Fire Safe Council General Meeting
Gold Hill fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
February 27, 2008
1:00 am - 3:00 pm
At approximately 1:00 pm, the General Meeting of the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council was called to
order. In attendance were Ryan Bellanca (Placer County - GIS Coordinator), Bob Berry (EDC GIS Department), Marvin Bukema
(Sly Park Hills), Barbara Calvo (Pollock Pines), Cathy Koos Breazeal (Amador FSC), Carol Patton (Placerville Downtown
Association), Bill Brandt (Auburn Lake Trails), Bill Cave (Director, Auburn Lake Trails), Mary Cornelison (Director -
Volcanoville), Tobie Edmonds (CalFire), Mark Egbert (EDC Resource Conservation District), Richard Englefield (Chairman
- EDCFSC), Janet Gastaldi (Director - Quintette), Ken Hasse (Logtown), Penny Humphreys (Director - Rescue), Joan
Jennings (Director - Garden Valley), Pat Johnson (Director - EID and Mosquito), Frank Mosbacher (US Forest Service),
Gene Murphy (Cameron Park - Registered Professional Forester), Ray Nutting (Happy Valley), Bill Robinson (Director -
Chrome Ridge/Pleasant Valley), Tom Schultz (Sly Park Hills), Bob Signor (Retired Fire Chief - Pioneer), Jim Stewart
(Director - El Dorado Hills), Ripley Howe (Sandridge/Outingdale), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator - EDCFSC)
- Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty welcomed everyone to the general meeting of the El Dorado
Fire Safe Council. Introductions were made.
- The Agenda was moved by Penny Humphreys for approval. Jim Stewart seconded the motion.
The vote was taken and it was unanimous to approve the Agenda.
- Minutes of the January 23, 2008 meeting were moved by Penny Humphreys for approval. Ray
Griffiths seconded the motion. A unanimous vote was taken.
- Chairman Englefield reported on the Board meeting, which began at 11:00 a.m. There was public
comment from Tom Schultz representing the Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council. The Board went into closed session and
nothing was reported out when open session ensued. The Treasurer's report was given and approved. Directors'
reports were given. Discussion of the website and needed updates were discussed. Chairman Englefield is looking
for someone to assist with web updates. Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty proposed having a regular time
(maybe monthly) for fire safe councils to update websites would be the best.
- Guest presenters were Mark Egbert and Ryan Bellanca of the El Dorado/Georgetown Resource
Conservation Districts. Their focus is on fire safe project planning within El Dorado County. Their project is
to develop a region-wide, GIS database to use as a tool to better identify the landscapes and topography. El
Dorado County and Placer County are cooperating with this GIS project. Ryan Bellanca is their GIS specialist
and collects data from Resource Conservation Districts, USFS, CAL FIRE, etc.. Establishing and maintaining good
relationships are important in order to collect the data and keep it updated. This is a process unto itself.
The CAL FIRE Assessment Program ("FRAP") is potentially interested in assessing fire data. People need to be
trained in inputting and retrieving information from the GIS database system. Provides base information for
communities to develop effective fire protection plans. They are hoping to acquire additional funding.
Extensive information was presented to attendees of the general meeting for assessment.
- Agency Reports and Community/Satellite Fire Safe Council Reports:
Frank Mosbacher (Eldorado National Forest) gave the following report. The Forest Service is hosting an
open house at the Sierra Springs Fire Station on Saturday March 15, 2008. They will be hosting a job fair in
the near future. He was informed by a District Ranger that a large burn was being planned for Grizzly Flats --
waiting for it to dry out. Fuels program is still progressing.
Tobie Edmonds of CAL FIRE indicated that he will be emailing Fire Safe Councils regarding defensible space
inspections. He will be putting that email out every month.
Ray Griffths (Director - Georgetown) is scheduling meetings regarding their CWPP. The last meeting was well
attended. The next meeting is in May. It is his hope to have the finalized Georgetown CWPP by the end of the year.
Bill Brandt, Auburn Lake Trails, reported that they have recently applied for a Clearinghouse grant for a
chipping program. A curbside waste disposal program is being planned. Currently, they are updating the CWPP.
Looking at more GPS work and seeking volunteers.
Pat Johnson (Director representing EID and Mosquito/Swansboro) reported that EID has a third-party agreement
with the US Forest for an evacuation route near one of its water tanks in the Sly Park area. The
Mosquito/Swansboro area is presently pursuing defensible space evaluations and coordinating with evaluators.
Bill Robinson (Director - Chrome Ridge/Outingdale) informed the group that clearing continues in his area.
Presently, it has been too wet to pursue various forms of clearing. The on-going video project is being edited
to make it viewable. Several local residents have asked about the chipper program and dumpster program. In
that regard, Vicki Yorty informed us that funds from Title III are still being pursued.
Jim Stewart (Director - El Dorado Hills) reported that Mrs. Lang's class at Jackson School contacted El
Dorado Hills Fire Department. The class performed fire mitigation measures at Francisco Boulevard at the park
site, which was overgrown. They removed brush into piles for chipping. Photos were taken of the group, which
will be in the Sacramento Bee tomorrow, February 28, 2008, in the El Dorado section. Also on February 28th,
a crew from Growlersberg will chip all wood that was collected by the kids and the chips will be used for
pathways. Hopefully, the kids will motivate their parents to become more fire safe aware.
Mary Cornelius (Director - Volcanoville) informed the group that her community has put in for water tanks
and a feasibility study regarding an evacuation route for their CWPP. A water tank costs about $5,000 and
landscaping is also involved. Volcanoville has recently received the "Firewise Communities USA" recognition.
They will have a Fire Safety Day this Spring and will promote their FireWise status.
Rich Englefield (Chairman of the BOD, Logtown/Grizzly Flats) informed us that SPI has done several large
burns in their area. First burn was after first major snow wherein they torched major piles in the evening;
it was beautiful. They will continue to burn to the south. Fire Stop has been a great contractor for
Grizzly Flats Evacuation Route clearing, Spring Canyon up through Grizzly Flats Road has been cleared and
it has become very park-like. Their Board has set priorities as to the roads. They also applied for shaded
fuel breaks, which ultimately developed into seven groupings and comprises 100+ acres.
Cathy Koos Breazeal (Amador County Fire Safe Council) updated the group by informing us that there are
three big shaded fuel breaks surrounding the west end by Pine Grove and Jackson. They have a substantial
senior assistance program funded by the Forest Service. Their contractor is CCC. They are awaiting the
chipper program funding. Seven to eight grant applications have been put in for fire mitigation assistance
in the form of shaded fuel breaks.
Ken Hasse (Logtown) toured fuel break area regarding Proposition 40. They checked out Crystal Boulevard,
which emphasizes the evacuation route. A community-wide clean-up is being planned. They are planning to
send out newsletter. The community is presently looking for chippers and green waste dumpsters and are
awaiting funding. Recently, met with Suzanne Todd (CAL FIRE) and Eric Peterson (Diamond Springs/El
Dorado FPD), Logtown Fire Safe Council, and they want to post fire safe signs in the community. A
well-publicized evacuation drill is being planned.
Tom Schultz (Sly Park Hills) is working with the Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council regarding communication
issues. They have experienced losses in leadership. Presently, they are working on a grant for an
evacuation route. They are waiting for county funding and training to set up a defensible space program
as well as the funding of the green waste dumpster program. Volunteers are ready to go to work. The
SPHFSC is in the process of finding an activity for the community to become involved. They are helping to
support the Pollock Pines Fire Safe Council.
Barbara Calvo (Pollock Pines) informed us that the last meeting of the Pollock Pines Fire Safe Council
on February 16, 2008, was well attended by Sly Park Hills and other surrounding communities. Gilmore Road
has an active group with Tom Sullivan working on evacuation routes and looking into the defensible space
programs. Talked about soliciting the public more and planning a potluck open house at the community
center on April 19, 2008. Marvin Bukema is involved with the potluck and attracting more volunteers within
the community. One goal is to get the Rotarians involved with fire mitigation issues.
Ripley Howe (Sandridge/Outingdale) informed us that the Sandridge Corridor is not receiving any community
involvement and no one has agreed to take on any projects. There is a meeting scheduled for next month. Promoting
community involvement will be one of the subjects addressed. They do have a website and also use bulk email lists
on yahoo.com for updating residents in the community.
Gene Murphy (Cameron Park) informed us that they still have not received a signature from CSD on their CWPP.
The community would like something done at the Pine Hill Preserve in terms of fire mitigation.
Carol Patton (Placerville Downtown Association) addressed emergency evacuation issues. They know they have
issues with corridor movement and lack thereof. EDCFSC and the El Dorado County Fire Protection District has
a $152,000 proposal into FEMA for the greater Placerville and Pollock Pines areas CWPPs. The component of the fire
safety process mandates that it begins with the community and its involvement.
David Ganz, TSS Consultants, addressed the El Dorado County biomass fuel study. This is a group project, which
entails environmental and county assessment as to whether a renewable biomass plant is feasible. They have completed
about 1/3 of their due diligence. On the EDCFSC website is a one-page summary of the biomass project, and if you
have any ideas or suggestions, please contact him. They are reviewing the type of materials which comprise the
landfills, and of these materials, which ones could be processed through the biomass system. They are encouraged
regarding the study with the hopes it will create a biomass plant in El Dorado County. They are assessing the
kilowatt-size plant that potentially could be constructed in El Dorado County. Ray Nutting spoke of a system
that regenerates soils from the biomass process. The soils research was conducted by Walt Harmon of Pollock Pines.
The general meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:00 p.m. The next meeting will be at 1:00 pm on March 26,
2008, at the Gold Hill Fire Station.
Dated: March 23, 2008
By: Patricia Johnson, Secretary to the Board of Directors