Fire Safe Council General Meeting
Gold Hill fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
April 23, 2008
1:00 am - 3:00 pm
At approximately 1:00 pm, the General Meeting of the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council was called
to order. In attendance were Bob Berry (EDC GIS Department), Bill Cave (Director, Auburn Lake Trails), Linda Colombo
(Nashville Sandridge FSC), Tobie Edmonds (CalFire), Richard Englefield (Chairman - EDCFSC), Stan Farrell (CalFire),
Ray Griffiths (Director - Georgetown), Ken Hasse (Logtown), Ripley Howe (Sandridge), Penny Humphreys (Director -
Rescue), Joan Jennings (Director - Garden Valley), Pat Johnson (Director - EID and Mosquito), Gene Murphy
(Registered Professional Forester), Gary Pigg (Placerville), Bill Robinson (Director - Chrome Ridge/Pleasant Valley),
Bob Signor (Retired Fire Chief - Pioneer), Bill Smith (Chrome Ridge), Jim Stewart (Director - El Dorado Hills),
Tom Sullivan (Pollock Pines), Sam Teresi (El Dorado Hills), Lori Tuthill (Director - Cameron Park), Vicki Yorty
(Executive Coordinator - EDCFSC)
- Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty welcomed everyone to the general meeting of the El Dorado County
Fire Safe Council. Introductions were made.
- Motion to approve Agenda was moved by Pat Johnson and seconded by Ray Griffiths. Unanimous vote
was taken to approve the Agenda.
- Motion to approve March 26, 2008 Minutes was moved by Bill Cave and seconded by Bill Robinson.
Unanimous vote approved the Minutes of March 26, 2008.
- Board of Director's report was presented by Chairman Rich Englefield.
Bylaws workshop was discussed. Board reviewed changes and format was agreed upon as to how to present the
amendments to Bylaws. A 30-day timeline will be established for public comment. A goal was set to complete the
Bylaws and have them in place by July 2008.
The EDCFSC website will have sites where newly-established or forming fire safe councils will be able to put
out additional information. The California Fire Safe Council wants to have all fire safe council's links
provided to them.
- Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty gave report.
Summary of outstanding proposals was distributed. $1.5 million has been granted to the EDCFSC (substantial
funds targeted for Project Area 4 and Grizzly Flats). Chipping program has been funded for this year ($75,000).
Another round of funds will arrive in September for 2009. Senior Assistance Program was not funded.
Green Waste Dumpsters will be available the first of July. The EDCFSC has received a $72,280 grant from EDC
Air Quality Management District, effective 7/1/08 for Chipping program administration, FSC ops and Green Waste
Discussion regarding the status of various programs was addressed.
Chipping program is up and running with approximately a dozen applications per week. Most applications are
coming in online. Contract was awarded to Mountain Enterprises.
Defensible Space training was very successful. Training videos will be available within a month.
Senior & Disabled Program is still by referral. If you know of someone who requires assistance, let them know.
There is a Coordinator to assist with this program.
- Agency Reports and Satellite FSC Updates
Grizzly Flats has put in $35,000 for their environmental documentation (CEQA) for fuel break. $20,000 will be
used to improve roads and accessibility (widening, etc.) Forest Service has little personnel to assist with
clearing roads in the area. Grizzly Flats Fire Safe Council will be hosting a barbeque in August. FireWise is
working in their area and signage is being posted. On April 24th a 200-acre burn will take place for fire
mitigation in the Grizzly Flats area.
Gold Bug Park is a Prop. 40 project, and the City of Placerville is awaiting the FEMA grant. Evacuation
procedures are a major focus and concern regarding of the community. Placerville had a clean-up last weekend.
Forty-eight tons of garbage was collected.
It was emphasized that the best form of fire mitigation are individuals taking care of their property and
effectively making defensible space.
Cal-Fire is gearing up for the Home & Garden show on April 25, 26 and 27, 2008.
Georgetown FSC has a public meeting scheduled on May 15, 2008, at 6:00 pm at the local public school regarding
the CWPP at public school at 6:00 pm.
Mosquito/Swansboro has had three fires which were quickly contained. EID is pursuing fire mitigation measures
by logging in their highly congested acreages.
Auburn Lake is pursuing an evacuation plan, which is being refined with the BLM and Fire Safe council.
Evacuation signs have been placed in the area. Defensible space inspections will take place shortly. Have begun
using a masticator and plan to use Growlersberg for shaded fuel breaks.
Bill Robinson, Director of Chrome Ridge, presented video by Mark Egbert regarding fire mitigation measures.
Is pursuing Prop. 40 funding for clearing. Residents are busily performing defensible space work. A fire history
map has been developed. Fuel breaks are being assessed for subdivision. A 5000 watt generator is needed for their
Jim Stewart, Director of EDH, reported that children from Jackson School cleared limbs from down trees with help
from Growlersberg. Kids made a special reward that was granted to them. The area looks beautiful with the chips
spread on the pathways. Goats will be brought in to keep the grass down.
Garden Valley reported that they are awaiting Green Waste dumpsters. Defensible space evaluations will begin
Cameron Park CSD is pursuing their CWPP and attempting to get signatures. BLM will begin fuel reduction from
100 feet out on the lots at Pine Hill Preserve.
Logtown is moving ahead with community-wide clean-up. Last Monday a newsletter was sent via email regarding
clean-up and it was received with good response. So far few responses on chipper request. Would like to see the
Green Waste dumpsters. Goal is mid-May to complete defensible space inspections. Hydrant checks are down to the
last five. EID has repaired or replaced faulty hydrants. 100% of the hydrants are functioning. Has signs for
defensible space ready to go up. Evacuation drill is under review.
Sam Terrisi of EDH reported that the Deer Creek fire last year made their community aware of fire threat
and fire mitigation measures.
Outingdale is conducting defensible space inspections.
Sandridge is attempting to motivate their community regarding fire mitigation and participation in their
Fire Safe Council.
Bob Signor thanked group who participated in the Bylaw amendment workshop, which was very effective.
Tom Sullivan of Pollock Pines reported that the potluck was successful with lots of food. Defensible space
evaluation training is underway and will be offering dumpsters to community for waste materials. Attempting to
educate families one at a time as to potential fire danger.
Gene Murphy discussed nomenclature regarding 100 feet defensible space from the structure OR to the property
line. Language has caused much confusion.
Adjournment at approximately 3:00 p.m. Next meeting to be held at the Diamond Springs Firefighters Hall at
1:00 p.m. on Wednesday May 28th.
Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary