El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
General Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
July 22, 2009
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- The meeting was called to order by Ken Hasse, Chair, at approximately 1:10 pm. Those in attendance were: Bob
Berry (GIS), Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo, Leo Chaloux, Jim Clark, Linda Colombo, Mary Cornelison, Doug Ferro, Ray Griffiths, Ken
Hasse, Joan Jennings, Richard Krek, Tom Mahach, Patrick McDaniel, Steve McKinney, Denice Rice, Bill Robinson, Jeanette
Ryder (Guest), Bill Smith, Jim Stewart, Lori Tuthill, Vicki Yorty, Darlene Woods
Ken Hasse introduced the newly seated Board of Directors and introductions were made by all. A Sign- In Sheet was passed around.
Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Ray Griffiths, 2nd by Richard Krek, approved by all present.
Report from Board of Director's Meeting: New meetings times were approved. Beginning in September, the Board Meetings will
be held from 10:00 am until 11:00 am and the General Meetings will be held from 11:00 am until 12:00 pm.
The Board is working on a set of Green Waste Dumpster Usage Guidelines. Jana Newman provided a draft to Vicki and Vicki
handed them to all Directors at this mornings meeting. The Directors will review them and provide feedback to Vicki.
- Update on 2010 Proposals:
Clearinghouse Grant Proposals - Progress slow. The environmental compliance requirements were waived for the Senior Assistance
Program. Darlene Woods reported that there are about 30 seniors on the waiting list.
The El Dorado County Air Quality Management District Emissions grant was received for Green Waste Dumpsters for 2009/2010.
Darlene Woods will be taking over the Coordination of this program.
Vicki will attend the BOS Meeting on Tuesday, July 28th and hope to get some resolution about Title III funds.
Project Updates: Chipper is running about two to three weeks out. Green Waste Vouchers - 5000 more vouchers were printed.
Waste Management is keeping track of the usage. We do not need to save the yellow and pink copies. The Grizzly Flat Area 5 project that
Barry Callenberger is handling is about ready to go out to bid. The West & North end of the shaded fuel break will start after fire season.
- Agency & Satellite FSC Reports:
Cal Fire - Patrick McDaniels - Went over AB1300. AB1300 is a bill to provide future funds for fuel reduction/Biomass Utilization to
replace Prop 40 dollars. Cal Fire will keep the FSC in the loop and let us know what role they would like us to play. The AEU Fire Plan is
complete but not posted. The FSC would like a copy posted on our webpage.
Forest Service - Denice - Business as usual
Environmental Management - Steve - Evacuation grants going well. Vintage Trail will have 30 to 50 feet of clearance on either side. A
portion of the work will be done with goats. Foothill Signs is making Reflective Signs for the community.
Placerville - Linda Colombo - Linda to escort Smokey on the National Night Out event on August 4th. They will visit 28 neighborhoods.
Cameron Park - The boy scouts will be finishing up the demo garden at Station 89 at an Eagle Scout Project. Rich created a Red Flag
Warning Info Sheet that is available on the webpage. He will send it to Vicki & Lori.
EDH - Jim - Looking for someone to take ownership of the Green Waste Dumpster program in his area. Not much going on in Latrobe.
Georgetown - Ray Griffiths - In the process of collecting info for the CWPP from the Forest Service, Cal Fire, Property Owners and the Fire District.
Pollock Pines - Barbara Calvo - Greenwaste dumpster has been placed along Gilmore. Sierra Springs will get one on August 1st. They
are busy doing evaluations. She will bring the non-compliant to the next meeting to give to Cal Fire. They had a 4th of July BBQ that was a great
success and they are looking into becoming a Firewise Community.
Log Town - Ken Hasse - The Fuel Break has been funded but no money has been received to date. They are moving forward with the
Prop 40 project and have conducted the pre-bid tour. Work will start around October.
The Meeting was adjourned at 2:10 pm
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC