for $87,080. to Air Quality
- Explanation of Coordinator charges for Mt. Enterprise
- Are they separate on invoice? Vicki states Jake is paid $30/hour for scheduling.
- Lack of Response to request for information
- Senior assistance request forms. According to MORE they are not receiving the request.
MORE needs the master file. Rich will take care of this.
- Office Location
- Phone System. Looking into setting up an answering service for handling the phone at the Camino office.
- Storage: Vicki has found other office storage are in Camino.
- Computers: Ken is looking into Virtual Office.
- Status of Senior Assistance transfer to MORE
- Transition has been a problem. See details in minutes from BOD meeting from 8/13/10 11AM.
- Reason for delaying Audit
- The Audit will go forth now.
- Monthly written Reports
- Vicki will be submitting as of right now.
- Coordinator Status
- Vicki will let the Coordinators know their status today
- Vicki feels she will pay Linda as a Sub-Contractor. Feels Linda's positions is needed.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 AM
Respectfully Submitted
Barbara Calvo