El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Fire Safe Council Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
July 28, 2010
10:00 - 11:00 am
- The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chairperson at 10:08 am.
- Board Members Present: Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo, Mary Cornelison, Rich Englefield, Ray Griffiths, Joan Jennings,
Richard Krek, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart, and Lori Tuthill.
- Also in attendance were Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator, Linda Colombo, Project coordinator, and Jake wolf, Mountain Enterprises.
- Introductions were made and sign in sheet was passed around.
- Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda for today was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Bill Brandt
and approved by all present.
- Update on Chipper/Senior Program: Jake shared some of the details regarding the senior program. There are
currently 33 seniors waiting for service. It takes about one day to complete each one so they are currently 33 days out. The chipping
program has slowed a bit so some of that crew has been moved to the senior program. With chipping most people have there items to
be chipped ready when the crew arrives. Mountain Enterprises is encouraging groups or blocks to be done together. Jake brings chipper
forms with him to hand out. The senior program is going well. Some senior's financial status is questionable, but the majority of them
need the service. If someone needs services right away let Jake know and he can work around the 30 day turn around. Empty lots are a problem.
- Approval of Minutes from June 23, 2010: A motion to approve the minutes from the June 23, 2010 meeting was
made by Lori Tuthill, 2nd by Bill Brandt and approved by all present.
- SLIP/VIP Insurance: Vicki followed up on this and states that anyone working on behalf of the EDCFSC is covered
under this liability insurance
- 2010/2011 Budget: Ken emphasized that this past year showed exceptional growth, but this is an anomaly that
will not happen again. No fuel reduction projects are funded for this year. The budget was displayed on a screen for everyone to see
and questions were answered.
- At 11 am Rich Englefield stated that this meeting needs to adjourn so the general meeting can begin. It was
decided that the Board of Directors would meet again on 8/13/10 at 10 am Gold Hill Fire Station to continue with budget questions
and complete the agenda.
- T.J. Hand made a suggestion that the general meeting be held before the Board Meeting to allow more time for
the Board to complete business. This suggestion will be discussed later.
- A motion to adjourn was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Ray Griffiths and approved by all present.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 am.
Submitted by: Barbara Calvo, Secretary EDCFSC