El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Fire Safe Council Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
June 23, 2010
- The Meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse at 11:50 am
- Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Lori Tuthill, 2nd Richard Krek and
approved by all present.
- Approval of Minutes from April 28, 2010: A motion to approve the minutes from the April 28, 2010 meeting
was made by Richard Krek, 2nd Bill Brandt and approved by all present.
- Report from BOD's Meeting: Ken Hasse
- Board Member elections held and all voted in unanimously. Executive Board Member elections held. All Executive
Officers will be the same as last year with the exception of the Secretary position which was filled by Barbara Calvo.
- M.O.R.E. will be providing two crews to work on Senior Assistance Projects. They may also be hired at $40 per
hour by individuals by calling Cheryl Conley at 644-2255. Affiliates will still schedule the Senior Assistance Projects through Darlene Woods.
- Vicki is still researching Volunteer Insurance so it will be discussed by the board next month.
- Linda has been given final approval to put together and distribute the Affiliate Binders.
- Executive Coordinator's Report: Vicki Yorty
- We have deposited a total of 1.4 million dollars this year and have expended $1.1 million of it.
- None of the 16 or so Clearing House Applications were funded. We will have to get creative to find funding.
The executive board will meet in the next few weeks to discuss finances.
- August 25th will be our annual "Gathering of the Councils" Meeting. We are looking for a venue.
- Vicki will be on vacation from July 7th thru July 14th.
- Agency Reports/Satellite FSC Reports:
- Grizzly Flats - Richard Englefield - Sandy Bush is the new Secretary. Burning continues.
- Auburn Lake Trails - Bill Brandt - Evaluations are being done. A new webpage has been created - www.ALTfiresafecouncil.com
- Cameron Park - Richard Krek - New webpage has been created. Access through cameronpark.org. Weed Abatement compliance is good.
They have completed 275 4291 Inspections with about 10% needing re-inspection.
- Latrobe - The tanks are being installed. Purchased with $3,500 collected from Community and $2500
donated from the Association. Vicki asked them to send some pictures for the webpage.
- Happy Valley - Jill - Kunder - Up and running and meeting regularly. They will be having a Community
Awareness Picnic in August. Jill thanked Linda Colombo & Jan Bray for all their support in getting started.
- Outingdale - Ed Pomato - They are about half way through their defensible space evaluations.
- Pollock Pines - Barbara Clavo - They now have a co-chair, Tom Sullivan.
- Logtown - Ken Hasse - Fuel Reduction project is complete.
- Georgetown - Ray Griffiths - The Georgetown Advisory Committee approved the CWPP.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 pm.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at Gold Hill, 11 am
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC