Fire Safe Council General Meeting
Gold Hill fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
March 26, 2008
1:00 am - 3:00 pm
At 1:00 pm the meeting was called to order by Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator
- Introductions were made. Directors and guests presents were: Mike Angles, Bill Brandt (Auburn Lake Trails), Barry Callenberger (Wildland Rx), Barbara Calvo (Pollock Pines), Linda Colombo (Nashville Sandridge), Richard Englefield (Chairman, Grizzly Flats), Ray Griffiths (Director, Georgetown Divide RCD), Claude Hanna (Sly Park Hills), Ken Hasse (Logtown), Penny Humphreys (Director, Rescue), Steve Hupner (South County), Norm Krizl (Georgetown Divide), Joan Jennings (Director, Garden Valley), Ray Nutting (Happy Valley), Gary Pigg (Placerville), Ed and Audrey Pomato (Outingdale), Bill Robinson (Director, Chrome Ridge), Charley Savnik (Pollock Pines), Tom Schultz (Sly Park Hills), Bob Signor (Retired Fire Chief, Pioneer), Walt Tyler (Director, Grizzly Flats/Pioneer), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator)
- Bill Robinson moved to approve the Agenda for the March 26, 2008 meeting of the EDCFSC. Penny Humphreys seconded. The vote was unanimous to approve the Agenda.
- Walt Tyler moved to approve the Minutes of the February 27, 2008 EDCFSC meeting. Penny Humphreys seconded. Minutes were unanimously approved.
- Chairman Rich Englefield informed the group that on April 9 there would be workshop dedicated to amending the EDCFSC Bylaws. Bob Signor will facilitate the meeting. Joan Jennings has diligently worked on the project and has submitted changes for review and consideration. The EDCFSC Bylaws were originally created in 2002. Review of the current two-year term for the Board Directors will be assessed as well as the parameters for establishing satellite fire safe councils in the county.
Chairman Englefield addressed the EDCFSC website. It has received a tremendous amount of hits with many government agencies checking it out. Much of the focus is on the approved plans for Grizzly Flats. Slides pertaining to fuel reduction are also very popular Mr. Englefield is seeking help regarding the updating and revising this website. He would appreciate new eyes and fresh ideas. EDCFSC website. Executive Coordinator Yorty indicated that there is money in the public education fund to change the video regarding fire safe mitigation. Ripley Howe volunteered to assist in reviewing the video and other updates to the website as needed.
Vicki: There is money in the public education fund to update the 2004 EDC video regarding new Cal Fire fire safe laws and guidelines. The EDCFSC is considering updating the 2004 video to reflect the changes in defensible space requirements from 30' to 100' around structures. Ripley Howe volunteered to review the video for updates.
- Vicki: Attended the National 2008 WUI Conference in Reno on March 4-6, 2008. It was a great networking opportunity.
She addressed the chipping program which hopefully begin in April and go through September. Discussion ensued. A grant for $125,000 has been approved. Funding last year came through BLM and this year, Forest Service. Walt Tyler confirmed that Mountain Enterprises will be the contractor for 2008.
Addressed the status of the Green Waste dumpsters. On April 1, 2008, the recommended funding will presented to the Board of Supervisors. Our Green Waste dumpster program is one of EDCFSC's most successful. David Ganz continues to perform the biomass study to utilize our green waste products and keep this resource in our county. Discussion ensued regarding matching funds and details involved including Proposition 40. This is the last year for Title III funding.
Jana Newman will be presenting a defensible space "Train the Trainers" class next Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 in the Diamond Springs Firefighters Hall. EDCFSC T-shirts and badges will be issued at the training.
The Executive Coordinator informed us that interviews will begin Friday, March 28, for the Senior/Disabled Assistance Program Coordinator.
Steve McKinney of EDCAir Quality Management District addressed air quality control and what the future holds. Discussion ensued regarding composting, biomass, etc. The draft biomass feasibility study will presented at the EDCFSC meeting in May 2008.
- Agency Reports and Satellite FSC Updates:
Representative from the Placerville City Manager's Office informed us that there will be a community clean-up event, which is opened to anyone. It is in conjunction with Snowline Hospice. There is an issue within the City of Placerville to create a fire break. They are looking forward to working with the EDC Fire Safe Council. There is presently a proposal submitted to FEMA for funds to prepare a plan to mitigate catastrophic wildland fires within the City of Placerville.
Mosquito Fire Safe Council is coordinating their defensible space evaluations according to Pat Johnson. EID is also reviewing fire mitigation issues within the District.
Linda Colombo (Nashville/West Sand Ridge) informed us that they are attempting to decide upon a name for their local fire safe council. They had their fire meeting recently. Another meeting will be held in April. Need training on sheltering in place. Chipping program works well for them.
Ken Hasse (Log Town FSC) has signage regarding fire awareness for Log Town areas where they will be prominently displayed. County has given approval for signage within their easements and will waive any fees. Weed abatement issue was addressed. Still planning spring clean-up in May will work with the Executive Coordinator to locate sites for dumpsters for this event. Newsletter has been drafted and will be distributed to everyone in the Log Town area. Had some outdated and dysfunctional fire hydrants; he has heard that EID has repaired or will replace fire hydrants.
Barbara Calvo (Pollock Pines FSC) informed us that one of their main goals as a local fire safe council is to get the community involved. There is a potluck on April 19 at 6:00 pm at the Pollock Pines Community Center. The defensible space program is being addressed.
Walt Tyler and Barry Callenerger (Grizzly Flats FSC) informed us that Fire Stop is doing a great job. Don Spears (DOT) is cleaning up the gutter areas and doing an excellent job. Last fall a community clean-up was performed and the dumpsters were full. Very active and involved community. Don Spears has 1,200 miles of road to maintain.
Bill Robinson (Chrome Ridge FSC) went through raw footage and reviewed what their video should look like. Draft of the video should be ready by the end of the week. According to Mark Egbert they are on their third phase of clearing in this community.
Tom Schultz (Sly Park Hills FSC) informed the group they their local fire safe council will be taking advantage of train the trainer class. Focusing on defensible space - get video and materials. They are working on communication issues. Invitations are being giving to neighboring communities to participate in their local fire safe council.
Bill Brandt (Auburn Lake Trails FSC) informed us that the Prop 40 work has begun this week. Expanding the shaded fuel break and widening it out. Looking at updating their CWPP. The BLM chipping grant for curb-side is starting up on April 19th. Home inspections have changed from VIP to FRE (fire risk educators). The annual BOD election coming up in May.
Norm Krizl of Georgetown is on the Board of the Georgetown PUD, which covers the entire Georgetown Divide area. Water comes from Stumpy Meadows, which is a fairly small agency - 3500 domestic water customers. Physically the area is large - 70,000 acres within their sphere of influence. He is not sure how this community fits with the EDCFSC. Water and communications are their two biggest issues as well as fire mitigation.
- Discussion ensued regarding fire mitigation issues and also fire insurance.
- Adjournment occurred at approximately 3:15 p.m.
By: Patricia Johnson, Secretary to the Board of Directors