El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
July 25, 2007
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Gold Hills Fire Station
The meeting was called to order by Rich Englefield (Chairman) at approximately
11:10 a.m. Directors present were Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator), Ray Griffiths
(Vice-Chairman), Walt Tyler (Grizzly Flats), Joan Jennings (Treasurer), Pat Johnson
(Secretary) Janet Gastaldi (Quintette), Bill Robinson (Chrome Ridge), Jim
Stewart (El Dorado Hills), Lori Tuthill (Cameron Park), Bill Cave (Auburn Lake
Trails) and Penny Humphreys (Rescue).
It was moved to approve the June 27, 2007 Minutes as submitted. The motion was
seconded and approved.
Joan Jennings gave the Treasurer's Report: After receipt of $60,000 at the beginning
of July our anticipated balance will be $140,000 which will include the amount due from El Dorado
County for almost $80,000 Title III project reimbursements. The Fire Safe Council will be receiving
$49,000 for the senior and disabled assistance program. Treasurer Jennings is closing the books for
June 2007. No further procedures are required. Our accountant, Jim Smith, will prepare taxes within
the next month to six weeks wherein a Form 990 will be completed and filed. Ray Griffiths inquired to
whether we need to vote approval of the Treasurer's Report. This approval is not required in the
Bylaws. If major transfers need to occur within accounts, then motions to approve would be required.
The Treasurer's Report was concluded with no further comments.
A motion was made and seconded for Bill Robinson to represent Chrome Ridge on the
El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors. A unanimous vote was taken in favor of Mr.
Robinson representing Chrome Ridge.
Vicki Yorty expressed her appreciation and gratitude to Penny Humphreys and Walt
Tyler for their dedication as Officers on the Board of Directors. Commemorative certificates of
appreciation were presented to the deserving recipients as well as generous boxes of Rocky Mountain
Ms. Yorty is pursuing the amendment of the Bylaws as to eliminate term limits for
the Board members. She will keep us informed. Walt Tyler requested a copy of any research materials
regarding amending Bylaws under 501(c)(3).
The Director's Report was presented by Rich Englefield. Back in 2004, he
approached Supervisor Baumann regarding the acquisition of federal dollars for fire and community
centers in Grizzly Flats. Representatives from Grizzy Flats, Fire Safe Council diligently worked on
the designs for the fire and community center property, which designs were ultimately presented to
Supervisor Helen Baumann and Congressman John T. Doolittle. After assessment of three deserving
entities, Grizzly Flats was awarded the funds. Chairman Englefield received a call that the $1.5
million had been set aside for the Grizzly Flats' development. Earlier, their Fire Board
unanimously passed Permit 4 for the Fire Station. The local water district will have $14,000
designated for processing its work. The culminating reward is that Grizzly Flats will have a Fire
Station due to the perseverance and resourcefulness of its representatives. Chairman Englefield
informed the EDCFSC that at the most recent Grizzly Flats town meeting, there was standing room only
due to the enthusiasm of its citizens.
The Director's Report continued with focus on the county-wide weed abatement
ordinance. A "County Weed Abatement Program" presented by Chairman Englefield to two El Dorado County
Supervisors. Mr. Englefield urged us to organize and inform each of our Supervisors of the urgent
need of weed abatement. Inquiries as to how other counties finance such programs were made.
Chairman Englefield responded that a representative would schedule a meeting with Helen Baumann and
present answers and solutions to the weed abatement program along with requests. The program could
conceivably pay for itself. We could be charging people to perform this work with a percentage for
delinquencies. Coordinator Yorty was recently in Tahoe where Governor Schwartzenegger had recently
met with local Fire Chiefs. It was proposed that contractors should be paid to do the work and the
landlords would be billed. A grant proposal is also a possibility. Coordinator Yorty and Chairman
Englefield will approach the local Fire Chiefs about the weed abatement subject. A determination
as to how to approach El Dorado County Board of Supervisors needs to be considered. The County
Agricultural Department and UC Extension have a functioning weed abatement program (no ordinance),
and they recognize the cost of dealing with weeds, especially in Tahoe. Wendy West is a contact
at the El Dorado County Agricultural Department. They work with the Forest Service and have
realized that if any equipment is brought onto Forest Service lands, equipment much be washed
down to rid it of any weeds, and if they are using any mulch, must be weed-free. Director Ray
Griffiths indicated that the time is now to handle this important issue, and fuels such as scotch
broom should be addressed. Discussion ensued regarding this matter. Director Walt Tyler discussed
vegetation maintenance and the fuel loads they present, which is a major concern to citizens of El
Dorado County.
Director Ray Griffiths informed the group that on on July 13, he, Directors Yorty,
Englefield, and Robinson attended a workshop introducing a guidebook for developing a Conservation
based CWPP. Director Griffith is presently working on this for Georgetown and Director Robinson
for Chrome Ridge. The CWPP sets forth how to have community meetings, which is similar to the EDCFSC
format, but it incorporates all entities. One can take any form from the CWPP, download it, and
complete the information requested. It is an effective tool to guide communities with their CWPP
development. Director Griffiths indicated that it does require a professional Forester to address
fuel loads, etc. The CWPP instructs the council as to how to perform such tasks. Coordinator
Yorty has CDs for our viewing regarding the CWPP.
Coordinator Yorty gave the Fire Safe Council updates on various projects. The
senior assistance program needs input regarding individuals who require assistance. Susie Davis,
representative for MORE could be instrumental in determining individuals who may require services
from this program. The entire program's funding is $49,000. The RFP is seeking qualified bidders
who can show proof of insurability and worker's compensation insurance coverage. She has received
applications for individuals interested in interviewing senior and eligible citizens. The job will
entail approximately 20 hours a week with heavy emphasis on communicating effectively with senior
The contract with Tad Mason, TSS Contractors, is progressing. Thirty thousand
dollars was allocated for this project. It is not related to the weed abatement program, however,
it could apply to green waste. Coordinator Yorty has worked with Debbie Harlow (Waste Connections)
with regards to all the District's green waste going to Lincoln or South Sacramento. The goal would
be to keep the biomass products here in the District with a possible drop-off station at Camino.
The motion presented by Penny Humphreys to approve the biomass feasibility project was seconded by
Walt Tyler and passed.
Coordinator Yorty will be reordering Fire Safe Council car magnets, shirts and
hats as soon as she receives a check from the County of El Dorado. Chairman Englefield indicated
that Log Town will have car magnets for the purpose of identifying themselves when they flush
hydrants in the area.
Two respondents to Grizzly Flat's RFP were Mountain Enterprises and Fire Stop.
A meeting held at Grizzly Flat concluded with Fire Stop being selected. They will not begin work
on evacuation clearing until the fire season concludes. A full EIR is not required. For the
additional contract, a more extensive environmental study is required due to the fact that the site
involved is off-road. Fire Stop is working closely with the Forest Service and will begin when
weather conditions permit.
Walt Tyler discussed the September 15th Community Clean-up at Grizzly Flats at
the Community Church. Five dumpsters will be provided as well as special trucks for batteries,
tires, metal parts. Everything was donated. The only costs incurred will involve disposal of
refrigerators (anything with freon), computers, or bullet holes in any compressors.
Grizzly Flats has been successful in getting rid of all their abandoned automobiles.
Chairman Englefield proposed a closed session on August 22 beginning at 10:45 am.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 pm.