El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
April 22, 2009
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
The meeting was called to order by Richard Englefield, Chair, at approximately 11:14 am. Those in attendance were: Ken Hasse, Jim Stewart, Janet Gastaldi, Joan Jennings, Leo Chaloux, Lori Tuthill, Richard Krek, Audrey Paye
Introductions were made and a sign in sheet was passed around. Vicki Yorty was injured and not able to attend the meeting.
There was no agenda for the meeting so no agenda to approve. There were no minutes from the last meeting to approve.
A volunteer sign-up sheet for the Home & Garden Show on the 23rd, 24th & 25th was passed around.
Clearing House Grants that were accepted: Sandridge FSC - $83,000, Grizzly Flats, Chipper Program, Senior Assistance Program.
Senior Assistance Program: The Forest Service has hired BLM to manage the Senior Assistance Program. BLM currently requires that each site that requests work to be done on their property be visited by a biologist. Vicki is trying to get that requirement waived for the program.
Placerville Fire Safe Project Update: Linda Colombo gave a status report. There are several projects going on. When asked about approaching the City of Placerville about some of their properties that back up to other properties that require clearance it was suggested that she contact Gary Baldock with El Dorado County Fire to see what sort of weed abatement program, if any, they have. Clearance is needed around Sierra School.
Grizzly Flat has installed two signs, one at Somerset and one by East Ridge.
Funding Requests:
Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to approve the allocation of $723 to Ken Hasse to have the Logtown Newsletter printing and
mailed. Second by Jim Stewart. Approved by all present.
Jim Stewart proposed a motion to approve $276.04 for El Dorado Hills to pay half the cost to have a sign made and
placed on Green Valley Road. Second by Leo Chaloux. Approved by all present.
Lori Tuthill made a motion to approve $3,000 to The Diamond Springs/El Dorado Fire Protection District for half of the
cost of repairing two electronic road signs that could be used for Fire Safe Messages in the district. Second by Jim Stewart.
Approved by all present.
Linda Colombo requested support of an Eagle Scout Project for the front of the Sandridge Development.
A motion was made by Jim Stewart to support the Eagle Scout Project for the Nashville Sandridge Area. Second by
Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
Items for next Meetings Agenda:
- Re-visit Vicki's Salary - The Board felt it was time to discuss a cost of living allowance for Vicki. We will be having a Closed Session at 10:30 am at the next Board Meeting.
- Richard Krek would like to be on the Board of the EDCFSC.
The next meeting of the EDCFSC BOD will be May 27, 2009 at 11:00 am.
Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Secretary EDCFSC