El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
October 24, 2007
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Road
At 1:00 pm the meeting was called to order by Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator.
Introductions were made. Directors and guests present were: Bill and Linda Boetow (Sly Park
Hills), Marvin Bukema (Pollock Pines), Bill Brandt (Auburn Lake Trails), Maria Capraun (Garden Valley), Bill Cave
(Director, Auburn Lake Trails), Mary Cornelison (Director, Volcanoville), Janet Gastaldi (Director, Quintette),
Walt Graves (Mosquito), Claude Hanna (Sly Park Hills), Ken Hasse, Penny Humphreys (Director, Rescue), David
Jaramillo (Sierra Forest Legacy), Craig Jones (Sly Park), Justin Kennedy (Sly Park Hills), Richard and Betty Koch,
Patrick McDaniel (CA Dept. of Forestry), Steve McKinney (EDC AQMD), Gene Murphy (Cameron Park), Don Nibblett
(Sly Park Hills), Ray Nutting (Happy Valley), Ed and Audrey Pomato (Outingdale), Barbara Rebiskie, (U.S. Forest
Service), Bill Robinson (Director, Chrome Ridge), Joe Rodriguez (Sly Park Hills), Greg Schwab (Georgetown),
Mark Slushen, Jan and Bob Todd, Anna Tornincasa (Sly Park Hills), Lori Tuthill (Director, Cameron Park FSC),
Jim Stewart (Director, El Dorado Hills), Walter Tyler (Director, Grizzly Flats), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator)
Approval of Agenda
- A motion was made and seconded for approval of the agenda. There was unanimous approval of the agenda.
Approval of September 26, 2007 Minutes
- Ray Griffiths moved to approve the Minutes; seconded by Penny Humphreys. Unanimous
approval of the Minutes as amended.
Report from Board of Directors' Meeting
- Treasurer's Report was issued at the Board of Directors meeting. Amending Bylaws will
be researched by Pat Johnson. Directors' reports were presented. Walt Tyler updated the group regarding
developments in Grizzly Flat. In January 2008 adoption of the International Fire Codes for the State of
California will take effect. Weed abatement in El Dorado County was discussed. A change in venue to
accommodate the growth of the Fire Safe Council attendees was also pursued.
Agency Reports and Community/Satellite FSC Reports
- A report was given by Patrick McDaniel from the California Department of Forestry regarding their
Fuel Reduction Program. They are presently pursuing grants for fuel reduction. Mr. McDaniel presented maps depicting
the latest update on the fires in Southern California and the various resources. They had 60 individuals
(personnel/inmates) attending the fires in Southern California with eight engines and two dozers. Fire season is
still active. They are restricting burning permits until it rains. Sandridge grant issues were discussed. Mr.
McDaniel addressed the Sly Park Hills group and evacuation issues. CDF has several projects they are working on, and
they have received grants for brushing clearing and fuel breaks. He is going to provide information regarding community
assistance grants for fuel reduction projects. Sierra Pacific Industries is the major industrial timber landowner with
projects around the state. Mr. McDaniel offered to work with the Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council and possibly attend
their next meeting. Mr. McDaniel can be reached at 647-5288, which is the Mount Danaher office of the California
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
- Barbara Rebiskie expressed her elation that many of the Sly Park Hill representatives attended the
EDCFSC meeting. She reported on what was burned to date. She gave a detailed report on the acreages burned in various
areas. There will be no further burning until we have rain.
- David Jaramillo from the Sierra Forest Legacy reported that two communities in the Sierras were
given FireWise awards. He expressed a desire to have formal presentations in an effort to interest other community
members to become involved. Sly Park Hills expressed interest in becoming involved in the FireWise program. He
discussed the CWPP, which lays out the framework for handling property regarding fire suppression, mining, etc. Mr.
Jaramillo noted that this is the most effective Fire Safe Council in the area. The El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
website gets more hits than other council in the area.
- Steve McKinney, Air Engineer, with the El Dorado County Air Quality MD, informed the group of air
current burners, which can reduce air pollution by 90%. He discussed the process and invited the public to see a burner
at Pollock Pines, where 50,000 yards of debris is being processed. The unit burns at 1700 degrees as it is a
virus/bacteria mediation device. Points to note when using an air burner: 1) it has to be legal burn day; 2)
materials to be burned must be from your property; 3) do not make a nuisance of yourself - no smoking your neighbor
out. Discussion ensued regarding the burners and their use.
- Ray Griffiths, Georgetown, informed the EDCFSC that there had been limited progress on the CWPP.
He met with their local Fire Chief to discuss the WUI and set parameters for their regional boundaries. Vicki offered
to have map made for him that may serve his purposes.
- Pat Johnson from EID informed the group that Don Pearson, Director of Recreation at EID, expressed
interest in attending Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council and working with them regarding evacuation routes and fire
mitigation plans. A partnership regarding this area of interest is to everyone's benefit.
- Bill Brandt representing Auburn Lake Trails informed the group that they had begun the second phase
of their chipper project. They are maximizing their all-volunteer personnel. Working on approximately 16 to 20 curbside
locations. Talked about the cost share project with the state and three property owners who submitted grants have been
approved. Work will begin shortly. Auburn Lake Trails residents continue to be proactive in keeping their insurance
rates lowered by fire mitigation measures. Proposition 40 grants are being finalized to expand parameter of fuel break.
- Bill Robinson of Chrome Ridge is attempting to contact residents to prepare for the Clearinghouse
submission due in February. He will work with Patrick McDaniel of the California Department of Forestry on the next
grant. Chrome Ridge will begin its CWPP process in the near future.
- Greg Schwab, Georgetown Fire Chief, informed us that he is currently the acting Fire Marshal for
the county pending the return of fire agency personnel sent to Southern California.
- Walter Graves representing Mosquito/Swansboro has submitted a report to Fire Chief Leo Chaloux as
to required work in the area and an estimate of costs. Chief Chaloux will submit proposal of administration fees and
Mosquito's evacuation proposals. Mosquito comprises 13 square miles of the roughest territory in the area. Sixty
percent of the residents in Swansboro/Mosquito have met the 100 feet requirement for fire protection.
- Ed and Audrey of Outingdale reported that inspections have begun in their area. To date, 15 homes
have been inspected. They indicated that reception by residents has been good except for one resident. An elderly
couple in their area needs help with oak limbs in their electrical poles and their wood pile next to the propane tank.
Vicki Yorty received a called from Paige of Outingdale and an issue has arisen regarding signage, and whether any
money had been set aside for signage. Ms. Yorty wants this put into the public education budget or possibly co-op
with individuals as it is a health and safety issue.
- Ken from Log Town informed the group that their hydrant check is almost complete. Found a few
problems with hydrants and Rich Englefield has been in contact with EID with hopes of finishing up by the end of
the year. The completed Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is at the printers. He will be meeting with
Suzanne Todd to review the plan. There is a hot dog social on Sunday, October 28, at 1:00 - 4:00 pm at Station 44.
High priority item is the evacuation routes and clearance along the roads.
- Penny Humphreys reporting for Rescue informed us that their use of the Green Waste Dumpster
program was very positive and they look forward to using the program this coming year. They are very short staffed now.
- Walter Tyler representing Grizzly Flats informed us that FireStop is doing a tremendous job in
clearing 3/4 to a one mile along the roads. Along Spring Canyon Road the manzanita has been cleared and you can see
the deer clearly now. Residents are collecting the wood chips and hauling it off. Had a clean-up day at Grizzly
Flats - called Amador County and the process began on a pro bono basis. He received 50+ applications. In Grizzly
Flat you have three organizations that work closely together. They ended up with 115 residents sending in
applications. They collected so much debris that they ran out of space. Ended up with four 30-yard dumpsters.
Three loads went in the compactor's truck. Brought debris to Diamond Springs. Their community produced 25.19
tons of materials. Fire Marshall advised to keep track of amounts of debris for potential future grants. Grizzly
Flats had a successful Founder's Day celebration.
- Jim Stewart of El Dorado Hills had nothing to report.
- Gene Murphy of Cameron Park reported on their CWPP. They were experiencing difficulty getting
external review. Their CWPP not yet been reviewed by Cal Fire. There are concerns about viability and
approvability of the CWPP.
- Sly Park Hills representative, Craig Jones, expressed concerns regarding escape routes in their
area. They are ardently pursuing fire mitigation grants. His intent is to get the community involved with the Sly
Park Hills Fire Safe Council. They have proposed a "Senior Citizens Assistance Day," and other such projects.
Marvin Bukema indicated they will be meeting with the grant Clearinghouse representative. They have received
many ideas from the EDCFSC. Encouraged everyone to check their website and their proposals, mission statement,
and other updates. Vicki will link Sly Park Hills website to the EDCFSC website. Mr. Jones encouraged everyone
to come to their next meeting, which is on November 7, 2007, at 7:00 pm at the Pollock Pines Community Center.
Their website is slyparkfiresafe.org. A phone tree has been proposed. There were 22 dumpsters filled with 610
cubic yards of debris hauled away.
- Ray Nutting spoke of Gilmore and the logging roads.
- Bill Cave paid the residents representing Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council a compliment as
they looked so good here at the general meeting of the EDCFSC.
- Vicki distributed information regarding biomass and the conference she had recently attended.
She also informed the EDCFSC that the Senior Assistance Program is tied up with Title III funds.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:00 pm.
The next meeting of the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council will be held on November 14, 2007, at
the Gold Hill Fire Station from 1:00-3:00 pm.
Submitted by Pat Johnson, Board Secretary