El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
August 27, 2008
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
The meeting was called to order by Ray Griffiths, Vice Chair, at approximately noon. Those in attendance
were: Ken Hasse, Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo, Bill Cave, Bill Smith, Janet Gastaldi, Joan Jennings, Audrey Paye (for Lori
Tuthill), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator -EDCFSC).
A short Board of Directors meeting was held to distribute the EDCFSC transmittal letter to Satellite
Fire Safe Councils (SFSC) that will contain as an attachment the Affiliation Agreement to be signed by each SFSC and
returned to the EDCFSC. This agreement was adopted by the BOD at their June 25 2008 annual meeting as Item 5 in the
amended Bylaws, EDCFSC BOD Policies and Procedures. After making a minor clarification change, the letter was approved
by the BOD and is attached to these minutes for the record. A complete package containing the letter and the Amended
Bylaws will be mailed to each SFSC. For those SFSCs that are in the formation stage, the agreement and attachment are
for information only should they decide to formalize their organization.
Vicki Yorty passed out the SFSC package developed by Jana Newman that contained passwords for each
SFSC to update their information on the website. This is a work in progress and Vicki solicited comments and feedback
from the SFSCs when they update their information. This method should give the SFSCs the ability to post meeting
schedules, agendas, minutes and any other information on the activities of the local councils.
Vicki also gave a brief report on current projects and funding status. The EDCFSC has not received
quarterly funding from the CAFSC for both 2007 USFS fuel reduction projects and the 2008 Chipping and Senior Assistance
programs. Vicki will continue to follow-up and will report to the BOD as soon as the funding is received. Mountain F.
Enterprises understands the situation and has been very patient under these less than favorable delays in receiving
payment for their services.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:35.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki D. Yorty
EDCFSC Executive Coordinator.