El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Fire Safe Council Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
September 23, 2009
10:00 - 11:00 am
- The meeting was called to order by Jim Stewart, Vice Chair, at 10:00 am. Those in attendance were:
Bill Brandt, Jan Bray, Barbara Calvo, Linda Colombo, Mary Cornelison, Richard Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths,
Ken Hasse, Penny Humphreys, Joan Jennings, Richard Krek, Katie Russell (Guest), Bill Smith, Jim Stewart, Lori Tuthill,
Vicki Yorty
- Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around.
- Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Penny Humphreys, 2nd
by Richard Krek, and approved by all present.
- Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the July 22, 2009 BOD Meeting was made by Jim
Stewart, 2nd by Richard Krek, and approved by all present.
- Bylaw Committee Report - Joan Jennings
- The committee has completed the amendments to the Bylaw's.
- Joan went through each proposed amendment with the BOD.
- The motion to approve the amendments was carried until next month so that Legal Counsel
has a chance to review the changes.
- Treasurer's Report: Richard Englefield
- Richard passed out the Financial Statements from Smith Maloney through June 30, 2009.
- We will have more auditing requirements because we are managing more grant dollars now than
ever before. Jan Bray suggested that Richard contact the Sierra Resource Conservation District for advice on this
level of audit because they have been through this level of audit before.
- Questions regarding whether or not our Bylaws support the distribution of Title III dollars to
Board Members came up which is one of the items we will be having legal counsel address.
- Our tax return is due November 15th. Richard & Vicki will send the financial documents to the
accountant at the end of September. This will give us the financial picture for the 1st quarter of the fiscal year.
- Log Town's Clearing House Project will be added to the Statement of Functional Expenses
section of the financial statement starting next month.
- Sandridge will be added in 2010.
- Vicki to check to see if our Retainer Agreement with Bill Wright needs to be updated.
- Webpage Update: Ken Hasse
- Ken suggested that some of the information on the Home Page of the Webpage is outdated.
Vicki said she would take a look at it to see what changes need to be made.
- All changes are still being made by Abe with Cal Net. Info should be sent to Richard
Englefield and then he will forward to Abe.
- Executive Coordinator's Report
- Vicki handed out a draft of the Memorandum of Understanding between EDCFSC and
District's/Organizations for the Defensible Space and Education Program. She will send an electronic version to
all BOD members for review before next months Meeting. It was already suggested that a bullet to add liability
language be added to the MOU.
- Linda Colombo suggested that we create a Tri-Fold Brochure about the EDCFSC. She was
asked to bring in a copy of the Firewise Tri-Fold to use as a template.
- We discussed EDCFSC Liability Insurance and Insurance for Volunteers. Alliant Insurance
Services, Inc. has a new Volunteers Insurance Program (V.I.P). They have selected Zurich American Insurance Company
as the program's carrier. The benefits include Accidental Death Insurance, Accidental Dismemberment & Paralysis,
Excess Medical Expenses & Coma Benefits. Lori will scan the documents and send them out electronically to the BOD
for discussion at next months meeting.
- Director's Reports:
- Any items requiring Board Direction or Approval. All other director's reports will be made at
the General FSC Meeting.
- Sandridge:
- Linda Colombo asked the Board if the Fire Safe Council Logo could be used on the Consumnes
River Watershed Flier and the BOD said it was fine.
- Old Business:
- Jan Bray (Cal Fire) offered to help anyone needing help with grants. Cal Fire did not get
the FEMA grant they put in for Cameron because they did not request enough money and Cameron was not listed on
the Hazard Mitigation Plan. All communities' names in the county are now listed on the Cal Fire Hazard Mitigation Plan.
- Linda Colombo got Kudos in a Letter to the Editor in the Mountain Democrat.
- Linda reported that San Mateo County is using the Health & Safety Code for their Weed
Abatement Program.
- Jan Bray will provide updates on bills affecting us that are going through the legislature.
- New Business:
- Resolution 2009-09-01 authorizing Ken Hasse as the current chair to
execute the Title III Funding Agreement with the County on behalf of the EDCFSC was approved by the Board
of Directors via email on September 10, 2009.
Next Meeting: October 28th at 10:00 am at the Gold Hill Fire Station
A motion to adjourn was made by Penny Humphries at 11:00 am, 2nd by Richard Krek and approved by all present.
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC