Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
May 28, 2008
11:03 am - 12:30 pm
At approximately 11:03 am, the Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Chairman Rich
Englefield. In attendance were Bill Cave (Director, Auburn Lake Trails-Cool), Mary Cornelison (Director,
Volcanoville), Richard Englefield (Chairman - Logtown), Janet Gastaldi (Director, Quintette), Ray Griffiths (Vice
Chair - Georgetown), Penny Humphreys (Director - Rescue), Joan Jennings (Treasurer- Garden Valley), Pat Johnson
(Secretary - EID and Mosquito), Bill Robinson (Director - Chrome Ridge), Jim Stewart (Director - El Dorado Hills),
Lori Tuthill (Director - Cameron Park), Walt Tyler (Grizzly Flats), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator, EDFSC)
- Welcome - Board members were introduced.
Welcome was extended by Chairman Rich Englefield. Introductions were made.
- Public comment.
- Approval of Agenda.
Penny Humphreys moved to approve the Agenda. Walt Tyler seconded the motion and the Agenda was unanimously approved.
- Approval of April 23, 2008 minutes.
April 23, 2008 Minutes were discussed. Jim Stewart moved to approve. Penny seconded the motion. Minutes for
April 23, 2008 were unanimously approved.
- Not consecutively numbered. Agenda progressed from item 4 to item 6.
- Update on proposed amended Bylaws and agreements with Satellite Councils.
Executive Coordinator to be submitting drafted Bylaws for final revisions and review.
- Update of website and monthly input from Satellite Councils.
Email addresses and logs are being set up and are to be completed by next Friday, May 30, 2008. It will
be sent out to those who have requested it. Posting on web will be by next week. Request has been made to
update news on website with current fire information.
Statistics on "hits" on the website were shared.
- Director's Report - discussion on area specific issues and updates.
Mary Cornelison (Director, Volcanoville): Received FireWise award. Meeting was held to recognize the
community its participation. Supervisor Briggs was in attendance.
Jim Stewart (Director, El Dorado Hills): Herd of goats from Goat Central has arrived for fuel mitigation in
their area. Channel 10 turned out to document the goats' work. Local El Dorado Hills teacher was interviewed as
well as EDFSC Executive Coordinator, Vicki Yorty.
Walt Tyler (Director, Grizzly Flats): Tickets are currently for sale for the Grizzly Flats' barbeque. Clearing
below Pine Ridge is moving along rapidly. Lost one of their volunteer firefighters. Phil Dayton will be filling
in during the interim. Sweeney Road needs attention as to fire mitigation. Currently, no engine coverage.
Discussion ensued as to fire insurance on residential properties. It was proposed that an insurance
representative be invited to address the group. Director Cornelius informed the group as to an individual who
could give such a presentation.
Bill Cave (Director, Auburn Lake Trails - Cool): They have visited multiple residences regarding education
and evaluation of defensible space. Passed out packages containing measuring tape that was 100 feet and an
educational CD regarding evacuation procedures and information.
Penny Humphreys (Director, Rescue). Governor Schwartznegger declared El Dorado and Placer Counties disaster
areas. Proposed more monies for fire evaluation inspections.
Pat Johnson: (Director, Mosquito/EID): Five volunteer firefighters graduating from Georgetown Fire Academy
this Friday, May 30, 2008, and dedicating their expertise and efforts to the Mosquito Volunteer Firefighters and
its community.
- Executive Coordinator's Report:
- Vicky Yorty (EDCFSC Executive Coordinator's Report): Requested that Fire District's
need to come forward with pertinent Senior Assistance referrals for fire mitigation. Senior assistance
forms are being distributed to local fire stations. Grizzly Flats chipping project is near completion.
Programs: Grizzly Flats is near 90% completion of contract on Project Area 4. Chipping program running
about two-weeks out. Green Waste Dumpsters will be available in July 2008.
Upcoming meeting with Supervisor Baumann to discuss Title III funding. Possible Title III funding
extended another year.
Educational inserts to be distributed for the EDC Fire Safe Council regarding evacuation procedures,
animal issues, household inventory, etc.
Researching grant mechanism for weed abatement in the District.
Met with Gold Hill Estates Homeowner's Association regarding arson fire. Working with potential victims
as to what they could do for protection.
Sunday, June 1, 2008, an evacuation drill is scheduled for Sly Park Hills.
- Old Business.
- New Business.
A Nominating Committee was established for new Directors.
- Adjournment:
Adjournment occurred at approximately 12:30 pm.
Next meeting of the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors will occur on June 25, 2008
at 11:00 a.m. at the Gold Hill Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary