El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Fire Safe Council Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
October 28, 2009
10:00 - 11:00 am
- The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chairperson, at 10:07 am. Those in attendance were: Bill Brandt, Barbara
Calvo, Linda Colombo, Mary Cornelison, Richard Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Joan Jennings, Richard Krek, Katie Russell (Guest), Bill Smith, Jim
Stewart and Lori Tuthill
- Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around.
- Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Jim Stewart, 2nd by Richard Krek, and approved
by all present.
- Ken Hasse suggested that we move Agenda Item No 2, Public Comments to later in the meeting beginning next month.
The Secretary will check with the Parliamentarian to make sure that it is not in violation of our bylaws or rules of conduct.
- Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the July 22, 2009 BOD Meeting was made by Jim
Stewart, 2nd by Richard Krek, and approved by all present.
- Bylaw Committee Report - Joan Jennings
- Joan has not been able to meet with legal counsel yet to go over the revisions to the Bylaws. It was suggested
that Counsel be invited to the next Board Meeting to address any questions/concerns regarding the revisions to the Bylaws and the
Conflict of Interest Policy in regard to Board Members getting Title III dollars for their Agencies/Satellite FSC's.
- Having the Title III monies given directly to the EDCFSC to distribute was supposed to simplify things but in
reality has placed the burden of figuring out a policy to distribute these funds on the EDCFSC and the Board.
- Treasurer's Report: Richard Englefield
- Richard talked to the bookkeeper and she is having trouble with our spreadsheet and making the changes to the
reports he requested.
- He did not provide any financial statements to the board this month.
- We talked about coming up with a simpler summary of the projects that would show the balances of each project
on a monthly basis.
- The attorney has not been contacted regarding his recommendation for Title III.
- Ken reported that Vicki has a draft MOU for Title III Funds but no one has seen it and it has not been finalized.
We need to get an update from Vicki about the MOU. We have not addressed how the money will be distributed to the approved bidders.
- Webpage Update - None
- Executive Coordinator's Report - Vicki Yorty was not in attendance at the meeting.
- We did not discuss the MOU with the Fire Districts for Defensible Space Evaluations because we did not have a
copy of the updated MOU.
- We tried to discuss the Volunteer Insurance Program that Zurich is offering but did not know what kind of
accident coverage the EDCFSC already has in place for our volunteers. It was suggested that we have a representative from Zurich
come to one of our meetings and give a presentation about what the coverage would provide and what it would cost.
- Director's Reports:
- Linda Colombo asked the board for input on purchasing 2000 Mini Calendars that we could attach our business
cards and info about our programs to. Linda said that Vicki already had the money to pay for these. A motion to approve Linda
Colombo to purchase 1,000 of the Mini Calendars at a cost of .22 ea. was made by Mary Cornelison, 2nd by Joan Jennings, and approved
by all present.
- Old Business:
Strategic Planning Appendix M: A quick review of Appendix M that was sent via email the morning of the meeting showed that the
info for Log Town that Ken Hasse provided Vicki and the info Mary Cornelison provided to Vicki for Volcanoville had not been updated
on the spreadsheet. The Board asked the Secretary to update the Spreadsheet. The secretary received updates from Joan Jennings and
Jim Stewart at the meeting and Ken & Mary will email her their updates. Any other updates need to be sent to Lori no later than Friday,
November 6, 2009.
- New Business: None
- A motion to adjourn was made by Barbara Calvo at 11:05 am, 2nd by Richard Krek and approved by all present.
Next Meeting: November 18, 2009 at 10:00 am at the Gold Hill Fire Station
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC