El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
August 22, 2007
Diamond Springs/El Dorado Fire Station #49
Training Room, 501 Main Street, 10:45 am - 12 pm
The meeting was called to order by Chair Richard Englefield at 10:45 a.m. Directors present were:
Walt Tyler, Joan Jennings, Janet Gastaldi, Lori Tuthill, Bill Robinson, Ray Griffiths, Jim Stewart.
A motion was proposed by Walt Tyler with a second by Lori Tuthill to approve the agenda
as submitted. Approved by all present.
Chair Englefield closed the Open Session and opened the Closed Session. The Closed Session
ended at approximately 11:00 a.m. The Open Session was continued at 11:00 a.m. Director Bill Cave and Executive
Coordinator Vicki Yorty arrived.
Chair asked for a motion to approve the BOD Minutes of 7-25-07. After some discussion it was
decided to change the second sentence on page two, paragraph two to read: "A "County Weed Abatement Program" was
presented by Chairman Englefield to two El Dorado County Supervisors." A motion was proposed by Ray Griffiths
and seconded by Joan Jennings to approve the minutes as amended. Approved by all present.
Joan Jennings gave the Treasurer's report. She will present end of year report next meeting.
Vicki added that she has made deposits of $105,000. Included was $93,000 for Grizzly Flats work. Vicki believes that
EDCFSC has a significant amount of Title III funds available from EDC, She is in the process of researching accounts.
Joan delivered the results of the Closed Session. The EDCFSC BOD voted to increase the Executive
Coordinator's salary by twelve percent (12%) retroactive to July 1, 2007.
Vicki advised that the dumpsters are currently on hold. She has spent $28,000+ on the program.
Additional funds may be supported by Supervisor Briggs.
The proposed changes to the By Laws will be postponed until the next meeting.
Walt described the development and progress of the Grizzly Flats Cleanup scheduled for Sept.
15, 2007. 50+ applications have been received so far.
Bill Robinson reported activity of a video production group that visited Chrome Ridge. An
evacuation plan for Chrome Ridge is being developed. He is planning a closed bulletin board to be located within
the Chrome Ridge area. He is also assisting to develop a phone tree for the area.
Bill Cave reported that an evacuation plan is being researched for planning of the Auburn Lake
Trails area. He states there are 1100 homes and approximately 3300 residents within the area.
Ray Griffiths continues working on the development of the CWPP for the Georgetown area.
Lori Tuthill reported the CWPP for Cameron Park is in the final stages. Evacuation planning
is being developed.
Janet Gastaldi reported that the Red Flag program is supported at Volcanoville and Quintette.
A new flagpole is to be in place soon.
Rich Englefield reported on the fire activity in the Logtown area. He is involved with locating
fire hydrants in the Logtown that are not functional and/or without water supply. Results are reported to EID.
Several nonfunctional hydrants have been located and reported for repair.
Vicki advised that no activities would be started with the Senior/Disabled Program at this time.
The funding has not been received. North and South EDC coordinators will be selected when the program is initiated.
The contract is ready to be signed to start the evacuation route clearing at Grizzly Flats by next week. Work
will depend on weather and fire danger conditions.
Vicki reported that an issue has developed with the Chipper Program and Auburn Lake Trails.
The Supervisor of Maintenance is submitting applications for chipping on line and submitted thirty (30) copies by
fax the same day. The requests were not filled out by the residents. It is necessary for the property owner to
fill out the form to provide data necessary to identify savings of transporting waste to dump and labor involved.
Vicki recommends that chipping in Auburn Lake Trails be discontinued until this issue is resolved. It appears that
forgery of the homeowner's signature is part of the issue because a maintenance worker cannot give authorization
for the chipping crew to be on the property of the homeowner. Only the property owner or resident can give that
authorization. This issue has been discussed with Auburn Lake Trails personnel last year. The community has a
large chipper purchased with grant funds. The intent of the Chipper Program is to provide services to individual
home/property owners as requested personally. Performing community maintenance chipping services would severely
deplete available funds needed for individual properly signed requests for services. Only completed forms signed
by the home owner/resident will be accepted. A major issue is the insurance liability to be on the property.
The EDCFSC BOD agreed that chipping be suspended at Auburn Lake Trails until this issue is resolved. Bill Cave
will research and report back.
Vicki will attend a meeting at the Governor's office when a check for $5,000 from Farmer's
Insurance will be put into the Care to Share Fund. She is exploring changes with BLM grants that would allow
funds to be used on BLM land. She is looking into changing meeting location due to increases in number of
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Temporary Secretary EDCFSC