El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
March 24, 2010
10:00 am
- The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chairperson at 10:00 am. Those in attendance were:
Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo, Leo Chaloux, Mary & Bob Cornelison, Rich Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths,
Joan Jennings, Richard Krek, Bill Smith, and Jim Stewart.
- Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around.
- Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Bill
Smith and approved by all present.
- Approval of Minutes from February 24, 2010: A motion to approve the minutes from the
February 24, 2010 meeting was made by Jim Stewart, 2nd by Bill Brant and approved by all present.
- New Conflict of Interest Statements & Affiliate Agreements were distributed by Ken Hasse and Joan Jennings.
- Report from E-Board Meeting: The E-Board met on March 15, 2010.
Satellite Fire Safe Councils are defined as follows: They must have a Board of Directors with a minimum of 3 persons;
they must have by-laws or adopt the by-laws of the EDCFSC and they must hold regular meetings. Currently, there are
8 Satellite Councils and 8 Affiliates. The E-Board has received job descriptions and contracts for coordinators;
all contracts; conflict of interest statements and MOU's will be approved by the full Board; new computer for
Vicki is still in the box; The record's committee never moved the records at Vicki's home over to the Mt
Dannaher office; An operations manual is still needed and Ken Hasse, Rich Englefield and Joan Jennings have
volunteered to form that committee; Diamond Springs is planning to re-landscape the fire house in Logtown.
- Title III MOU-Update: Vicki will be sending out the MOU's for property evaluations. There
are Title III funds from old agreements that still have balances. There is some question about $19,000 of the $51,000
Title III monies that was spent on administration and salaries by the Nevada State Fire Safe Council. It was
suggested by Rich Englefield that they not receive any more Title III funds.
- Home & Garden Show April 23rd thru April 25th: MORE VOLUTEERS NEEDED. Joan Jennings is
available on Friday 4/23 and Ken Hasse is available. Darlene & Jana will set up. We should all check with our
Councils to see if anyone else is available.
- Webpage Update: Rich stated that the minutes are all caught up and he is cleaning up the
website. He will be adding the newly updated bylaws. Rich would like to have pictures of events submitted for posting.
- Treasurer's Report: Banking information was not ready and there is no report. The projected
budget will be ready at the next meeting. There was some discussion regarding if this organization is sustainable based
on current expenses and income (or lack of income)
- Directors Reports:
- Cameron Park has passed an ordinance on Weed Abatement. This will be
added to the web-site.
- Ken Hasse has received a Letter of Resignation from Penney Humphreys.
- Next Month there will be Nomination for Directors and Officers.
- There was discussion regarding the slow response from Mountain Enterprises in handling the
chipping program. The piles for chipping seem to sit at the curb side for months at a time. It was suggested
that we have Mountain Enterprises at the meeting in April.
Next Meeting: Wednesday April 28, 2010 at 10:00 am @ Gold Hill
A motion to adjourn was made by Bill Brandt at 11:15, 2nd by Richard Krek and approved by all present.
Submitted by: Barbara Calvo, for Lori Tuthill