El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
June 27, 2007
Gold Hills Fire Station, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Penny Humphreys at approximately 11:00 a.m. Directors
and guests present were: Lori Tuthill, Joan Jennings (Treasurer), Walt Graves, Pat Johnson, Jim
Stewart, Janet Gastaldi, Mary Cornelison, Richard Englefield, Ray Griffiths (Vice-Chair), Walt
Tyler (Secretary), Bill Cave, Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator).
A motion was proposed by Jim Stewart to approve the agenda as submitted. Second
by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all present.
A motion was proposed by Lori Tuthill to approve the May 23, 2007 minutes as
submitted. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
Treasurer report was given by Joan Jennings. A financial report was passed out.
Finances are appropriate.
A ballot for the election of Executive Officers for '07 -'08 was presented.
Nominations: Rich Inglefield, Chairman; Ray Griffith, Vice Chairman; Joan Jennings, Treasurer; Pat
Johnson, Secretary. A motion was proposed by Jim Stewart to accept the nominations for election
without further discussion. Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all present.
Vicki has researched the process for a change of the bylaws regarding term limits
for Director/Officers. Additional research is necessary and she requests that this item be on the July
agenda. All agreed.
Vicki reported that she has received five Fire Districts signed MOU approval for
participation with payment to persons performing Defensible Space advisory visits. She added that
persons identified for the assistance of Senior/Disabled Assistance Program are to be referred through
the local District Fire Chief. Discussion continued regarding the advisory information sheet copy to be
given or left for the homeowner. The white sheet is for the homeowner. Advisors keep the second copy
for records and the third sheet goes to the Fire District. The Georgetown Fire Chief has requested to
be involved in the selection of the Defensible Space Coordinator for the area. A lot of visitations are
being done in that area and things seem to be working.
Title III money is in effect. Invoices will be on a quarterly basis. Current delays
should not continue. Vicki is working with Patrick regarding Prop. 40 funds for shaded firebreak fuel
reduction. Additional Prop. 40 grant funding will be available this fall.
Vicki is currently managing 23 grants for approximately 1.2 million dollars. The
work requirements are becoming excessive. She needs administrative assistance. She estimates that
additional help would be needed for 20 hours per week. The position would be direct contract service.
The Grizzly Flats RFPs should be back in about a week. She needs to have funds in
hand before a contractor is hired. The fuel break contracts should be submitted during September.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC