El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
General Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
June 25, 2008
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Introductions
Introductions were made. Those in attendance were: Phyllis Banducci (California Department of Forestry),
Bob Berry (GIS Analyst), Rich Englefield (Chairman - Grizzly Flats and Logtown), Janet Gastaldi (Director -
Quintette), Ray Griffiths (Director - Georgetown Advisory Committee), Joan Jennings (Director - Garden Valley),
Pat Johnson (Director - EID/Mosquito), (Ken Hasse (Logtown), Barbara Rebeskie (US Forest Service), Bill
Robinson (Director - Chrome Ridge), Sam and Lorelee Soria (Garden Valley), Bob Todd (Pollock Pines), Jan Todd
(Pollock Pines), Walt Tyler (Director - Grizzly Flats/Pioneer)Vicki D. Yorty (Executive Coordinator - EDCFSC)
A moment of silence for the Angora fire victims was observed.
Pledge of Allegiance was stated.
- Agenda
Ray Griffiths moved to approve the Agenda; seconded by Walt Tyler. Unanimous vote was taken.
- Approval of Minutes
Ray Griffiths moved to approve the Minutes of June 25, 2008; seconded by Janet Gastaldi. Motion to approve
Minutes was unanimously passed.
- Chairman Rich Englefield reported out on the Board meeting and the presented the newly elected
Board of Directors. Bylaws had been passed and were posted on the EDCFSC website at noon today, June 25, 2008.
Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty will take the Bylaws to the State Fire Safe Council. Discussed amendments to
Bylaws and the history of how they came to be.
- EDCFSC Website - Rich Englefield
Capacity for each council to report to the EDCFSC website is being established. The Executive
Coordinator has requested that charts and graphs be implemented to the website to depict the budget status of
- Bob Todd addressed the group about American Red Cross and its need for volunteers
especially regarding a Disaster Action Team.
- Agency and Community/Satellite FSC Reports:
Barbara Rebeskie of the USFS depicted fires on a California map. Fire restrictions will be in place by
July 4th. Restrictions will be more extensive in that no open fires in certain campgrounds. The lightening
strikes are occurring earlier this year but identical to 1987. Baltic look-out tower was dismantled and
transferred to Gold Bug Park. Monies and grants will restore the look-out and be displayed at Gold Bug Park.
Phyllis Banducci (CalFire) reported suspension of all burn permits as of June 17. Discussed contact
information of the Emergency Command Center. July 4th - fireworks are illegal in El Dorado County. July
1st will begin the last year for Prop. 40 grants for community assistance regarding fire mitigation. The
reverse 911 system is up and running.
Bob Berry (Placerville Surveyor's office) reported location of fire stations on map in our area. They
are establishing full-time contact numbers.
Norm Krizl (Georgetown): Discussed conservation of water due to dry year. Concerned about water supply.
Ray Griffiths (Director - Georgetown): Working on Georgetown's CWPP. A meeting will be scheduled with
Spanish Dry Diggings regarding fire mitigation.
Janet Gastaldi (Director - Quintette): Fire inspections have been completed in the Quintette area. Has
completed a directory with pertinent addresses and telephone numbers, which have been distributed to
appropriate agencies.
Bill Robinson (Director Chrome Ridge): Individuals in his area are beginning to perform fire mitigation measures.
Walt Tyler (Director - Grizzly Flats): Cleared 1-1/2 acres where they will have their annual barbeque.
Chipped wood was laid down on the 1-1/2 acre barbeque area. Fire Safe Council meetings will be conducted at Fire
Station 35. The meetings will be held from 10:00 - 12:00 pm on the first Saturday of each month. Burger
night is every Friday night with fire mitigation information being distributed. Excellent participation from local
fire people.
Bill Brandt (Director - Auburn Lake Trails): Finishing up property inspections. About 75% passed on the
first round. Community Services people have been performing evaluations. Prop. 40 grant utilized for fuel break.
Discussed home insurance issues in their area. Many of the insurance companies are setting 300' to 500'
defensible space requirements. Their 4th of July parade bash will include their Fire Safe Council booth.
Marvin Bukema (Sly Park Fire Safe Council and Pollock Pines Fire Safe Council): The park near Pollock
Pines Community Center needs to be masticated. Looking for possible funds to assist regarding clearance of
public lands. Strategic planning meeting is beginning and proposal was made to discuss it at that time.
Invitation extended to EDCFSC and attendees to barbeque at 6:00 pm tonight at Jenkinson Lake. Discussion of
Fire Safe Council issues and encouragement of newcomers to join council. Discussed evacuation exercise in
Sly Park Hills and Pollock Pines. Evacuation event included 111 vehicles.
Barbara Calvo (Pollock Pines): The Pollock Pines Fire Safe Council will have a booth in front of the
Pollock Pines' Safeway where fire mitigation information will be distributed. This will occur next Saturday
and Sunday.
Sierra Springs Homeowners Association had May 31 meeting regarding recent fire occurrence and debriefed
about the Pine Tree Road fire. Annual meeting is this coming Saturday, June 28, with additional information
regarding the debriefing. Completion of defensible space around the common areas has occurred.
Ken Hasse (Director - Logtown): Wrapping up clean-up. Green Waste Dumpsters are coming. Working on
evacuation drill - toured areas that could be used. Drill may occur later this fall. CalTrans and possibly
DOT will be involved. Red flags will be in place. Discussion ensued as to how to find out whether it is a
red flag day, which emanates from the weather service.
- Executive Coordinator's Report:
Executive Coordinator Yorty reported on Mountain Enterprises and its contractual affiliation with
the EDCFSC. Mountain Enterprise crews working on the senior program and chipping program. Chipping
program is running 2-1/2 weeks out. There are additional grant dollars to spend on evacuation routes.
Reports on the defensible space evaluations were given.
Adjournment took place at 3:00 p.m. The next meeting will take place at 1:00 pm on July 23, 2008, at the
Gold Hill Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary