El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
April 28, 2010
10:00 am
- The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chairperson at 10:00 am. Board Members in
attendance were: Bill Brandt, Mary Cornelison, Rich Englefield, Ray Griffiths, Joan Jennings, Richard Krek,
Gregory Mott (for Barbara Calvo), Jim Stewart and Lori Tuthill.
- Also in attendance were Linda Colombo, Project Coordinator and James Sewell, Farmer's Insurance.
- Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around.
- Changes to the agenda were made as follows: Item 11 was changed from Executive Coordinators
Report to Volunteer Insurance. Item 13 was added to discuss the binders for the affiliates. A motion to approve
the agenda as amended was made by Joan Jennings 2nd by Mary Cornelison and approved by all present.
- Approval of Minutes from March 24, 2010: A motion to approve the minutes from the March 24,
2010 meeting was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Jim Stewart and approved by all present.
- A motion to nominate Penny Humphrey's as Director Emeritus to recognize her outstanding years of
service to the EDCFSC was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Mary Cornelison and approved by all present. Mary has agreed to
do some research on wording for a certificate that we could present her at one of the next meetings. She will present
something to the board next month.
- Title III MOU-Update: A motion to direct Lori Tuthill as secretary to reissue and
collect the revised
Title III MOU's from Georgetown, Pioneer, Auburn Lake Trails and Cameron Park and to postpone approval of them until next
month was made by Ray Griffith, 2nd by Bill Brandt and approved by all present.
Ken reported to the Board that the contracts for Vicki Yorty, Darlene Woods, Linda Colombo, Mountain
Enterprises and Charlie Savnik have been extended.
Joan Jennings reported that the Operations Manual Committee (Ken Hasse, Rich Englefield and herself),
met on April 13th. They have started the long process of creating procedures and have all taken on assignments. They are
currently creating procedures for updating the website, reviewing and approving contracts, accounting practices, budget
and records retention. Jan Bray said that the CA Resource Conservation District just finished creating their
operations/procedures manual and may have templates that could be used.
- Approval of Affiliate Agreements: A motion to approve the Affiliate Agreements from Auburn
Lake Trails, Cameron Park CSD, Chrome Ridge FSC, Diamond Springs-El Dorado Fire Protection District, El Dorado
Hills Area, Garden Valley, Grizzly Flats FSC, Logtown FSC, Mosquito FSC, Outingdale, Pollock Pines FSC, Quintette
and Volcanoville FSC was made by Lori Tuthill, 2nd by Joan Jennings, approved by all present.
- Approval of Board Member Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements: After discussing possible
conflicts on the Statements submitted by Lori Tuthill, Ray Griffiths, Leo Chaloux and Richard Krek, a Motion to
approve the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements from Lori Tuthill, Barbara Calvo, Joan Jennings, Ken Hasse,
Ray Griffith, Leo Chaloux, Janet Gastaldi, Richard Krek, Bill Smith, Mary Cornelison, Jim Stewart & Richard Englefied
was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Joan Jennings and approved by all present.
Jim Stewart has agreed to chair the 2010 Nominating Committee. Joan Jennings and Bill Brandt have
agreed to be on the committee. The Slate of Nominations of Board Members & the Executive Board will be made at the May
meeting and the Election will be held at the June meeting. Please send any nominations to Jim Stewart.
- Webpage Update: Rich Englefield reported that Procedures on how to post things to and remove
things from the webpage will be created by the Operations Manual Committee. Password protection is being removed
from the Webpage. The Fire Severity List will be updated. Satellite FSC's and Affiliates are encouraged to have
their agendas and minutes posted to the webpage. Rich is looking for photos to be used on the webpage.
- Treasurer's Report: The accounting statements were not received until late yesterday so Rich will be
sending them out via email. He encouraged all Board Members to focus on the balance sheet and the cost of running the
organization. We are now running a $1,000,000 business.
- In the interest of time, the Volunteer Insurance Program was moved to next month's agenda.
- Linda Colombo has almost finished putting the binders together for the new Satellite's. They should be
available at the next meeting.
- Directors Reports:
Ray Griffith introduced a book that he purchased at the UC Davis Bookstore called Fire in the CA Eco Systems. It was
written by several authors and would be a good resource to anyone interested.
- Public Comment:
Ken Hasse reported that the Home & Garden Show was successful and expressed his appreciation to Richard Englefield,
Joan Jennings, Jan Frietas & Vicki Yorty for their help and support.
Next Meeting: Wednesday May 26, 2010 at 10:00 am @ Gold Hill
A motion to adjourn was made by Jim Stewart at 11:35 am, 2nd by Richard Krek and approved by all present.
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary