El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
501 Main Street, Diamond Springs, CA 95619
January 23, 2008
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
At approximately 11:00 am, the Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Chairman Rich
Englefield. In attendance were Bill Cave (Director, Auburn Lake Trails), Mary Cornelison (Director,Volcanoville),
Richard Englefield (Chairman, El Dorado), Ray Griffiths (Vice Chair, Georgetown), Penny Humphreys (Director, Rescue),
Joan Jennings (Director, Garden Valley), Pat Johnson (Secretary, representing EID and Mosquito), Bill Robinson
(Director, Chrome Ridge/Pleasant Valley), Jim Stewart (Director, El Dorado Hills), Lori Tuthill (Director,
Cameron Park) and Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator)
Welcome was extended by Chairman Rich Englefield and introductions were made.
Approval of agenda was moved and seconded. Unanimous vote was taken to approve the agenda.
Minutes of the November meeting were revised to correct Mary Cornelison's name on the second page.
They were then moved and seconded for approval with unanimous approval by the Board.
Public Report from Closed Session
Vicki Yorty gave a report on the status of the Sly Park Hills Area Fire Safety Council (SPHAFSC).
She and Rich Englefield met with Supervisor Helen Baumann, representatives from SPHAFSC, EDC Planning and Transportation
Departments, and the Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services. A developer in the Sly Park Hills area has expressed interest
in donating a 90-acre parcel for a road easement. They are seeking a FEMA grant, a proposal for $500,000 for this
road construction as a designated a fire exit was submitted to FEMA on November 30, 2007 by the SPHAFSC and the High
Sierra Resource Conservation and Development agency. EDCFSC has emphasized taking the appropriate steps regarding the
acquisition of FEMA funds for the construction of this road. EDCFSC promotes a positive and progressive approach to
the goal of developing a feasibility study of possible secondary access and evacuation routes for their community.
The SPHAFSC has scheduled a Candidates Night for those individuals who are running for District II
Supervisor as part of their monthly Fire Safe Council meeting. Their meeting is held on the second Wednesday of
the month at the Pollock Pines Camino Community Center. Ms. Yorty expressed her concern regarding holding this
Candidates Night in conjunction with their council meeting. The EDCFSC, and the satellite councils who operate
under their fiscal infrastructure (i.e. received funding for fire safe initiatives, use the EDCFSC blanket
liability insurance for their meetings, etc.) must follow the intent set forth in the EDCFSC Bylaws that
govern our non-profit corporation. The pertinent section of these Bylaws that pertain to this issue are:
Article III. Tax Exempt Status
Section 1. Influencing Legislation: No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall
consist of lobbying or propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, except as provided in
the Internal Revenue Code section 501(h); the corporation shall not participate nor intervene in
(including publishing or distributing statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for
public office.
It was agreed unanimously that Chair Englefield and Vice-Chair Griffiths would work with Pat
Johnson, EDCFSC Secretary, to write a letter to the Sly Park Hills Area Fire Safe Council advising them that it
would be inappropriate and in conflict with the above to hold the Candidates Night in conjunction with their
Fire Safe Council meeting.
The EDCFSC Bylaws will be amended to set forth standards and criteria for new fire safe
councils on the western slope of the county. It was proposed that the EDCFSC needs to develop an agreement
between EDCFSC and satellite fire safe councils that establishes a commitment on their part to adhere to the
intent of the Bylaws of the EDCFSC. Bob Signor, retired Fire Chief from Pioneer Fire Protection District,
may be able to assist in developing parameters for establishing fire safe councils on the western slope.
He is currently a member of the Grizzly Flats Fire Safe Council. Chair Englefield will follow-up with
Chief Signor.
Returned to Open Session:
Approval of Treasurer's Report.
Treasurer Joan Jennings will now be presenting quarterly reports in lieu of monthly reports.
Chair Englefield directed her to move ahead with quarterly reports as they more accurately represent the financial
position of the Corporation due to the time it takes to receive reimbursement from funders and also advance
funding from federal agencies.
Amending of Bylaws
Secretary Pat Johnson discussed the mechanics of amending the Bylaws of the EDCFSC. Jim
Stewart set forth that the satellite councils be required to adopt the Bylaws of the EDCFSC. Discussion ensued
regarding removing term limits for Directors as well as establishing the criteria for the formation of satellite
fire safe councils and defining the roles/relationship of community-based councils to the El Dorado County Fire
Safe Council. Tentative schedule for completing this amendment will be to have it published for comment in May
and approved at the June 2008 annual meeting in conjunction with the election of new members of the EDCFSC
Board of Directors for the followinig fiscal year.
Updating Website
Chairman Englefield indicated that the website needs updating. The EDCFSC is looking for
a talented and motivated individual who can promote and update the EDCFSC website. Discussion ensued as to
what was required on the website and who might be available to assist.
Directors' Reports:
Ray Griffiths Director (Georgetown) discussed their CWPP. He informed the Directors about the
Forestland Steward, a periodical that sets forth the CWPP process and guides a public agency as to how to develop
their own CWPP. He also presented a book, Tending the Wild, by author Capp Anderson, which depicts the skills
and habits of native Americans as to vegetation and managing their environment. Mr. Griffiths indicated that
implementing such practices in the book would economically be a long-term project (i.e., 150 years).
Bill Robinson, Director from Chrome Ridge, informed the EDFSC that their area had a tremendous
year. Their clearing grant (Prop 40) is being implemented. He continues to pursue the status of the video that
was filmed in part in Chrome Ridge. Residents are encouraged to become members of their regional fire safe council
and active members in the community.
Jim Stewart, Director of El Dorado Hills, shared with us a fourth/fifth grade class from El Dorado
Hills were involved in a defensible space clearing project on a CSD park. Clearing brush and stacking wood on Martin
Luther King's birthday was on their agenda. They are going to have a crew from Growlersberg buck up low hanging
branches and El Dorado Hills FPD will bring in their chipper for the branches and brush that is left on the ground.
Mr. Stewart shared a letter from Chris Storz, Prevention Captain, regarding this project.
Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator for EDFSC has the Memorandum of Understanding back from MORE.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) was distributed regarding the senior assistance chipping program and hopes to
get it officially out by the first week in February. Ms. Yorty is waiting for $39,000 from El Dorado County for
reimbursement of 2007 Title III projects which she will need to pay EDCFSC expenses in February. With the possible
end of Title III funding, more grants will be needed for sustainability of the EDCFSC in 2009. The Executive
Coordinator had a meeting with the Royal Equestrian Estates HOA regarding EDFSC assisting them with a fire safe
plan/assessment for their community. They have substantial undeveloped parcels that have very dense vegetation
and present a threat to their homes.
Meeting Facility
It was moved and seconded that we meet at Diamond Springs Firefighter's Hall twice a year for our
annual meetings. A unanimous vote concurred with this motion. We will also continue to look for a larger monthly
meeting room should attendance continue to grow as seen over the past year.
Adobe Acrobat
An update to our Adobe Acrobat through "Computer Guy" for $150 was moved by Penny Humphreys and
seconded by Ray Griffiths. The unanimous vote concurred with the motion.
Amending Policies and Procedures for EDCFSC Expenditures
Jim Stewart proposed to amend the Bylaws for the Executive Coordinator and Chairman of the
EDCFSC to make council operating expenditures up to $300. Mary Cornelison made the motion, which was seconded
by Penny Humphreys, to authorize EDCFSC Executive Coordinator and Chairman to make business expenditures of up to
$300 without advance approval. A unanimous vote was taken in favor of this motion.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the EDCFSC Board of Directors' meeting at
approximately 12: 15 pm. Unanimous vote in favor of adjournment ensued.
Dated: January 28, 2008
Pat Johnson, Secretary
El Dorado County Fire Safe Council