El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
May 26, 2010
10:00 am
- The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chairperson at 10:05 am.
Board Members Present: Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo, Leo Chaloux, Mary Cornelison, Rich Englefield,
Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths, Joan Jennings, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart and Lori Tuthill.
- Also in attendance were Linda Colombo, Project Coordinator, Mike Pott (ECF) and Patrick McDaniel (Cal Fire).
- Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around.
- Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Joan Jennings
2nd by Leo Chaloux and approved by all present.
- Approval of Minutes from April 28, 2010: A correction was made as follows: The date of the Operations
Manual Committee Meeting was corrected from April 19th to April 13th. A motion to approve the minutes from the April
28, 2010 meeting as amended was made by Mary Cornelison, 2nd by Ray Griffiths and approved by all present.
- Title III MOU-Update:
- The Board Received a letter from Chief Pang at Meeks Bay dated April 28, 2010 asking us to
reconsider funding their 2009 Title III MOU to continue their inspections program. 25% of their budget is funded
with County Aid to Fire dollars that they might not get this year. Chief Pang is requesting $7,500 to fund their
Defensible Space Inspection Program. They usually also use Title III dollars to print and mail their newsletter
but they will find another funding source for that this year. Chief Pang's letter stated that Meeks Bay did not
receive any of the Title III dollars from the Nevada Fire Safe Council. Rich Englefield has a letter from the
Nevada Fire Safe Council but is unable to determine if and how much money Meeks Bay Fire District received from
NFSC. A motion to approve Meeks Bay Fire Protection District $7500 of the 2009 Title III dollars was made by
Lori Tuthill, 2nd by Joan Jennings. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Brandt, Jennings, Chaloux, Gastaldi, Tuthill,
Calvo, Cornelison Nays: Smith, Griffiths, Englefield, Stewart. Motion Carried.
We will need a new MOU from Meeks Bay.
- All Title III MOU's will be approved next month.
- Operations Manual Committee Update: Joan Jennings & Rich Englefield
Joan handed out a list of issues that will be addressed by the committee for inclusion in the Operations Manual.
She looked up the templates from the RCD but didn't find them applicable. Joan talked about the need for a Whistle
Blower Policy or a policy about how to report info to other agencies. That will be added to the list of policies
needed. Rich will write up the Accounting Process/Procedure and submit to Joan. He is also working on the Webpage
Procedure which should be fairly easy to write.
- Ken Hasse submitted a new Conflict of Interest Statement: A motion to approve Ken Hasse's new
Conflict of Interest Statement was made by Lori Tuhill, 2nd by Ray Griffith, approved by all present. This COI will
replace the one approved on March 15, 2010.
- Approval of Affiliate Agreements: None submitted.
- Slate of Nominations for Board Members and Executive Board - Jim Stewart
All current Board Members present at meeting expressed their desire to continue on as Board Members.
Executive Board Member Nominations: Joan Jennings - Parliamentarian, Ken Hasse, Chair, Jim Stewart, Vice Chair,
Rich Englefield, Treasurer, Secretary (open). The elections will be held at next months meeting. There were
no nominations from the floor.
- Webpage Update: Rich Englefield reported that we may change the Fire Severity Information
on the webpage by going to a website. Satellite FSC's and Affiliates may post their meeting minutes on the web.
They can forward the info to Rich.
Rich reported that the Senior Assistance Application Form has been updated but has not been put on the webpage yet.
We need to check our supply of Green Waste Vouchers. Linda just delivered two packs to Diamond Springs.
Do we need to reorder, if so, it was suggested that they not be ordered as triplicates.
- Treasurer's Report - Rich Englefield handed out Trial Balance and Expenses by Vendor Summary.
He was not able to get the reports until last Thursday. Directors still would like them emailed a week before each meeting.
- Satellite/Affiliate Binders:
Vicki has asked Linda to put together binders to be handed out to the new satellites and affiliates. Ken Hasse
was not aware that these were going to be different from the BOD binders. These binders will focus on how to get
started and will include a copy of the By-laws so that the affiliate may turn in an Affiliate Agreement Form. If
the satellite/affiliate nominates someone to serve on the Board, he/she would receive a BOD Binder/Manual.
- Directors Reports:
- Pollock Pines - Barbara Calvo
Barbara requested reimbursement for 1000 business cards for the Pollock Pines FSC. The total was $62.73. The amount
was approved.
- Grizzly Flats - Rich Englefield
Rich submitted a request for reimbursement for expenses incurred by the GFFSC in the amount of $2,580. Rich stated
that these expenses were approved by Vicki ahead of time. A motion to approve reimbursement in the amount of $2,580
to the Grizzly Flats Fire Safe Council was made by Rich Englefield, 2nd Jim Stewart and approved by all present.
- Coordinators Reports: - Linda Colombo
- Linda will be submitting invoices to be reimbursed for the business cards she ordered.
- The following Directors would like EDCFSC Business Cards: Jim Stewart, Barbara Calvo,
Janet Gastaldi, Mary Cornelison & Rich Englefield. Linda to get a quote and bring to next months meeting
for approval.
- Reminder from Parliamentarian: Per our By-laws, any expenses over $500 need to be agendized
and approved by the board before items are purchased.
Next Meeting: Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 10:00 am @ Gold Hill
Meeting adjourned at 11:57 am.
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary