El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
May 27, 2009
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Present: Barbara Calvo, Penny Humphreys, Joan Jennings, Mary Cornelison, Ken Hasse, Rich Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Richard Krek
Vicki Yorty was unable to attend.
Lori Tuthill, Bill Smith, Ray Griffiths & Bill Brandt joined the meeting after the closed session.
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 AM by Rich Englefield
- Open Session
Ken Hasse was asked to record the meeting in the absence of a secretary. Meeting minutes not being issued on timely basis has become a problem.
Rich suggested that meetings be recorded and then transcribed by an outside source followed by a discussion of cost and whether budget would allow it.
The suggestion was made that Darlene Woods or Linda Columbo might be better suited to type the meeting minutes. Rich also suggested that the
general meeting be recorded.
- Closed Session
- Reopen Session
- Report on Closed Session
The Board approved a salary increase and renewal of Vicki's contract. A 5% increase was discussed. Joan Jennings moved to approve a 5%
increase, Mary Cornelison seconded. The motion passed 7/0
Staffing Discussion - The Board agreed to use in house people to decrease Vicki's work load. Penny expressed concern about Vicki's work
load and lack of a back-up. Jana Newman, Darlene Woods and Linda Columbo are part time employees. Four people were originally interviewed
for the positions. Darlene has taken on the management of the green waste dumpster (and chipping?) program.
Can Linda take on more responsibility even though she chairs the Nashville/Sandridge FSC?
- The agenda was approved
- The approval of the April minutes was deferred
- The letter to Mike Applegarth and copies for the BOS were delivered personally by Rich. Vicki will be at BOS meeting on Tue, June 2nd.
The Nevada FSC will protest the RFP process.
- Directors Reports
Rich - An added BLM review of individual senior assistance requests is delaying the program. Rich mentioned a Forest Service
controlled burn/training exercise in the Grizzly Flats area planned for tomorrow, May 28th.
Ken - The Logtown fuel break funding is also being held up by BLM review. The question of funding availability for evaluations was brought up.
- Nominating Committee
Rich and Bill Brandt volunteered to serve on the nominating committee for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
Potential candidates will be asked by e-mail.
- The Executive Coordinator's report was skipped because of Vicki's absence. Five grant applications were submitted.
- No Other Old Business
- New Business
A volunteer is needed to hand out FSC flyers at Wal-Mart event on June 13th
The meeting was adjourned 11 AM.