El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
June 25, 2008
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
- Welcome was given by Chairman Rich Englefield and Pledge of Allegiance was addressed.
Those in attendance were Bill Cave (Auburn Lake Trails), Mary Cornelison (Volcanoville), Rich Englefield
(Chairman - Grizzly Flats and Logtown), Janet Gastaldi (Quintette), Ray Griffiths (Georgetown Advisory
Committee), Joan Jennings (Garden Valley), Pat Johnson (EID/Mosquito), Ken Hasse (Logtown), Penny Humphreys
(Rescue), Bill Robinson (Chrome Ridge), Tom Schultz (Sly Park Hills), Lori Tuthill (Cameron Park), Walt Tyler
(Grizzly Flats/Pioneer), Vicki D. Yorty (Executive Coordinator - EDCFSC)
- Public Comment.
Tom Schultz of Sly Park Fire Safe Council. Expressed appreciation for assistance from the EDCFSC. Gave
update on their community and fire mitigation efforts. Invitation was extended to attend their barbeque
this evening for recruiting more members.
Response to Mr. Schultz was given by Chairman Rich Englefield.
- Agenda
Walt Tyler moved to approve Agenda. It was seconded by Joan Jennings, Penny Humphreys and Mary Cornelisonn.
Unanimous vote was taken to approve Agenda.
- Minutes
Mary Cornelius moved to approve Minutes; Penny Humphreys seconded the motion. Unanimous vote was taken
to approve Minutes from May 28, 2008.
- Presentation.
Presentation of the EDCFSC website was made by Rich Englefield.
- 2008/2009 Election of Directors and Officers
Ballots were distributed with five candidates eligible for Board positions. The voting process was presented
by Chairman Englefield. Term issues were discussed. Newly voted Board members are: Bill Brandt, Barbara Calvo,
Leo Chaloux, Ken Hasse, and Bill Smith. Bill Cave was moved and seconded to have him as an ex-officio Board member
of Auburn Lake Trails.
- Adoption of Bylaws.
Penny Humphreys moved to adopt the Bylaws as amended. The motion was seconded by Joan Jennings and Walt Tyler.
- Executive Coordinator's Report:
Title III contract has been signed. Invoices from the EDFSC have been submitted to El Dorado County for
payment. El Dorado County is developing a waiting list for programs. Update on Greenwaste dumpsters and
details as to the amounts applied and remaining was reported on by the Executive Coordinator.
Executive Coordinator Yorty spoke of the annual recognition of the Angora fire disaster held in Tahoe.
She spent 9-1/2 hours at the event speaking with individuals -- some of whom had lost their homes to the fire.
EDCFSC booth will be set up for the 4th of July event in Pollock Pines.
Executive Coordinator walked fuel breaks at approximately 6,000 feet with Duane Nelson of the U.S.
Forest Service.
The Grizzly Flats projects status report was presented by Executive Coordinator Yorty with focus on
evacuation routes and fire mitigation activities.
Update on the Senior Assistance and Chipping Programs was given. Darlene Woods was introduced as
the new Coordinator for the Senior Assistance Program. Calls are averaging about eleven per day.
- Other old Business.
Senior Assistance Program is doing well. Seniors must be financially and physically unable to do the work.
It was emphasized that this program is for senior individuals who are financially and physically unable to
perform fire mitigation.
- New Business.
Discussion ensued regarding fires in El Dorado County and the State of California and assessment of fire containment.
- Adjournment
Next meeting will be July 23, 2008 at Gold Hill at 11:00 am.
Penny Humphreys moved and Walt Tyler seconded to adjourn meeting at 12:15 pm. A unanimous vote was taken.
Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary