El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
June 23, 2010
10:00 - 11:00 am
- The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chairperson at 10:02 am.
- Board Members Present: Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo, Rich Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths, Joan Jennings, Richard Krek,
Bill Smith, and Lori Tuthill.
- Also in attendance were Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator, Linda Colombo, Project Coordinator, Cheryl Conley, M.O.R.E.,
& Jill Kunder, Happy Valley FSC
- Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around.
- Approval of Agenda: The Agenda was amended as follows: Item #8 - Senior Assistance Program was moved to the
top of the agenda so Cheryl from M.O.R.E. could make it to another meeting. A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made
by Richard Krek 2nd by Bill Brandt and approved by all present.
- Senior Assistance Program: Vicki reported that there is $100,000 available for the Senior Assistance Program beginning
July 1, 2010. She introduced Cheryl Conley who is in charge of Grounds Maintenance at M.O.R.E. and reported that they now have two
crews that Vicki will be doing an MOU to perform the work for the Senior Assistance Program. Cheryl requested that the work
assigned to M.O.R.E. be within a 12 mile radius of Placerville due to transportation issues. Cheryl will coordinate with Jake and
the 4 to 5 person crews will be scheduled about 4 hours each work day. A motion to approve the MOU with M.O.R.E. for the
Senior Assistance Program was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Joan Jennings and approved by all present.
- Seniors needing assistance outside the 12 mile radius of Placerville may request service by calling Darlene
Woods at the EDCFSC office. Her phone number is (530) 647-1700.
- M.O.R.E. may also be hired by individuals for $40 per hour per crew. Call Cheryl Conley with M.O.R.E. at
(530) 644-2255 or email at production@more.org.
- Approval of Minutes from May 26, 2010: A motion to approve the minutes from the May 26, 2010
meeting was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Bill Brandt and approved by all present.
- Board Member Elections: Joan Jennings distributed the ballots for the Board Member Elections. All nominees
were voted in with a unanimous vote. Election Results attached as a separate document.
- Executive Officer Elections: Joan Jennings distributed Ballots for the Executive Officers Election. Barbara Calvo
agreed to fill the position of Secretary and her name was added to the Ballot. The election was held and all officers were voted in
unanimously to serve a one year term. Election Results attached as a separate document.
- Barbara requested that a tape recorder be purchased so that the meetings may be recorded. A motion to
approve the purchase of a tape recorder was made by Ray Griffiths, 2nd by Bill Brandt and approved by all present.
- SLIP/VIP Insurance - Vicki is still trying to find out if our existing liability insurance covers volunteers so the
SLIP/VIP Insurance issue was deferred until next month.
- Title III MOU- A motion to approve the Title III MOU's for Pioneer, Georgetown, Cameron Park, Auburn Lake
Trails, & Meeks Bay was made by Lori Tuthill, 2nd by Joan Jennings, roll call vote with 7 Ayes, 2 abstain & 1 Nay, motion approved.
- The Letter from The Meeks Bay Fire Protection District dated April 28, 2010 and the 2009 Title III Funds Grant
Report from Andrew List, Executive Coordinator of the Nevada Fire Safe Council dated January 19, 2010 are attached and made part
of the record.
- Mountain Enterprises - Chipper Program Update: Jake Wolfe was unable to make it to the meeting so Vicki will
follow up with him and provide the board an update next month.
- Operations Manual Committee Update: Joan Jennings, Rich Englefield, & Ken Hasse - There has been no change
since last month. Joan will mail Ken a priority list and a meeting will be set up with the committee members and Vicki, Linda &
Darlene in the next few weeks.
- Satellite Binders: Linda Colombo - Linda was given the go ahead to make the binders and will incorporate the
suggested changes she received from Board Members.
- Ken announced that he would like to call a meeting of the Executive Board in the next couple of weeks to discuss finances.
- Webpage Update: Richard Englefield - A new slide show has been added to the webpage. It is located on the
left side of the page. The server has been moved to a new location and the statistics info started over in May. Rich asked Happy
Valley to let him know if they would like anything added to the webpage.
- Treasurer's Report: Richard Englefield - The financial reports were emailed to the Board yesterday. Richard
handed out the Auditor's Engagement Letter and asked that all Board Members review it for approval at the August Meeting. All
original invoices for the Grizzly Flats reimbursements have been submitted.
- Director's Reports:
A motion to approved the Affiliate Agreements submitted by Happy Valley FSC, Latrobe South FSC, and the Georgetown
Advisory Committee was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Bill Smith and approved by all present.
- Barbara Calvo asked if they could call the Pollock Pines FSC Board a Committee rather than a board. No
one had a problem with that.
- Richard Englefield provided an update on the last meeting of the Resource Advisory Committee. The Committee
has 15 members. They will have $900,000 available by the end of 2011. They are in the process of forming a committee and
have hired a secretary that is being funded by the Forest Service. They are in the process of researching what other RAC's are
doing. Projects should focus on Watershed Improvement. More information on how to submit applications to come. Title III
funding may not be dead.
- A motion to adjourn was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Bill Brandt and approved by all present. The
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.
Next Meeting: Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 10:00 am @ Gold Hill
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary