El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Fire Safe Council Meeting
Cameron Park Community Center
January 27, 2010
11:00 am
- The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chairperson at 11:02 am. Those in attendance were:
Mark Almer, Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo, Linda Colombo, Richard Englefield, Penny Humphreys, Steve Hupner, Joan Jennings,
Richard Krek, Audrey Paye, Bill Smith, Lori Tuthill, and
- Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around.
- Approval of Agenda: The Agenda was amended as follows: Item added under New Business - Bylaw
Committee will be meeting to review the Conflict of Interest Policy. Recommendations will be brought back to the
board. A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Bill Smith, and approved by all present.
- Approval of Minutes from November 18, 2009 meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from
the November 18, 2009 meeting was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Joan Jennings and approved by all present.
- Storage/Retrieval/Procedure Manual Committee Report - Richard Englefield
Richard, Linda & Vicki met. Vicki has been reorganizing and will pack up boxes from her house to be stored at
Gold Hill. A $120.65 back-up storage drive was purchased. An inventory of what is in each office will be
done. The procedures manual has not been started.
- Treasurer's Report - Richard Englefield
Richard went over the process with everyone. The accountant will provide updated statements to Ken & Rich. Rich
distributed Profit & Loss Statements for the following programs: Title III, Senior Assistance, Chipper, FSC, Logtown
& Grizzly Flats. Vicki handed out a Summary Sheet. The board members would like these each month.
We talked about having the dumpsters, vouchers and chipping reports done in graph form. We
would like the reports for them to show what has been spent monthly and the balance that is available. Rich
would like to do a site visit at one of a the next larger sized chipper jobs to see what work generally gets
done at a large job that costs about $800.
Rich also had a map made of all the CSD's and Special Districts to be used to identify
clusters of people that might be interested in our program. Linda will have the map laminated.
- Bylaw Committee Report - Joan Jennings
The Bylaw revisions have passed the 30 day review period. There were questions about whether or not the syntax
errors that Steve Hupner identified during the first review were ever made. The approval of the Bylaws was tables
to next month to allow time for the committee reconvene to discuss the new issues with the Conflict of Interest Policy.
- Executive Coordinators Report - Vicki Yorty
Vicki handed out a revised budget. She will add columns for front funded grants. She also handed out a
spreadsheet with cubic yards and totals for the dumpster program.
Auburn Lake Trails, Meeks Bay, Pioneer and Cameron Park have turned in MOU's for Title III.
The Chipper Contractor has finally caught up after the downed trees from the snow storm and is
currently about two weeks out on the schedule.
Mark Almer advised us of a situation where the chipper crew would not chip a pile that was stacked
on a road that was too busy and therefore unsafe for the crew. Vicki will add a line on the "Request for Chipping Form"
letting people not to stack their piles on busy roads and to limit the height of the piles to about 3 feet.
A motion was made by Lori Tuthill to allow Vicki to amend her contract and the contracts for
Darlene Woods, Linda Colombo & Barry Callenberger, 2nd by Penny Humphreys, approved by all present.
Vicki will attend the WUI Conference in Reno. The information was emailed to the Board.
- Old Business
- Title III MOU - Discussed above under Coordinator's Report.
- Diamond Springs Electronic Roadside Signs - $3,000 approved. Lori has not requested
reimbursement yet because after the board approved the money for the signs, they tried to put other
restrictions on the use of them. Lori explained that Diamond Springs Fire owns and carries vehicle insurance
on these signs and that they have to be moved using a trailer. The intent of Diamond Springs was to allow the
EDCFSC to get some exposure for these signs by using the logo on them but that Diamond Springs will be in charge
of the signs. The board approved the $3,000 without any restrictions and have now agreed to let Diamond Springs
Fire control them. Lori will submit receipts for reimbursement soon.
- Alliant Volunteer Insurance - The board members still had several questions about who would
be covered and how so Lori volunteered to call the company and ask some questions by the next meeting.
- New Business
- Bylaw Committee to review the Conflict of Interest Statement and report back to the board next month.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 10:00 am @ Gold Hill
A motion to adjourn was made by Bill Smith at 12:25 pm, 2nd by Penny Humphreys and approved by all present.
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC