El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
July 23, 2008
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
The meeting was called to order by Ray Griffiths, Vice Chair, at approximately 11:00 am. Those in attendance
were: Ken Hasse, Jim Stewart, Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo, Penny Humphreys, Bill Smith, Janet Gastaldi, Mary Cornelison,
Walt Tyler, Bob Cornelison (Guest), Ryan Bellanca (Guest), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator -EDCFSC).
Introductions were made. Ray explained absence of regular Secretary. Vicki proposed that a person other
than a Director be assigned to take and record the Minutes. She will research.
Bill Smith proposed a motion to approve the Agenda. Second by Janet Gastaldi. Approved by all present.
Walt Tyler proposed a motion to approve the Minutes of June 25, 2008. Second by Bill Smith.
Approved by all present.
Vicki reviewed the close out financial standing of the Council. It was 100% more than last year. The
total was $626,100.26. Since it was over $500, 000, another level of audit will be required.
Vicki reported status of Senior Assistance and Chipping Programs. The first Senior Assistance grant was
finished. Some funds are available from the next grant. Chipping is about two and one half weeks out. Approximately
15 18 messages per day are received for services. Requests for dumpsters continue. Receiving grant funds to pay
Contractors continues to be slow. The two contracts for Grizzly Flats expire at the end or August '08. Work has been
completed. Directors Binders were issued to new Directors.
Vicki provided copies of the June 2008 Biomass Fuel Availability and Feasibility Review. The need for
biomass utilization will continue but cost effectiveness will be a determining factor.
Vicki recommended that Pat Johnson be granted Ex Officio status as a member of the EDCFSC.
Jim Stewart proposed a motion to grant Pat Johnson Ex Officio status as a member of the El Dorado County Fire
Safe Council. Second by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
The next meeting of the EDCFSC BOD will be August 27, 2008 at 11:00 am.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Director EDCFSC