Fire Safe Council Board of Directors
Annual Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
June 24, 2009
12:00 pm 2 pm
Present: Bill Brandt, Leo Chaloux, Mary Cornelison, Rich Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths, Ken
Hasse, Joan Jennings, Richard Krek, Bill Smith, Jim Stewart, Lori Tuthill, Vicki Yorty
Call to order 12:20 PM by Rich Englefield.
No public comment
Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda was made by Ken Hasse, second by Bill Smith.
Approved by all present.
Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 22nd and May 27th: Motion to approve meeting
minutes from 4/22 & 5/27 made by Ken
Hasse, second Bill Brandt. Approved by all present at the meetings. People who did not attend one or both of
the meetings abstained.
Discussion of definition/qualification of terms & eligibility of board members
Suggestion by Ray Griffith to change bylaws as follows:
In Section 2, number of directors
Replace "is a representative body made of" with "shall include but not be limited to"
Vicki reviewed reasons for 2008 changes in Bylaws.
Suggestion was made to pass resolution to allow present board members to continue.
Ray Griffith's made a motion "to adopt a resolution to interpret the bylaws so that the FSC BOD may include
but not be limited to representatives of satellite FSCS", Second by Lori Tuthill.
Approved by all present.
Formed committee to amend Bylaws
Members: Joan Jennings, Ray Griffith's, Ken Hasse, Mary Cornelison, Lori Tuthill - Committee to report back to
the board by September.
Discussion on eligibility of Rich Krek for board membership
Bylaws do not prohibit more than one representative from a satellite fire safe council to sit on the board.
Jim Stewart made a motion to nominate Rich Krek for BOD, Second by Ken Hasse.
Approved by all present.
Election of Directors:
Five board members whose terms are up at the end of June were included on the ballot (see ballot). Richard Krek
was written in. All were approved.
Results: Eight (8) board members have terms that expire in 2010 and five (5) members have terms
that expire 2011. Richard
Krek's length of term will be determined by the Bylaws Committee.
Election of Executive Officers: |
Nominating committee presented the following slate: |
Chairperson |
Ken Hasse |
Vice Chair |
Jim Stewart |
Treasurer |
Richard Englefield |
Secretary |
Lori Tuthill |
There were no other nominations from the floor.
Jim Stewart made a motion to elect slate by "white ballot" because seats were uncontested, second by Ray Griffith's.
Approved by all present.
Walt Tyler was given ex-officio status
Treasurer's Report: Copies of latest financial reports (FY 2008/2009, July 1, 2008 - May 31, 2009) were
distributed to the board.
Rich Englefield turned the chair over to Ken Hasse
QuickBooks 2005 doesn't work with Vista software. Rich Englefield mad a motion to buy a new version of
QuickBooks Pro, max $300. Second Jim Stewart.
Approved by all present.
Discussion of desired financial reports
- reports based on individual grant sources including timeline - Ray
- monthly reports on balance remaining in chipper, green waste dumpster, senior assistance
funds - Ken Hasse
- Vicki invited everyone to make suggestions as needed
Discussion of Penny Humphrey's suggestion for reallocation of Vicki's workload:
- Ray suggested that only action items and items requiring vote be included on agenda
- Lori Tuthill will send request for agenda items about 2 weeks early
- Financial report can be sent out via email
- The consensus was that we should continue to have general meetings following the board meetings
- Linda Colombo volunteered to set up a calendar of events where FSC should be represented &
coordinate volunteers
- Bill Smith suggested a standard FSC billboard that could be made available for events
Grizzly Flat used money from fundraiser to purchase two Smokey signs. Work on fuel break is continuing. BBQ is coming up.
Suggestion was made to find some means to show appreciation for Walt Tyler
Logtown is six months into the Logtown Fuel Break project and has received only $5000 for
environmental documentation.
Mark Egbert is ready to go with Prop 40 portion. Vicki, Ken with Jan Bray's support agreed that we should give
Mark the ok to proceed.
Rich asked Jan Bray to speak on AB1300 next month.
Directors Reports
Linda Colombo reported on progress in Nashville/Sandridge FSC area.
A Firewise presentation was done in Pollock Pines.
Old business
- Satellite agreements will be approved at next meeting - needs to be on agenda
- Website needs to be updated - some agendas and minutes are missing
- The $3000 that was approved for the Diamond Springs road sign refurbishing was discussed. Lori will get
more information on specifications and use. The project will be funded by reimbursement.
The BOS will meet on 22nd to decide on Title III funding.
Jim Stewart made a motion to adjourn, second by Lori Tuthill. Approved by all present.
Second by Lori Tuthill
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary