El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Fire Safe Council Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
April 28, 2010
- The Meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse at 11:45 am
- Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Richard Krek, 2nd Bill Brandt and approved by all present.
- Approval of Minutes from February 24, 2010: A motion to approve the minutes from the February 24, 2010 meeting
was made by Richard Krek, 2nd Joan Jennings and approved by all present.
- Report from BOD's Meeting: Ken Hasse
We will be nominating board members and executive board members at the May meeting and holding elections at the June
Meeting. Please let Jim Stewart know if you would like to be on the board or e-board for the next fiscal year.
- Executive Coordinator's Report: None given due to Vicki not being able to attend the meeting due to a family
emergency. Vicki said she would send her coordinators report via email in the next week or so.
- Agency Reports/Satellite FSC Reports:
- Grizzly Flats - Richard Englefield - Fuel Break GF5 & GF6 just about complete. The String Canyon Fuel Break
crossed the road. Mountain Enterprises is doing a great job with the mastication work. They will begin a Water Efficiency Program with the
Water District and the CA Association of Resource Conservation District in August. Rich took a tour of Fuel Break G4 with Barry. The
project is complete. Several tires have been dumped on the property and they are concerned about more dumping.
- Auburn Lake Trails - Bill Brandt - A new General Manager has been hired for the HOA and there are two open
board positions. The FSC rewrote their inspection forms for residential and vacant lots. They will begin their inspections on May 15th.
- Cameron Park - Richard Krek - The new Weed Abatement Ordinance went into affect on April 16th. Four
resident volunteers will be doing inspections on Woodbury & Sudbury. On May 24th there will be a Pine Hill Preserve Meeting at the BLM
Office in El Dorado Hills.
- Volcanoville - Mary Cornelison - Jim Clark was honored at their last Firewise/Safety Meeting. A large stone
will go in front of the station in his honor. They applied for and received a Forest Service Grant for $65,000 for vegetation management of
properties that border US Forest Service Lands.
- Latrobe - Sites have been approved and (4) 3000 gallon water tanks have been purchased. Steve Pratt was
able to collect $3500 from neighbors and another $2,000 from the Latrobe FF Association.
- Nashville/Sandridge - Linda Colombo - Grant has funded. Reflective signs will be given to all people who
do their clearance. On May 22nd, they will be having the next Evaluation Day and will take a tour of 5 more properties.
- Program Coordinator Report - Linda Colombo - Linda attended the FEMA Disaster Training; Ray Nutting
praised the CWPP / Evacuation Plan that Barry is working on at the Training. Linda gave an overview of the EDCFSC. On April 20th, Teri
Mitzuhara & Rob Combs gave a presentation for about 37 members of the Board of Realtors. Happy Valley has established the boundary
for their FSC and is working on creating some maps. Inventory books are available at the FSC Office in Camino. Linda gave a presentation
for Logtown. She showed a defensible space video and also has a video on the 1991 Oakland Hills Fire and one on communication.
- Outingdale - Ed Pomato - They just received about 15 chipper requests and are in the process of getting
a green waste dumpster. Evaluations will begin soon.
- Pollock Pines - Gregory Mott - They met with Barry regarding the CWPP. Evaluations are on-going. The
May meeting will discuss CDAP. The cost of Clean-Up Day was $10,000. They are working on their bylaws/guidelines and will expand their board.
- El Dorado Hills - Jim Stewart - Jim is looking for a film on the 49er Fire if anyone has one. Jan Bray
suggested checking with the Nevada, Yuba, Placer Unit.
- Logtown - Jan Bray and Ken Hasse - They are putting together a tour of the newly cleared area. They
have set the date for May 19th. Details and invites are in the works.
- Farmers Insurance - James Sewell - Farmers has taken big hits in Southern California. James was invited
to the meeting by Rich Englefield and found it interesting and informative.
- Hands on Sacramento - Kathy Ince - Kathy told the group that they have received a grant for Management
of Spontaneous Volunteers. She asked the Board if the EDCFSC would want to take a lead in this grant and be in charge of the
spontaneous volunteers. For more information, give Kathy Ince a call at (530) 295-7400 or send her an email at kince@att.net.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 pm.
Next Meeting: To Be Announced
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC