El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
November 18, 2009
12:25 pm - 1:00 pm
The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chairperson at 12:25 pm. Those in attendance were: Bernie Bahro, Bill
Brandt, Steven Brink, Barbara Calvo, Barry Callenberger, Leo Chaloux, Linda Colombo, Mary Cornelison, Richard Englefield, Janet Gastaldi,
Steve Hupner, Richard Krek, Hope Leja, Gary Miller, Ed Pomato, Audrey Pomato, Karina Silvas, Bob Smart, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart, Lori Tuthill
and Walt Tyler.
Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around.
Linda Colombo volunteered to make tent cards for the Board. Lori will send her the Board Contact Information.
Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Richard Krek, 2nd by Jim Stewart, and
approved by all present.
Approval of Minutes from October 28, 2009 meeting: A correction to the minutes as follows was noted: Changed
"Defer approval of October Minutes, will email to Council when finished" to Approval of Minutes from October 28th meeting. A motion
to approve the minutes from the October 28, 2009 meeting as corrected was made by Richard Englefield, 2nd by Richard Krek and a
pproved by all present.
Vicki requested that Lori check with Frank Mosbacher to make sure the RAC dollars that will be available for
proposals in January are Title IV dollars.
Report from Board of Directors Meeting: Ken Hasse, Chair:
- Vicki handed out the final version of Appendix M was handed out and will be approved via email vote. It
will then be posted on the webpage and included in the Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan.
- A Storage Retrieval/Procedure Manual Committee headed by Richard Englefield was formed and approved by
the Board. They will provide monthly updated at the Board Meetings.
- The Treasurer is meeting with the accountant to provide the board with more precise reports on a monthly basis.
- The Bylaws Committee revised the Conflict of Interest Policy and it was approved by the Board.
- Vicki reported that our volunteers are not covered by any of our insurance policies so we will be looking into
getting some type of volunteer insurance in the next few months.
Steve Brink, California Forestry Association gave a report on the status of the CA Timber Industry and the Sustainable
Forest Action Coalition.
- The California Forestry Association is forming a coalition with the El Dorado, Tuolumne & Plumas Forests to
get the Board of Supervisors engaged to work with them to do more fuels reduction. As burning is done less and less over time we
need to find other ways of reducing fuels. They will eventually expand the coalition to Trinity and Kern.
- There will be a Field Tour of the Fred's Fire on the El Dorado National Forest tomorrow.
- Farm bill for Biomass - This bill allocates money for 2010/2011 to provide fuel suppliers a $1 for $1 match to
move fuels to power plants. Proposals are due to County's by mid December.
- Woody Biomass Utilization Grant - Last year there was $250,000 available. If you could demonstrate that you could
move more biomass if you had a grant you were eligible. This year there is $350,000 available. The 1st round of proposals are due
November 20th for initial screening. If you make it through the first round, additional information will be requested and will be due in February.
Report on CWPP/Evacuation Plan for Placerville, including Diamond Springs east: - Barry Callenberger and Bernie Bahro
gave a power point presentation of where they are in the project. They have met with the Forest Service, Cal Fire and County Fire and need
to meet with Diamond Springs Fire. The Base Map and WUI Boundary have been established. They are working on developing a risk
assessment and will then need to prioritize the hazards. They are shooting for having the final plan done by early next year. Prevention
and Fuel Reduction is the key and community involvement is crucial. The Ultimate Goal is to make the El Dorado Road/Highway 50 corridor
a "Firesafe Corridor." They suggested doing a "Demonstration Project" along Highway 50 to show people what good clearance looks like.
Agency Reports: None
Satellite Fire Safe Council Reports: Linda Colombo handed out the mini calendars to any Satellite FSC that wanted them.
Next Meeting: Gathering of the Councils, January 27th, time & location TBD
A motion to adjourn was made by Richard Krek at 1:01 pm, 2nd by Bill Brandt and approved by all present.
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC