El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
October 24, 2007
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Road
At approximately 11:00 a.m. the meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by Vice Chair
Ray Griffiths, standing in for Rich Englefield. Introductions were made and those in attendance were: Marvin Bukema
(Sly Park Hills), Bill Cave (Director, Auburn Lake Trails), Mary Cornelison (Director, Volcanoville), Janet Gastaldi
(Director, Quintette), Craig Jones (Sly Park Hills), Bill Robinson (Director, Chrome Ridge), Lori Tuthill (Director,
Cameron Park), Jim Stewart (Director, El Dorado Hills), Walter Tyler (Director, Grizzly Flats), Vicki Yorty (Executive
Public Comment - Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council Report
- The Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council report was presented by Craig Jones, representing the
Executive Committee for Sly Park Hills FSC. The Sly Park Hills FSC has been functioning for a year. Evacuation
routes and their logistics have been discussed. Deeded access to these points have been pursued with a proposal
being drafted. Due to Sly Park Hills having only one ingress/egress, there is great concern in pursuing alternate
evacuation routes. The Sly Park Hills FSC has established a website. Its web address is SlyParkFireSafe.org.
The Council is becoming involved with senior citizen issues and non-residence issues regarding fuel mitigation
issues around their homes. Requested that Don Pearson, EID Director of Recreation, be present at their fire safe
council meetings as the Sly Park Recreation area has impact on the Sly Park Hills area. Sly Park Hills would like
to partner with EID regarding grants for fire mitigation purposes. Walt Tyler shared information regarding Grizzly
Flats and their alternate routes during fire storms. Vicki Yorty indicated that within the next month, a grant
call will be coming from the CAFSC Clearinghouse regarding 2009 grants. The EDCFSC Board expressed its support
for the Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council. Executive Coordinator Yorty requested an individual be selected to be
a Board member representing the Pollock Pines/Sly Park Hills area.
Approval of Agenda
- Lori Tuthill moved to approve the agenda, and it was seconded by Walt Tyler. The agenda was
unanimously approved.
Approval of General Meeting Minutes
- [No Board meeting was held of the EDCFSC in August 22, 2007.]
- Bill Cave, set forth edits regarding the August 22, 2007 Board Minutes and made distinct
clarification as to the Auburn Lake Trails' situation. Discussion ensued regarding the chipper program and Auburn
Lake Trails.
- Walt Tyler moved to approve the Minutes as corrected by Mr. Cave. It was seconded by Jim Stewart.
The Minutes were unanimously approved.
Treasurer's Report
- Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty passed out Accountants' Compilation Report prepared
by Smith Maloney, our certified public accountants. A $133,000 ending balance remains in the bank as of
September 30, 2007. Ms. Yorty informed the group that we have received some front funding from Bureau of
Land Management and the Forest Service. The report sets forth the break-down of projects where the funds
have been applied.
Amendment of Bylaws
- Pat Johnson is to acquire copy of Nolo Press's Non-Profit Organizations. Upon receipt,
research of amending bylaws will be pursued.
Directors' Reports
- Walt Tyler informed the group of Grizzly Flats progress regarding the FireStop efforts, which
have resulted in clearing of manzanita and other brush on both sides of some of the major evacuation roads.
Grizzly Flats has received the esteemed FireWise Communities USA award.
- Janet Gastaldi reported on Quintette and fire hydrants requiring certain specifications.
- Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty informed the group that on January 1, 2008, California will
be adopting the International Fire Codes. She also expressed interest in promoting a countywide Weed Abatement
Program in the year ahead.
Executive Coordinator's Report
- Ms. Yorty passed out a draft memorandum regarding Reconciliation of Title III Funds and
Amendment to EDCFSC Funding Agreement. She will be preparing a complete chronology of events for the Board
of Supervisors addressing figures in the spreadsheet, which she submitted for their review. She requested a
meeting with Laura Gill, CAO, and Joe Harn, Auditor, regarding Title III funding and reconciliation. She
hopes to have the report out to us within the next few days for comments.
- The Senior and Disabled Assistance Program: Has been stalled due to Title III funding
contract with the County.
- Chipping program update involved Vicki Yorty delivering a proposal to Supervisor Briggs on
September 26, 2007, at the Town Hall meeting with Assemblyman Ted Gaines for gap funding for the Chipping Program
and additional funding for Green Waste Dumpsters. There remains $2,000 in the chipping program at this time.
Green Waste vouchers are still active.
- Biomass conference and status of contract with TSS Consultants was addressed at the General
Council meeting.
New business - Larger meeting facility?
- Vicki Yorty presented this topic for discussion and consideration. We can complete the year
in our present location. Possibly future sites include the County Office of Education, Fair Grounds, Upper Level,
and Diamond Springs.
- Jim Stewart will be attending a seminar on Friday, October 26. The seminar is sponsored by
the State Fire Safe Council and addresses the nonprofit organization and other issues for local Fire Safe Councils.
- The State Fire Safe Council recently hired an Executive Director from Southern California.
The EDCFSC Board meeting adjourned at approximately 12:20 pm. The next meeting will be on
November 14, 2007, at the Gold Hill Fire Station.
Submitted by Pat Johnson, Board Secretary