Fire Safe Council General Meeting
Gold Hill fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
April 23, 2008
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
At approximately 11:00 am, the Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Chairman
Rich Englefield. In attendance were Bill Cave (Director, Auburn Lake Trails), Linda Colombo (Guest - Nashville),
Richard Englefield (Chairman - El Dorado), Ray Griffiths (Director - Georgetown), Penny Humphreys (Director - Rescue),
Joan Jennings (Director - Garden Valley), Pat Johnson (Director - EID and Mosquito), Bill Robinson (Director -
Chrome Ridge/Pleasant Valley), Jim Stewart (Director - El Dorado Hills), Lori Tuthill (Director - Cameron Park),
Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator)
- The welcome was extended by Chairman Rich Englefield. The Pledge of Allegiance was
stated. Introductions were made.
- Public comment from Ms. Colombo for Nashville.
- Penny Humphreys moved to approve the Agenda. Ray Griffiths seconded the motion and the
Agenda was unanimously approved.
- February 27, 2008 Minutes were discussed. It was agreed that Minutes will be prepared pursuant
to Article 8, Section 11 of the Bylaws which indicate that we follow Robert's Rules of Order. Comments by public
can be attached as correspondence but not approved by the Board as such.
- A copy of the Accountants' Compilation Report is to be sent to the Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council
Treasurer's Report was presented. Financial reports are now given on a quarterly basis. Audit requirements may be
changed in the future.
A report on agency grants and particulars was presented. Title III represents approximately 63% of our budget and
is in its last year of funding.
It was proposed that a pie chart be created regarding the EDCFSC budget. It was proposed that the pie chart be
placed on the EDCFSC website and considered a public document. A discussion of requests for public documents was addressed.
The 2007-2008 audit was addressed. Ray Griffiths moved for an independent audit and Penny Humphreys seconded the
motion. Motion was unanimously voted on and accepted.
- Ray Griffiths moved and Jim Stewart seconded to accept proposed amendments to Articles V, VI,
VII, VIII. A unanimous vote was taken with Bill Cave abstaining. Discussion ensued. Review of Article XIV ensued.
Motion was made by Bill Robinson and seconded by Penny Humphreys to adopt Article XIV. A unanimous vote was taken
except for Bill Cave who abstained.
Discussion of a time line for public input to proposed amendments ensued. The amendments of the Bylaws will not
be posted until legal review. After posting, a motion was made by Bill Robinson and seconded by Pat Johnson for a
30-day comment period of the Bylaws. Motion was unanimously accepted with Bill Cave abstaining.
- Comments have been received regarding EDCFSC that all satellite fire safe councils be recognized
on the EDCFSC website. We have received from the California Fire Safe Council a request to submit all our fire safe
council links to their website.
- Directors Reports.
Chrome Ridge has received 13-minute DVD video that has focuses on fire mitigation in their area. Plans for
distribution have not been decided.
Rescue kicked off the fire season with two fires within an hour in the past month.
Cameron Park is governed by the CSD burn ordinance that only allows burning the first two weeks in April and
the first two weeks in November.
Garden Valley had an out-of-control fire and it was a burn day. It was proposed that the telephone message be
more inclusive of burn day information - wind factors, air conditions, etc. CalFire and Sacramento Air Quality Basin
have control over such messages and information.
U.S. Forest Service in Grizzly Flats is having difficulty getting staff for hand crews. There may not be anyone
available on May 1, 2008.
Mosquito/Swansboro has had three fires within the past month, which were quickly contained.
Auburn Lake Trails reports that their defensible space inspections are going well. They are looking to perform
evacuation exercises.
- Executive Coordinator's report will be reported at General Meeting beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Report was presented on CAFSC workshop regarding sustainability of fire safe councils. Fund raising and Board
development were topics discussed.
The Train the Trainers class on defensible space evaluations was successful and a draft video should be available
by April 28, 2008.
- No old business.
- New business. Home & Garden show on April 25, 26, 27.
- Adjournment at approximately 12:30 p.m. Next meeting to be held at the Diamond Springs Firefighters
Hall at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary